Provence-style kitchens are saturated with French elegance. For this reason, this design is chosen by most people. This style has individual features that will not allow it to be confused with some other. The interiors are filled with a romantic atmosphere with a subtle touch of naivety. Coziness and regularity are created by the rustic flavor, which helps homeowners forget about the noisy metropolis with its polluted streets. We can safely say that Provence is a breath of fresh air.
Unlike modern styles, which look somewhat distant, this direction can hardly be called concise. The space uses different elements that fill the room with warmth. A lot of textiles, curtains with ruffles and floral patterns, aged furniture, natural materials and colors - all this is a Provence-style kitchen.
In a small kitchen, you can also use thisdesign direction. Thanks to its features, the space will turn out to be quite bright and comfortable. The feeling of pressure will not arise, even though the room is necessarily filled with various objects.
So, if the reader is interested in interiors in the Provence style, then it's time to start practical advice.

Before you start designing a Provence-style kitchen, let's find out how it all began. The origin of this design trend was in the 17th century. In parallel with it, another style developed - urban classicism. They were the exact opposite. In Provence, attention was focused on provincial life. It personified natural harmony and rustic color. It got its name in honor of the region located in the south-east of France.
At the time of the formation of the Provence style, cardinal changes took place in the country. The people of the middle strata (manufacturers, petty bourgeois, lawyers, etc.) living in the provinces improved their financial situation, which, of course, was reflected in their homes. They furnished housing with an emphasis on comfort, preferring lightness, sunny colors, spacious rooms, unobtrusive decor and naturalness. It was these criteria that subsequently became the characteristic features of the design direction.
In the 19th century in France, progress was noticeable in all areas. Therefore, in art they tried to reflect the joy of being and lightness. This fashion trend is also seen inliterature, painting, and music. Of course, this could not pass without a trace for interior design. Based on this, we can say that Provence is a natural reflection of the trends of that time.
General style characteristics
How to create a Provence-style kitchen with your own hands? To begin with, understand the features of the design direction. It is characterized by the locality, in honor of which it received its poetic name. The province of Provence is very beautiful. It is famous for its unique nature. Magnificent landscapes have been painted in many paintings by famous artists. In a word - there is something to be proud of. Also, this area is distinguished by cooking, in which various fragrant spices are used. And when they combine with the aroma of coffee, then simply a person is at the peak of bliss.
All this splendor is enhanced by the bright rays of the sun, penetrating through the window into the room, due to which the whole space begins to play with different colors. Also, do not forget about the vast expanses of the Mediterranean Sea. The sea breeze brings freshness, the air becomes humid and soft. Here everyone can breathe very easily. It is on the combination of these moments that the Provence style is formed. By choosing such an interior for the kitchen, you can be sure that a positive atmosphere will always reign in this room, contributing to an improvement in mood and appetite.
Provence style is rightfully considered the most original and organic. Such an atmosphere in the interior cannot be achieved with the help of other directions. uneven surfaces, plastered walls,careless finishes, shabby furniture, faded textiles, simplicity bordering on poverty - this is the basis of Provence.
Flashy and flashy elements, luxurious items are not allowed in the design. There is no place for pomp and pretentiousness. But this does not mean at all that the Provence-style kitchen interior, as well as other rooms, looks boring and uninteresting. Uniqueness and beauty is achieved in a completely different way. For example, with the right items, whether it be a wicker chair or forged candlesticks.
Of course, this style can open up as much as possible only in a fairly spacious room. Therefore, most often it is chosen for decorating country houses. But in the apartment it is quite possible to realize the plan. You will have to face some restrictions, but the end result will please even the demanding owner.

