Ceramic pipes: production, standards and application

Ceramic pipes: production, standards and application
Ceramic pipes: production, standards and application

Ceramic pipes are quite common today, because they have excellent characteristics. They can be used to solve industrial and household issues. They are made from fired clay, which is covered with glaze during the production process. Products are characterized by high durability and excellent degree of protection against external negative influences. Perhaps these products are also suitable for you if, for example, you are planning to lay a pipeline.

Main varieties

ceramic pipes
ceramic pipes

Today, several types of ceramic pipelines are known, these products can be used in different areas. Among other pipes, it should be noted:

  • sewer;
  • drainage;
  • for heat and water supply;
  • for gas boilers and stove chimneys.

Scope of application

ceramic sewer pipe
ceramic sewer pipe

Ceramic pipes are widely used today. They can be used forindustrial and household needs. Sewage, for example, are highly resistant to wear, insensitive to temperature fluctuations, do not corrode and are almost indifferent to chemicals.

Such pipes are easy to install, which is additionally facilitated by modern technologies. The described products are also used for the installation of drainage systems. They are complemented by holes and have high strength. Drainage pipes are flexible, as they are equipped with special couplings.

Ceramic pipes are also used for microtunnelling. This type of product has an impressive diameter, high tightness and strength. Pipes are used not only for the construction of the sewer system, but also for heat, water and gas supply. Ceramic pipes are quite widely used for chimneys of boilers and furnaces, and are made of heat-resistant ceramics. Assembly is carried out from different sections, products are covered with expanded clay shell or mirror steel, which is resistant to rust.

Production technology

ceramic pipes for sewerage
ceramic pipes for sewerage

Ceramic pipes are made by firing clay and other inorganic materials. Quartz sand is sometimes added to the main raw material, which makes the products durable and extends their service life. The manufacturing process is as follows. At the first stage, the raw material is prepared - the molding mass is made from grinding clay.

The next step is the molding of products, in the processFor this, screw vertical vacuum presses are used, which make it possible to form a socket and cut pipes. Products are dried and fired in tunnel kilns. Ceramic pipes are then dipped into the glaze composition, during which a pool is used.

Technology features: pipeline cutting

ceramic drainage pipes
ceramic drainage pipes

To cut the pipeline, grinding machines are usually used, the working element of which is high-strength diamond discs. Ceramic pipes can be cut into lengths using pipe cutters specifically designed for such products.

When using standard pipe cutters, it is possible to cut a pipeline whose diameter varies from 50 to 150 mm. First, fixation on the pipeline is carried out, and then - tightening with a ratchet mechanism. Sharp rollers cut into the surface and the material bursts where the stress is greatest.

Key features

diameters of ceramic pipes
diameters of ceramic pipes

The described products have proven themselves quite well in the laying of drainage and construction of sewer systems, as well as the laying of gas, water and heat supply systems. This prevalence is due to several reasons, among them:

  • corrosion resistance;
  • abrasion resistance;resistance to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to aggressive chemicals.

An additional advantage is the ability to usemovable couplings when laying drainage systems.

Ceramic Pipe Standards

ceramic furnace tube
ceramic furnace tube

Ceramic sewer pipe is manufactured according to state standards 286-82. After reviewing them, you can find out that special requirements are imposed on the products described. For example, the design is able to withstand pressure, the level of which is 0.2 MPa. The material is resistant to acids within 90%. It is thanks to this characteristic that such pipes are most often used for the installation of non-pressure sewage systems.

Diameter can vary from 100mm to 600mm. The length of the pipe does not exceed 1500 mm, while the wall thickness can vary from 20 to 40 mm. Ceramic pipes for sewerage may have a socket. Pairing of sewer pipes is carried out using locks made of clay, special mastics or asbestos cement. The diameter of the bell inside is usually a figure from 224 to 734 mm.

Drainage ceramic pipes

smoke ceramic pipes
smoke ceramic pipes

Ceramic drainage pipes are made from plastic clays, to which various substances are added to improve the quality characteristics of products. In the production process, the molding method is used on belt or special presses. Firing involves the use of an inverted flame. Pipes are glazed on the outside.

If we are talking about socket products, then they have holes through which water enters. But they get dirty pretty quickly. Recentlymost often practiced is the production of such pipes without a socket. Ceramic couplings are used to interface elements and protect against silting. Inside, water can also enter through the joints. The diameter of ceramic pipes for drainage is equal to the limit from 25 to 250 mm. The length can be equal to 335 mm maximum, in some cases this parameter is 500 mm. Such products are made frost-resistant, so they are ready to undergo about 15 freeze and thaw cycles.

Options for using ceramic pipes in conjunction with heating equipment

Ceramic pipes are most commonly used to remove gases that may have different temperatures. But such products are suitable for equipment that runs on solid fuels, namely:

  • charcoal;
  • coke;
  • baby;
  • pellets.

Pipes are also used for liquid fuel units, as well as gas boilers and fireplaces. Some types of pipes are only for low temperature boilers.

Structure of ceramic tube for furnace equipment

The furnace's ceramic tube has a certain structure. The inner shell is made of ceramics, while the middle layer is made of a heat insulator. Stone blocks are usually used to form the outer shell.

Smoke ceramic pipes on top have elements for the accumulation of moisture and its removal. The pipe must have elements to protect against precipitation and wind. The design is complemented by elements for cleaning and maintenance, as well as for connecting to equipment.

Why Choose Ceramic Piping

The main advantage of ceramic products, which form the basis of pipelines for various purposes, is the ability to undergo a sharp change in temperature. The material may be affected by chemicals that are not able to change the properties of the pipe.

Products are resistant to abrasion and corrosion processes. With their help, it is possible to lay systems in settlements without destroying roads and sidewalks. Drainage systems are highly flexible, and ceramic elements can be connected even with pipes made of other materials.


Ceramic pipeline is also good because it can have a section of different shapes. Quite often, pipes of a semicircular, round, elliptical or rectangular shape are used. The most common are still products with a round cross section. At the same time, the work is cheaper, and the pipeline has the necessary hydraulic characteristics and is distinguished by high operational and technical qualities.
