Pipes for water supply - from metal pipes to plastic, and back

Pipes for water supply - from metal pipes to plastic, and back
Pipes for water supply - from metal pipes to plastic, and back

Pipes for water supply - the most exploited life support system for human housing. Used since ancient times, steel or cast iron pipes are not resistant to corrosion and require frequent replacement. The use of polymers as a material for pipes has led to an increase in the service life of water pipelines up to 40 years.

Modern polymer materials for pipes are endowed with exceptional performance properties. They can work at high pressures up to 30 atmospheres, high temperatures - up to +90 degrees, can be used for outdoor plumbing, and are resistant to direct solar radiation. Polyethylene pipes do not lose their shape and performance when freezing. The disadvantage for polypropylene and polyethylene products is a significant coefficient of linear expansion. The advantage is low heat dissipation.

pipes for plumbing
pipes for plumbing

Plastic pipes - inexpensive, reliable and very fastmounting material.

Plastic pipes for plumbing are installed in cold, hot water, and heating systems. When choosing pipes for replacing or installing a new water supply, you should find out their performance characteristics and the conditions in which they will be operated. If for cold water supply it is enough for you to find out the pressure maintained by the pipe (in atmospheres), then for heating pipes you need to know in what maximum temperature regime they can work for a long time. The connecting elements are the so-called "fittings". The best pipe diameter for home plumbing is 3/4 inches.

plastic pipes for plumbing
plastic pipes for plumbing

Plastic pipes for plumbing are mounted in three ways. PVC pipes are connected using the “cold welding” method, the special solution softens the walls of the connected elements, which, when cooled, create a solid structure. The inner walls of the polypropylene pipe are heated with a special soldering iron, and the fittings are connected, after cooling the structure is ready for use. Polyethylene and metal-plastic pipes are connected by crimping, when the fitting is put on the pipe, and with the help of an assembly tool, the required connection density is achieved. The advantage of polymer water pipes is the possibility of self-assembly, many men will be able to assemble a constructor - a plastic water pipe.

Copper plumbing - used for centuries.

copper pipes for plumbing
copper pipes for plumbing

Copper pipes for plumbing are resistant to erosion, withstand dropstemperatures from -200 to +250 degrees Celsius, there is practically no linear expansion, they suppress harmful microorganisms. They can be used in systems with high pressure up to 50 atmospheres. High heat transfer makes it possible to use in heating systems and always in hot and cold water supply. The price of materials and work is very high.

Plastic pipes are available on the construction market to meet the demands of any environment, from indoors to outdoors. When choosing pipes for plumbing, you can choose those that suit your needs.
