Gardens on a personal plot are quite common in Russia. If earlier only productivity was important, and no one thought about the aesthetic component, now summer residents are trying to decorate and ennoble the territory of their allotments.
Main function
The main purpose of the garden is to harvest. Vegetables, herbs and berries grown on clean land without the addition of chemicals and nitrates can only be obtained in our own beds in our time. Of course, huge potato plantations located on personal plots are already in the past. As a rule, summer residents leave small areas for planting, and the rest of the territory is sown with a lawn, they build buildings for recreation.

So that your garden does not create a rustic atmosphere, but, on the contrary, spices up landscape design, you need to think through all the subtleties of design. Above you can see in the photo the design of the garden of a private house, made in the form of a separate utility block. This is a fairly common method on personal plots.
Design vegetable garden with beds
Most acceptablean option would be the location of the garden on the territory, which is not immediately noticeable at the entrance to the site. It is better to arrange an open personal territory with a lawn and sidewalk areas. And the place behind the house is perfect for creating beds.
Do-it-yourself garden design is not difficult to do. You can use a low decorative fence along its perimeter, this will visually separate the agricultural complex from the rest of the territory. Separate the formed beds with boards or concrete walls. The gaps between them can be filled with paving slabs or a mound of fine gravel. If you do not take care of this, then over time the paths will become overgrown with grass and weeds.

Position the greenhouse so that it does not create shade for the plants. If you decide to make it yourself, then give it an interesting design look. Next to the greenhouse, you can arrange a box in which you will put all the tools and necessary equipment. The photo above shows the design of the garden of a private house, the focus of which is decorating the beds and decorating them in a garden style.
If you are a happy owner of a plot on a slope, do not be discouraged. The landscape design of the garden makes it possible to approach the problematic issue in an original way. This will require earthworks. A flat slope must be converted into a stepped descent. Reinforce each step with concrete or wooden walls. This is done so that the edges of the steps are not sprinkled. Arrange a garden bed and a path on each terrace. At the center of yourgarden, build a staircase that will allow you to move along a stepped slope. Such sections look much prettier than the standard options on a horizontal plane.
Designing a herb garden
How nice it is when the necessary seasonings are always at hand. Fresh dill, fragrant parsley, basil and onion feathers are a wonderful set to add zest to any dish. A bed with herbs can be framed in the form of a decorative flower bed of a round shape. The circle can be overlaid with a brick or fenced with a flexible decorative fence. Fill the interior of the flower bed with fertile soil. Divide the circle into several parts and sow each of them with the herbs you need.

When the greens grow up, your flower bed will be transformed. Different varieties of plants will divide the flower bed into sections. If desired, the zones can be fenced off with the help of jumpers from the boards. Herb beds can also be placed in the backyard. Multi-story flower beds look especially graceful. Lettuce can be planted on the lower tier, then onions, then parsley, and dill on the very top.
Designer greenhouse
Self-construction of a greenhouse is a very exciting activity. In the last few years, there have been trends in the spread of the minimalist style. Carved decor is a thing of the past, the severity of forms and the minimum number of elements are beautiful and convenient.
Our greenhouse will be exactly in this style. As a foundation, we will use rubber tires filled with gravel and sand. Forfor the construction of the frame, we use a board 10 x 5 cm. On the one hand, we equip the entrance, on the other, a window. It is better to use polycarbonate sheets as a coating, such material will be more durable. If you are not ready to spend money on it, then sheathe the greenhouse with plastic wrap.

The roof of the greenhouse will be lean-to. To prevent water from accumulating in the openings between the elements of the roof frame, and polyethylene from sagging water by its weight, ensure free flow. The longitudinal elements of the roof frame must be connected with small transverse rails, they will not allow water to accumulate and collect in polyethylene. On the area inside the greenhouse, make 2 beds and a path between them. To decorate the beds, put together barrier elements from boards and fill the area with fertile soil.
You can make a greenhouse in the form of an extension to the house. In this case, paint the frame in the color of the building and use glass, not film. From the outside, such an extension will look like a home greenhouse.
Decorative flower beds
You can use flowers to design the garden of a private house. Do not mix them with fruit-bearing plants. Arrange flowers around the perimeter of the garden or at the entrance.

Make all the decorative flower beds that you have on your site in the same style. If you started making wooden bases for flower beds in front of the house, then the rest of the structures should also be made of this material and in this style. You can slightly modify the shape and size. Excellent in front of the gardenlinear multi-tiered flower beds will fit in. They can be placed on either side of the entrance.
Hedge of berry bushes
A photo of a garden design using hedges is shown below. To combine business with pleasure, you need to use berry bushes as a hedge to divide the site into zones. For this purpose, varieties of berries that easily survive pruning, such as raspberries, blackberries, currants, are suitable. To organize a hedge around the perimeter of the site, it is better to use raspberries or blackberries. These plants have thorny branches and are able to form a dense thicket. Such a fence will protect your territory from the penetration of ill-wishers, and in the summer it will delight you with a rich harvest.

Before you start planting, ask your neighbors for their opinion, as they may suffer from your idea. Blackberry and raspberry bushes spread very quickly throughout the territory and give a large number of new shoots. The planting area for shrubs must be fenced off with a side, otherwise it will be difficult to control their growth. For aesthetic appearance, carry out a haircut, remove old shoots. It is best to do this in early spring before the leaves appear.
So that the shrub does not spread along the ground, but is located vertically, dig in the poles and stretch the ropes between them, and connect the poles with a crossbar in the upper part. If you do not cut the shoots for 3-4 years, then the length of the plant can reach 4 meters. It is necessary to throw it over the crossbar so that it hangs down on the other side. Over time, you will get a dense fence up to 30-40 cm thick.
Zoning the site
In order to avoid the feeling of congestion and chaos, the territory on the site must be clearly delineated and structured. This can be done with the help of bushes, fences or natural fences.
It is customary to divide the space of a personal plot into 3 zones:
- Residential. Here is a house, a summer kitchen.
- Economic. Represented by a garden, vegetable garden, outbuildings.
- Recreation area. Place for the location of the gazebo, bath, barbecue or smokehouse. Here you can organize a pond or pool.
If you decide to use a fence to separate zones, then its design should be appropriate for the location. An eco-style gazebo, for example, can be fenced off with a wicker fence made of wicker. If you like oriental themes, then put together a solid fence of boards, covered with a small roof, and arrange the passage in the form of a massive arch. For lovers of high-tech style, the decor of the fence with CDs is suitable. To separate the garden, you can create a light wooden picket fence that will freely let in light. This will not create discomfort for the plants.
Home for garden tools
In the arsenal of a real gardener there is always a large set of tools for all occasions. To this set we will add a wheelbarrow, buckets, watering cans, which also need to be stored somewhere. Usually the tools are in the house, but this is not very convenient. For the competent organization of the processarranging a garden just needs a small change house.

The dimensions of such a building can be 1 x 2 m, this will be enough. Blocks or bricks can be used as a foundation. A simple 10 x 2 cm board frame is sheathed with any remaining or unnecessary material. The roof is covered with roofing felt or ondulin. Fasten the hooks on the walls of the change house and install the shelves.
If you want your garden to please not only with its harvest, but also with its appearance, then take the trouble to make a comfortable corner out of it. Proper design of the design of the garden of a private house will help create comfortable conditions for growing fruit plants. It will take less effort to keep the beds clean, and you will spend time spent on earthwork with pleasure.