Gypsum plaster is an indispensable finishing material

Gypsum plaster is an indispensable finishing material
Gypsum plaster is an indispensable finishing material

Despite the rapid development of science in the field of building materials, gypsum plaster, which people have used for a long time, does not give up its position. The scope of its application remains quite wide. It is based on gypsum binders. It is used for finishing work in domestic premises (without high humidity) for leveling horizontal, vertical and other surfaces. It is used as a base for applying finishing putty or decorative finishes.

Gypsum plaster
Gypsum plaster

Gypsum plaster is used for finishing office, retail and residential premises. The use of this material makes it possible to obtain excellent surface quality, which, if it does not exclude putty work, then minimizes them to the utmost. After finishing with this plaster, the surfaces of walls and ceilings are practically ready for applying decorative coatings, such as structural or smooth paints, wallpaper, decorative plasters. This material provides high adhesion with various decorative materials. In this case, the occurrence of cracks is extremely plaster layer.

Compared to other types of finishing materials intended for surface treatment, gypsum plaster has the following advantages: it combines the work of plastering (surface leveling) and preparation for applying finishing decorative coatings (putty) in one step; allows for one application to level the surface in fairly thick layers (up to 10 cm) without the risk of cracking or peeling; its specific gravity is 2.5 p. less than cement plaster.

Gypsum plaster universal
Gypsum plaster universal

Gypsum plaster is non-shrinking, so cracks do not appear in it. Solutions from it have high plasticity and mobility, providing increased labor productivity. In one shift, a worker with a manual method of application can perform up to 25 sq.m., and with a mechanized one - up to 50 sq.m. plaster.

Gypsum plaster is ideal for leveling ceilings and other horizontal surfaces. Since this material is porous, it allows the moisture vapors in it or the room to be freely absorbed, which creates natural ventilation of the finishing layer and building structures. Thus, a balanced microclimate is created in rooms with such a finish.

Gypsum plaster for manual application
Gypsum plaster for manual application

Unlike cement coatings, gypsum plaster has a lower coefficient of sound and thermal conductivity. This finishing material is most suitable for a mechanical method.application. In combination with various primers, it is able to solve the problem of plastering concrete surfaces and those with smooth surfaces without the use of reinforcing mesh. Gypsum plasters can also be used on some soft substrates. When using them, there is no risk of detachment.

Gypsum plaster of manual application is intended only for application with hand tools. Usually this method of finishing is used in small rooms. There is another type of this finishing material - universal gypsum plaster. It can also be used for mechanized application using special units on large surface areas.

There are many varieties of gypsum plaster from different manufacturers. Almost all of them are environmentally friendly. Before applying to the surface, dry mixtures are diluted with water. The solution is used within an hour. Its average consumption is 1 kg / sq.m. (with a layer of 1 mm). Dry gypsum mixes are sold, as a rule, in paper bags of different weights.
