Fast growing vines are in demand by gardeners and landscape designers. Indeed, thanks to such plants, it is possible to improve the appearance of the site and decorate unattractive structures or a gazebo with a “living wall”. There are many vines suitable for this purpose. But a special place is occupied by girlish, or wild grapes - a plant characterized by rapid growth and non-capricious character.

Wild grapes, the photo of which is presented in the article, belongs to the Grape family. In its natural environment, the plant is found in the forests of Asia and North America. Translated from Latin, the name of the culture means "virgin ivy". This is due to the fact that the plant produces fruits without pollination.
In fact, parthenocissus is a deciduous or evergreen liana with large leaves on long petioles. Culture has earned immense popularity in landscape design, because the plant is unpretentious, calmly tolerates even severe frosts and takes root in any typesoil. In addition, the foliage turns rich yellows and crimsons in autumn, adding vibrant colors to the landscape.
Another advantage of the vine is its rapid development. Her shoots grow 15–20 meters in a few years. The branches cling with tendrils to any supports, and their decorative effect lasts all season. Therefore, many gardeners prefer to grow wild grapes on the fence as a hedge, or use the culture to decorate structures and arbors.

Common species
In nature, there are many types of wild grapes. But in our conditions, such varieties take root:
- Virginia Parthenocissus. Deciduous fast growing vine. Shoots reach 20 meters in length. The leaves are large emerald green. In autumn, they are repainted in rich crimson shades. The berries are dark purple, inedible. The variety is frost-resistant and does not require shelter for the winter.
- Ivy grapes. The variety is distinguished by large, glossy leaves of round, heart-shaped and triangular shape. In autumn they turn yellowish and reddish. Inedible berries of the culture are painted in dark blue tones. Grapes tolerate air pollution, and take root in urban environments. But it does not differ in frost resistance, and is suitable for growing in the middle lane.
It should be understood that "wild" also means grapes that grow in nature without human intervention. Similar varieties are suitable for growing in personal plots. Particularly popular withGrowers:
- Amur wild grapes. The shoots of the plant reach 16-25 meters in length. The branches have a lot of tendrils, thanks to which the culture clings to trees and supports, so grapes can be used to decorate any structures. In addition, the fruits of the plant are edible, although sour. Foliage is emerald green, turning yellow and reddish in autumn.
- Labruska. Deciduous vine, the shoots of which reach 20 meters in length. Sweetish, thick-skinned berries are suitable for eating. The plant does not differ in frost resistance, it is grown only in the middle lane or in the South.
- Kuanye. This liana comes from the Japanese islands and reaches 20 meters in length. Thick-skinned, almost black fruits of the culture are edible, but they have a sweet-sugary taste. Therefore, it is desirable to use such grapes after processing.

Choosing a seat
The plant is photophilous, it is better to grow it in well-lit areas. Of course, culture will also take root in the shadows. But from a lack of light, the leaves will not acquire red and yellow tones in autumn, but will remain green until frost, until they fall off. Therefore, if you want wild grapes to please with a riot of colors, choose the eastern and southern sides of the site for it.
Keep in mind that the plant has a strong root system that can damage brickwork over time. Therefore, when planting a crop near the house, do not forget to protect its growth with aluminum sheets. In addition, you should not choose areas for grapes next to water pipes.pipes or underground utilities.