Style features
The Provence-style kitchen interior (see the article for photos of some of the designers' works) should be created taking into account the design features. Like any other direction, it has special features that give it originality. Only knowing and applying them in practice, it will be possible to design a harmonious space. So let's take a look at them.
- Beauty and charm, bordering on simplicity and discreetness.
- Delicate, light shades of flowers.
- Roughly plastered surfaces with exposed brickwork.
- Wooden beams painted in dark natural color on the ceiling.
- In a country housein a Provence-style kitchen, the oven is often the centerpiece.
- Wooden, wicker, wrought iron furniture of a simple form without exquisite elements with worn surfaces.
- For comfort and warmth, the floor is covered with handmade woolen carpets. Covers for upholstered furniture are welcome.
- Forged objects act as decor.
What explains the style's popularity?
Surprisingly, it is thanks to simplicity and lightness that the Provence-style kitchen interior has become so popular. The photos perfectly demonstrate the harmony and positive atmosphere that fills the space. When decorating a room in this style, you do not need to invest a lot of money, as, for example, in classicism. The windows are decorated with simple curtains, slightly faded in the sun, the dining table is covered with a coarse linen tablecloth, hand-made items are used as decor. Everyone can find all this in their arsenal. It is the Provence style that shows that for sophistication and beauty it is not necessary to create artsy interiors.
Many people doubt whether this style is suitable for decorating apartments. At first glance, it may seem that it is far from the trends of urban interiors. But do not rush to conclusions. The fact is that even a small Provence-style kitchen can give a person everything that he so lacks in a metropolis. Just imagine that after traffic jams, noisy gassy streets, neon signs of shopping centers, you can get into a bright open space, where every object pleases the eye with its naturalness and naturalness. ATsuch a kitchen and coffee will be many times tastier and more aromatic, because the owner will drink it in a warm, cozy atmosphere.
Why is Provence popular for kitchen design? There is no trick here, everything is extremely simple. The fact is that this style has absorbed everything that the southern edge of France is rich in. In addition to the sea breeze, sunny weather and endless flower fields, culinary traditions have also become a legacy. Therefore, everything in the kitchen space will be in harmony with each other: fragrant herbs, fragrant spices, an abundance of dishes.

Kitchen layout features
Since the French direction is saturated through and through with family traditions, this should be reflected as much as possible in the interior of the kitchen. Provence style necessarily provides for a large dining area. It is here that all family members will gather every day. Based on this, the kitchen space should be quite spacious. If we are talking about a country house, then there will be no problems. If desired, the owners can always enlarge the premises.
In the case when there are enough square meters, professionals recommend using room division in the Provence style kitchen design. As a rule, two zones are made. In the first, it is necessary to equip a workspace where food preparation will take place directly. But the appointment of the second will be a dining area with a spacious table.
The generally accepted way of zoning is the island layout. This work surface can be used for various purposes. Mainly on herinstall the hob, sink and organize a place for cutting food. Also, the island part can be converted into a bar counter.
Another popular way of zoning is the division of space using shelving or a sideboard. It is worth noting that without these items, Provence will look inferior. And therefore, in addition to the semantic role, they also perform a decorative one. And also do not forget about the main purpose of this furniture - a place to store kitchen utensils.
It will be a little more difficult to implement the Provence style in the kitchen in the apartment. The standard layout cannot be radically changed. We'll have to be content with what we already have. If the kitchen space is very small, then it is recommended to combine it with the living room. The latter will be equipped with a dining area, and the kitchen can be used for its intended purpose - for cooking.
If there is no desire to demolish the walls, then you will have to resort to a few tricks. We are talking about the use of mirrors, the correct arrangement of light, the color scheme. Of course, in such a room it will not be possible to install a large kitchen set. But that's not a problem. The best option would be a corner layout. Thanks to this solution, the working surface will be more than enough, as hard-to-reach places will be involved.

What better to give up?
Small-sized Provence-style kitchens (see photo below) are not recommended to be divided into zones, unless there was a combination with another room. The thing isthat it will not work to use furniture for these purposes, since it will take up all the free space. Owners of small kitchens will either have to completely abandon the large dining area, or redevelop the apartment.
In some styles, zoning is done by using different materials, such as flooring. Such a technique, of course, allows you to save a lot of space, but it cannot be crushed in Provence. The fact is that sharp contrasts will violate the integrity of the interior, and this, in turn, will deprive it of charm.
In rooms with low ceilings, you will have to abandon the wooden beams that adorn the ceiling. Unfortunately, weighty details visually reduce the area. For these purposes, it is better to use decorative overlays. They will not make the space heavier, but at the same time they will perfectly convey the mood of Provence.
Selection of materials
What materials should be selected for a Provence-style kitchen? If you study its features, then the answer suggests itself. A characteristic feature of the direction is naturalness, therefore, artificial materials are taboo. This rule applies both to the finishing of the main surfaces (floor, ceiling and walls), and to furniture. You will have to completely abandon plywood, MDF, chipboard, plastic. Preference is given only to natural raw materials. Therefore, the Provencal interior has a lot of natural wood, glass and metal. If it is not possible to purchase solid wood furniture, then wicker options will be an alternative.

