Order in the backyard begins with a strong, beautiful, reliable fence and gate. In order for the fence to meet the highest requirements, it is made from materials with good technical characteristics. Metal pillar - the basis of a reliable design. In order to choose it correctly, you need to understand the technical characteristics of metals.

Understand what diameter is needed to hold different types of fence spans, sizes and weights of gate leaves. But not every developer has such knowledge. This article is written to help non-professionals.
As a building material, a metal pole is divided into two types. The first of them is a steel pipe that meets certain GOSTs. Let's make a small digression, more precisely, we will give a recommendation. In our country, GOST has become an optional condition. Any product must comply with the specifications (technical specifications), that is, it must be made from materials that have the minimum acceptable technical characteristics. GOST became a voluntary matter. But stillits products are of the highest quality. Fences and gates are a serious matter, so it is not recommended to purchase a metal pole for their construction, made according to specifications. So let's move on. The pipe for fencing must be produced in accordance with GOST, which satisfies a number of technical requirements. A metal fence post can have a square or rectangle shape in cross section. Hooks or strips are often welded to it along the entire length in two or three places. The first are necessary for attaching the chain-link mesh. On the second, sections of the fence made of wood and profile metal are fixed.

The length of the metal pole must be at least two meters. This characteristic should be increased if the distance between the fence posts is more than one and a half meters. In most cases, metal poles 60x60 are used for the construction of fences. Another equally important condition is the bearing load. It should be distributed evenly.

But no matter how reliable metal is, it is very susceptible to corrosion. To protect against it, the metal pole must be cleaned of rust and painted after installation. Do not leave the top of the pipe open. Usually it is brewed with metal lids. Recently, manufacturers have been offering ready-made fence posts closed with plastic plugs. This makes it much easier to keep the pipe intact.
Reliability and quality are, of course, paramount concepts. But your backyardI want to see it beautiful with a harmoniously fitting fence. Therefore, decorative metal poles are increasingly appearing on the building materials market. To give them an unusual and interesting look, various shapes are welded to the upper part of the pipe: balls, forged branches, rhombuses. Such racks are either sold separately or included in decorative systems. Of course, such fences are more aesthetic, but the price is appropriate.