Planting wild grapes
The plant does not impose special requirements on the soil, it will take root in the soil with any acidity. In addition, parthenocissus calmly tolerates stagnant moisture at the roots, and it can be planted in lowlands or wetlands. The main thing is to make good drainage. But in order for the culture to feel comfortable, it is advisable to prepare a substrate for it, consisting of sand, humus and leafy soil, mixed in a ratio of 1:2:2.
Start planting in early spring or mid-autumn. So, how to plant wild grapes:
- Dig holes twice the size of the earthen clod.
- Pour a 15 cm layer of drainage into the bottom.
- Fill holes halfway with substrate.
- Set the seedlings on the soil, fill the voids with soil. Make sure the root neck is at ground level.
- Compact the soil and fill well with water.
After planting, it is advisable to mulch the near-trunk circle with a 6-cm layer of peat, manure or humus.
Wild grapes are an unpretentious plant, and care for it consists of periodic watering, loosening the soil, top dressing and pruning. For young plants, be sure to arrange a support and guide their growth. When the antennae get stronger, they will independently cling to a rough surface.
Don't forget to water the grapes, especially during the hot season. It is recommended to moisten the plant 3-4 times per season. Butin dry weather, watering should be increased. Each bush needs 10 liters of water. Field watering or rainfall be sure to loosen the soil. This will ensure air access to the roots. After this procedure, it is desirable to mulch the trunk circle with compost or peat.
In late spring - early summer, add nitroammophosphate to the water for irrigation, at the rate of 40–50 g per square meter. In the middle of the season, feed the culture with a complex mineral fertilizer. For these purposes, "Kemira Universal" is suitable. In the fall, apply potash fertilizers, such as "Kalimagnesia" or ordinary furnace ash.

Wild grapes grow quickly, and to direct the shoots in the right direction, shaping pruning is carried out. The first time this event is held in the second third year after planting. At this time, it is desirable to form the skeleton of the plant so that the lashes develop in the right direction and do not interfere with each other's growth.
It is worth holding an event in the spring, while the shoots are not yet woody. During the procedure, cut off excess lashes over a he althy kidney with secateurs. Fix the rest of the branches on a support, directing their growth.
When the skeleton of the culture is formed, it is enough to carry out annual sanitary pruning. To do this, remove damaged shoots, and limit the growth of lashes. Otherwise, the fence of grapes will take on the appearance of sloppy thickets.

Preparing for winter
Wild grape is a frost-resistant plant, it calmly tolerates a drop to -15 °C. But the youngseedlings are recommended to cover before the cold. To do this, remove the whips from the supports, and cover them with spruce branches or non-woven material, for example, lutrasil. It is advisable to mulch the crop circle with a 5 cm layer of compost, peat or humus.
Propagation of wild grapes by seeds
Only experienced gardeners can grow a plant from seeds, because this method is time-consuming and requires certain skills. In addition, the germination of grains is low, and you can simply not wait for the sprouts to appear.
You can sow grapes in spring and autumn. But in any case, the grains need to be prepared. In autumn, it is enough for seeds to lie down for 3-4 days in cold water. When spring sowing, grains require stratification. To do this, the peeled seeds are soaked in cold water to swell, and then kept in wet sand at a temperature of +5 ° C for one and a half to two months.
After preparation, the seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. Please note that seedlings will not appear soon. When planted in autumn, sprouts make their way to the next summer. After spring sowing, you can wait for seedlings in 4-5 weeks.

Propagation by cuttings
This breeding method is simple and even an inexperienced gardener can handle it. Moreover, the event can be held in spring, summer and autumn. In addition, cuttings are planted immediately in a permanent place, which greatly simplifies the matter. After all, you do not need to bother with seedlings and subsequent transplantation.
For rooting, choose strong, lignified pencil-thick shoots. Cut them into cuttings25-30 cm long. Make sure that each of them has 3-5 he althy green buds. In order for the cuttings to take root, prepare the soil before planting. To do this, mix equal parts of humus, soddy soil and sand.
Plant twigs in holes 7–10 cm deep. Make sure there are at least two buds below the surface of the soil. And the rest were located above the ground. At first, provide gentle care to the cuttings. To do this, water the planting regularly, especially in hot weather, and cover the cuttings from the scorching sun.

Diseases and pests
Wild grapes are endowed with strong immunity, and practically no diseases are terrible for him. And only occasionally the plant is attacked by aphids. To get rid of insects, wash them off with water pressure. If this does not help, treat the foliage with an insecticide, for example, Aktara.
Now you know all about planting wild grapes on a fence or near structures. Follow these rules, provide the plant with comfortable conditions, and then the culture will surely thank you for its fast growth and attractive appearance.