Importantnote that the requirements for the choice of materials apply even to the window sill. Currently, most apartments and houses have plastic frames. It is also advisable to replace them with wooden ones, or at least choose models that imitate its texture. But for the window sill, only natural bases are selected. No substitutes! Marble surface fits perfectly into the Provencal kitchen. The window sill can act as a separate part or be a continuation of the countertop.
Colors are the basis of style
All Provence-style kitchens are designed only in a light palette. Choose shades that are soft, calm and natural. In the interior, the main thing is to create the impression that the colors have faded in the sun.
The slogan "Lightness, naturalness and simplicity" extends to the choice of palette. A positive atmosphere, a sunny mood and the freshness of the sea breeze should reign in the space. It is possible to create this only by abandoning acidic, saturated shades. They have no place in Provencal cuisine. Do not be afraid that the room will turn out boring, insipid and faceless without bright inserts. Its originality is completely different.
As usual, up to three tones can be applied simultaneously in the interior. One of them will be dominant and will serve as the main background. And the rest are only used as a supplement. When choosing colors, it is better to give preference to white, milky, light green, yellow, beige, blue, brown.

Let's look at popularoptions:
- White kitchen in Provence style. This color in all people is associated with freedom and purity. In the interior, you can use different shades of white. All of them, without exception, fit perfectly into the space. Alternatively, you can use it as a background. The ceiling and walls in white tone will become the main neutral. Furniture in this color, curtains will complement the kitchen. In order to avoid the feeling of a hospital ward, a brown coating is used for the floor. The tabletop will be a great accent. A darker shade will suit her. Almost all representatives of the palette are combined with white. The interior looks original with pistachio-colored inserts. Green notes will fill the room with freshness, warmth and comfort.
- Blue kitchen. Remembering the characteristic features of the style and its basis, the sea immediately comes to mind. Therefore, it is quite natural to use this color in the Provencal space. A harmonious combination will be blue with sand. This solution will convey the atmosphere of the coast. The main thing is to take into account that the transitions between colors should be smooth. It also looks quite harmonious blue with beige, brown. The main thing is to observe natural combinations.
- Beige kitchen. This color can be used as primary or secondary. It can be safely called universal. Interiors look good with the addition of olive.
When choosing a kitchen design in the Provence style (photo examples can be found in the article), special attention should be paid to the decoration of the ceiling. As mentioned above, it is decorated with woodenbeams. Their presence in the interior is explained quite simply. The houses of the French provinces served as the basis. In them, the attic was open, separated only by supporting beams. Time, of course, has made its changes, but the essence remains the same. In country houses, the ceiling is finished as follows: transverse beams are installed, and the space between them is simply plastered, after which it is painted or whitened.
But support beams are not installed in the apartment. There is no need for them. In order to create a space in the Provence style, so-called false beams are fixed on the ceiling. Their role is only decorative. These products are made from wood shavings. The surface can imitate a natural texture or be completely painted. It is important to note that only the natural color of the wood is allowed - brown. Unfortunately, in cases with apartments, you have to violate the characteristic features of the style, but there is simply no other option.

Without furniture, it will not be possible to make the Provence-style kitchen space functional and comfortable. The photo clearly shows which furnishings should be given preference. There are some requirements that must be taken into account:
- Natural and natural. No plastic or chip materials.
- Gloss, pretentiousness and pomposity - no! All furniture should have a simple look, matte surfaces, discreet fittings such as brass.
- Effectaging. It is important to reproduce the impression that this furniture is no longer the first generation. There should be chips, cracks, abrasions on the surface.
- Lack of brightness. The same requirements are imposed on the color design of furniture, as well as on the entire gamut of the interior. Only natural, calm tones.

French space is hard to imagine without textiles. After all, it is he who creates that positive atmosphere that the Provence style is saturated with. Curtains for the kitchen are selected light tulle and thick (linen, canvas). Preferred print is floral. Curtains are decorated with ruffles, braid. In a small room, long curtains can be replaced with Roman ones.
An excellent addition to the style will be capes on chairs, pillows, towels. In addition to the floral design, stripes can also be used.

What decorative elements can decorate a Provence-style kitchen space? Photos of the work of professional designers clearly demonstrate that the main piece of furniture is the tablecloth. It can be both monophonic and with an ornament. As for the pattern, the choice is quite wide: from a simple check/stripe to images of fruits, vegetables, plants, flowers.
Open shelves and racks will also complement the interior. They can store dishes, vases, sets. If it is possible to install a real stove, then such a kitchen will fully convey the atmosphere of style. Don't forget aboutforged items. They can be used as chandeliers and fixtures, shelf stands, heavy equipment mounts. If the kitchen is large, then wicker items, armchairs, chests, baskets will also be appropriate.