"A lot of furniture" is a new company in Russia, which is recognized as the largest manufacturer of both upholstered and cabinet furniture. In 450 cities of our country there are branches and shopping centers of this factory. Management companies are famous for their creative ideas. For example, in 2014, the longest sofa in the world was built in the Privolzhsky district. Its length is 1006.61 meters. The set record was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records. For its production, craftsmen spent 7.5 km of leather for upholstery. And the weight of this piece of furniture is 50 tons.

Furniture made at the company's enterprises can often be seen in popular TV programs - "Housing Problem", "Ideal Repair", "School of Repair" and others. The company is constantly improving models using modern technologies. Designers are looking for new stylistic solutions, so that the products of the company "Mnogo Mebel" always look fashionable and modern.
In our article we will consider one of the interesting and easy-to-use products - a table-transformer from "A lot of furniture", photos and customer reviews about it and its characteristics.
Appearance description
This table is considered a transformer because it has two positions. When lowered, it is a square-shaped coffee table. Side length - 80 cm. This is a rather bulky option for a small room. According to the reviews about the transforming table from "A lot of furniture", you can understand that you can't put it in rooms with limited free space. Respondents also write that the table is quite heavy, which causes some inconvenience during operation. So, if you put it next to the sofa on which the tenants sleep at night, then you have to move it every evening to make yourself a bed. This is somewhat problematic, as the product weighs 30 kilograms.
But for the owners of a large apartment, this table is simply irreplaceable. When assembled, both plates for food and cups for tea drinking in the family circle are perfectly placed on it. And if guests come, it is possible to transform a low and small coffee table into a full-fledged dining table for 8 people in a couple of deft movements.

When opening the transforming table from "A lot of furniture" (according to user reviews), it becomes quite high. It is comfortable to sit on chairs. Guests placed on the sofa will have to put pillows under the fifth point, as the table will seem high. The height of the product when raised is almost 80 cm, and the length is 162 cm.
Features of assembly after purchase
Transforming table from "A lot of furniture", according to the reviews of people who refused the services of the store's master employees, is not easy to assemble. Many advise not to disdain the offers of carpenters and not to spare a certain amount for their services. If you still decide to assemble the table yourself, then you need to remember that it is very massive, so it’s hard to cope with such work alone. This product comes with step-by-step assembly instructions.

The table consists of a base that does not transform. Its upper plane is represented by three elements. Two identical tabletops are twisted on hinges that are hidden inside in the assembled state of the product. There is also a steel structure that holds the tabletop up and a short piece designed to hold the half of the table. It serves as a support and is the middle link of the transformer table.
Detailed instructions
Reading furniture reviews about the transforming table from "A lot of furniture", you can find out how the home craftsmen coped with the assembly schemes. The table is sold completely disassembled and packed in a cardboard box. All fittings and fasteners are provided by the company in separate bags.
First assemble the corner legs. For this, confirmations are used. Then four strips of the tsarg of the body are made from the available spare parts. Next, connect the parts of the body and legs.
Positive customer reviews about the transforming table from "A lot of furniture" note thatit doesn't scratch the floor. Special bearings are nailed to its legs with a hammer, which soften the pressure of the furniture on the floor. You will also have to nail shock absorbers on the upper end parts of the tsarg during assembly. This is necessary so that the table does not knock on the base when folding.
The biggest difficulty in assembling a transforming table from "A lot of furniture" (according to consumer reviews) is the tension of the springs in the lifting mechanism of the product. They are attached at one end to the hole located on the inner surface of the lift. Next, you need to insert a hairpin into the groove. It is put on the other end of the spring.

When the springs have taken their place indicated in the diagram, you need to screw the lifters first to the long and then to the short kargs of the tabletop.
The men had difficulty with this work, but they brought it to the end. According to the reviews of women who tried to assemble the table on their own, they could not pull the spring. This process requires male participation.
Installing countertops
As part of the transforming table from "Many Furniture", according to reviews of furniture of this sample, there are three surfaces - an underframe (a narrow part, a support for the second half of the table, which falls on the underframe when unfolded) and two parts of the tabletop.

First, the underframe and one part of the tabletop, which will be hinged, are bolted to the lift mechanismsecond half attached. End holes for hidden hinges should be located on the outside of the table. They are inserted quite tightly, so you even have to work with a hammer. They are attached with screws.
Mechanism action
Transforming table from "A lot of furniture", according to customer reviews of furniture of this kind, is convenient in transformation. One movement is enough to pull the tabletop up and towards you. Of course, you will have to make some effort, but even a woman can do this process.

The photo shows how the transformation of a coffee table into a dining table is gradually taking place. First, a lift made of a steel mechanism with springs rises up. Further, two sides are separated - a narrow underframe and a double folded tabletop. It remains to open the square upper half on the hinges in the opposite direction, and unfold the table completely. According to people, such a piece of furniture can withstand heavy loads - from numerous plates and dishes to the installation of heavy objects on it.
Customer opinions
Positive reviews about the transforming table from "A lot of furniture" abound. Firstly, respondents note the high functionality of the mechanism, the convenience of transformation and the ease of opening and closing the table.
People love the price too. Many people bought a table for 5,000 rubles, and consider it a good purchase, because this piece of furniture is from the 2 in 1 series. This means that you can use it ascoffee table, and as a dining table. For those who can't afford to buy both, this is a big plus.
Negative reviews
Transforming table from "A lot of furniture", as well as the manufacturer, unfortunately, have a number of shortcomings. They concern both long delivery (many waited for the goods from 3 weeks to 1.5 months), and the quality of the product itself.

According to some respondents, the table set is incomplete. Also, in some cases, deformation of spare parts may occur, due to which the table cannot be assembled. Some defects in parts do not affect the operation of the product, but significantly worsen its appearance, which is also not to the liking of customers. So, often the kit comes with parts with torn edges or with deformations on surfaces that should be smooth.
The process of assembling the table itself, which is difficult to perform even for men, deserved negative reviews.
There is also criticism regarding the coating of the countertop. There are scratches on it that spoil the appearance of the furniture. Because of these defects, the respondents do not recommend using this piece of furniture as a kitchen table. The transformer from "A lot of furniture", according to the hostesses, you need to periodically wipe it with wax polish.
People have complaints about the open table. If you cover it for eight people, the dishes are arranged wonderfully, but the guests experience inconvenience. Those who sit on the sofa see the table at chest level. It's high andplace cushions or rolled-up blankets for the seat. Guests who got a seat opposite the legs also experience discomfort.
Especially picky housewives eventually find one more negative property. Due to the fact that the lift mechanism is located in a niche under the table, it is very inconvenient to wipe dust on it.
Instead of an epilogue
At the end of our review, let's give some practical advice:
- Before buying a transforming table, make sure its integrity and the quality of all fittings. If everything is fine, then there is no doubt about the strength of this product.
- Be careful when laying out the table. Its springs are so tight that it could injure your fingers.
- Think carefully about where your desk will be placed in the room so you don't have to move it around too often.
- Spare no money on the work of professional assemblers. You will spend some cash but save time and nerves.
Remember that the service life of each product, including the transforming table from "A lot of furniture", depends on its careful attitude.