Such a material as cast iron has been known for a long time and is very widespread in both domestic and industrial use. For home use, frying pans, pots and other household utensils are made from such material. In ancient times, our great-grandmothers even used heavy irons heated with coals to iron various types of linen. In industry, this material is also widely used and is used for the production of heating boilers, various types of hatches and other devices for construction and industrial needs.

Such a product as a cast-iron hatch is necessary in everyday city life. It is used in sewer, telephone and heating city networks.
Sewage cast-iron hatches of wells are used to close the cavities of communications with sewage. As a rule, these products are widely used in urban environments. But they can also be used to privately cover sewer wells, for example, in summer cottages or in country apartments for permanent residence. Hatches are necessary for the proper operation of the city sewer system. Strong ceilings provide safety for people and vehicles in a metropolis, firmlyclosing the hole. The cast-iron hatch is manufactured in accordance with the rules and standards of GOST. For the manufacture of products, gray cast iron is used, which is a more durable material for long-term operation in a variety of climatic conditions. All hatches are divided into two types: light and heavy.

As it becomes clear from the above, these products will be widely used for a long time. There are no replacements yet.
There are special conditions under which it is recommended to use this type of product. The cast-iron hatch must be operated in strict accordance with the loads on the roadway, where it will be located. For roads with high traffic intensity, it is recommended to install main products specially designed for these purposes with a working load of 25 tf. Also in this case, hatches with a load of 40 tf can be used. For use on lawns or pedestrian sidewalks, the lightest products with a working load of 3 tf are used. On city roads with an average degree of congestion, hatches for 15 tf can be installed. In accordance with the marking and severity, the cast-iron hatch has a different weight, and, of course, this affects its cost.

Each batch of products is tested for compliance with GOST standards. Control is carried out by sampling from the batch of some copies. So, the product is tested by measuring the ultimate load, which is carried out on ahydraulic press in the laboratory. In case of successful verification, compliance and security documents are issued. Each batch of products is necessarily accompanied by a set of documentation that confirms compliance with GOST.