Flowering gardens in Japan is a well-known and widely publicized event. When you mention it, the first thing that comes to mind is sakura. However, there is another decorative tree in the Land of the Rising Sun, which at the same time bears fruit. This is a Japanese plum. Reviews about it among gardeners are a rather rare occurrence, however, like the plant itself, which in our area is considered almost exotic.

What is this fruit?
Its second name is Japanese apricot, or mume. The plant is a member of the Pink family, the Plum genus. Most often it is a deciduous tall tree (5-7 m) with a greenish-gray smooth bark, less often a shrub. For the year gives a strong increase, green shoots. The leaves are ovate with narrowly serrated margins, below and sometimes above, they are pubescent. Japanese plum (photo you can see below) blooms very luxuriantly and for a long time. The amazing spectacle continues for 2-2.5 months: it begins in early spring, andfruiting occurs in July. The flowers are most often sessile, double or simple, with a strong aroma. They can be white or pink. The fruits are slightly sour, yellow or greenish, the stone is poorly separated from the pulp and has a distinct pitted surface.
In the wild, Japanese plum grows on rocky mountain slopes (300-2500 m above sea level) in the northern and central regions of China. Actively grown in Japan, Korea, Vietnam.
Japanese plum in culture

In their gardens, people began to grow this fruit tree since ancient times. The plant was supposedly brought to Japan in the 8th century from China, and now there are approximately 350 species of plums. It is the mume plum, not the sakura, that blooms first. The tradition of admiring flowers goes deep into the centuries. Wakayama Prefecture is especially famous for the splendor and beauty of mume blossoms. The trees seem to be covered with a fragrant white-pink cloud. Flowering there begins in January and lasts until April. But in Europe, the plant appeared relatively recently: information about it has been found since 1878. Since then, a large number of decorative forms and garden varieties have been bred.
Use in cooking

Japanese apricot fruits are mainly eaten in a processed form, as they have a high acidity when fresh. They make famous marinades and pickles. The Japanese traditional addition to a serving of boiled rice is umeboshi -pickled fruits. Japanese plum also serves as the basis for creating a liqueur popular in Asian countries - umeshu (pictured).
According to the Eastern calendar, the tree itself is a symbol of the New Year and spring. Therefore, often for the holiday, the Japanese give friends a small copy of a plum in a pot
Growing from stone in summer and autumn
You can do this if you are lucky enough to encounter fresh fragrant fruits of the tree. The method is quite simple and does not require complex activities and hassle. Knowing how to grow a Japanese plum from a stone, you will get an exotic plant in your house. You can even cultivate it in the garden, however, only warm regions.
You can plant seeds in the ground or in separate pots. The best time is late July - early August. Natural or artificial stratification will be required when germinating in late autumn or early spring, respectively.
If you are not going to plant a stone immediately after eating the fruit, then you need to dry it and save it until the fall, when the first frosts begin. When the time comes, dig a small trench in the garden and fill it with nutrient soil from humus, soddy and leafy soil, and sand. Planting depth - 5 cm. Japanese plum sprouting, as a rule, in May of the next year.
Early spring planting
In this case we are talking about artificial stratification. The most suitable time is the beginning of April. To prepare the seeds towards the end of January, put them in containers with drainage holes filled with wet sand. Then put the pots in the basement or refrigerator, where the temperature does not rise above two degrees. Sand must be kept moist. Well, in the spring you can transplant them into a soil mixture or open ground.
Japanese plum in our country

The real discoverer, who introduced the world garden community to an amazing fruit, is Luther Burbank. He did a lot of breeding work and got new hybrids, some of which are popular to this day.
In its original form, the Japanese plum in a summer cottage in Russia can grow only in its southern regions (Crimea, Caucasus), where winters are warm and spring is early. But the hybrids bred by breeders have a higher winter hardiness, and the zone of their cultivation has been noticeably expanded. Growing is possible both from the stone and using seedlings.
Japanese plum: planting and care

The tree is characterized by abundant and regular fruiting. From the moment when it comes, the oppression of the annual growth begins. In this regard, the tree requires annual cyclic pruning, crown rejuvenation.
It is noteworthy that all varieties of Japanese plum are not affected by sharka, they are to a small extent susceptible to sawfly and codling moth, which undoubtedly distinguishes them from the rest.
How does the Japanese plum behave in the area? Care for her is supposed to be the same as for her usual relative. Let's just focus on the main points.
- Planting can be carried out both in spring and autumn. The pit must be prepared 2 weeks before the expected date. Its size should be 606060 cm, the addition of humus is required.
- The near-trunk circle must be mulched after planting and watering using peat or compost.
- Fertilizers (organic and mineral) are applied to the near-trunk circle, depending on the needs of the plant. In the spring, nitrogen preparations are needed. They contribute to the growth and set of green mass. In the second half of the growing season, the application of phosphorus and nitrogen-potassium fertilizers is recommended, and in the fall - organic fertilizers (humus and compost).
- Root growth should be removed within a radius of up to 3 m from the main tree.
- Some varieties require an event such as fruit thinning. When there are too many ovaries, they must be partially removed even before they begin to pour. This will improve the quality of the remaining crop and keep the tree strong for next year.
- Japanese plum also needs pruning, it is recommended to do it in spring or early summer, when there are no sudden temperature changes during the day. This will protect the tree from disease.
- A good harvest is guaranteed by planting several varieties of plums at once with different fruit ripening periods.
- Choose plums when slightly underripe for a much longer shelf life.

Japanese plum varieties
- Alyonushka is the most famous variety. Appearance is very different from the plum we are used to. European. The tree grows to medium height and has a dense spherical crown. The mass of fruits is up to 40 g, they have a pink color and a short stalk. The pulp is sweet and juicy, does not separate from the stone. The variety has high frost resistance.
- Skoroplodnaya is perhaps the only variety that can be found and grown even in the Urals. The main advantage is a low-growing crown and a quick entry into the fruiting period. The fruits are bright red, smaller in weight - only about 20 g.
- Shiro (pictured above). It was bred at the end of the 19th century by L. Burbank. The tree grows tall and has a pyramidal crown. Fruits weighing 25 g have a lemon color and soft juicy pulp with streaks. It is a hardy hybrid Japanese plum. “How to grow such a miracle at home?” many will ask. It's simple: caring for her is the same as for ordinary, zoned species.
- Red heart (pictured below). The name is associated with the shape of the fruit. They are large (up to 60 g), dark red in color, juicy, with a pleasant dessert taste. A tall tree with a spreading crown.

When grown in our gardens, the Japanese plum deserves much more attention. The plant has a number of positive qualities, including high disease resistance, fruit keeping quality (picked while still green, they ripen at home without any problems, without losing their taste), unpretentious care.