Cedar pine at their summer cottage

Cedar pine at their summer cottage
Cedar pine at their summer cottage

In the regions of Siberia grows the most beautiful tree - cedar pine, which is unique in its healing properties. Pine nuts have long been used in the treatment of many diseases. The needles of this tree are collected in rosettes of 5 pieces, 5 to 15 cm long, they are serrated along the edge, have a bluish tint. Cedar cones are quite large, their length is 6-13 cm, the scales are tightly pressed. On the territory of the CIS, the most common Siberian cedar pine (Siberian cedar), which reaches a height of up to 35 meters, its diameter is up to 1.8 meters. This is a tree with a dense beautiful crown in the form of a cone. Abundant fruiting of cedar begins in 5-6 years.

The plant is distributed in the northeastern European part of the CIS (from the upper reaches of the Vychegda river), it is also found in Western and Eastern Siberia. Cedar lives on average up to 500 years. The fruiting period starts from 20-70 years and lasts up to 250 years. Cedar pine seeds are rich in oil. The cedar industry flourishes in the Urals, Western Siberia and Yakutia. Korean (Manchurian) cedar pine - a coniferous tree that reaches a height of 30-40 m, and in diameter - from 1.5 to 2 m, for the most part it is multi-peaked, grows onmountain slopes in the Far East, in Northeast China, Korea. Cedar pine, European pine, Italian pine are classified as cedar pine. It is wrong to consider a cedar pine a cedar.

Korean cedar pine (or Korean cedar) is widely known among foresters. This is the most common coniferous plant in the Far East, it surpasses the Siberian cedar in the size of cones and seeds. Compared to other pines, it tolerates shade well, but grows for a rather long time. Wood is the most valuable building material. The tree has beautiful bluish-greenish, long and lush needles. It tolerates negative temperatures well, thanks to which it can be grown both in the central regions and in the North-West of Russia.

Pine European cedar (very known as Siberian pine) - a plant that deserves the attention of nurseries and gardeners in the western part of Russia. Elf is propagated by seeds that are pre-selected. Nuts in the Far East and Yakutia are used for food. This species is the most hardy (compared to other types of woody plants).

European cedar pine
European cedar pine

Some species of pines are on the verge of extinction. And so they need protection and protection. Asiatic pines, one of the representatives of which is the Yakushiman white pine, are rarely found in the wild and therefore conservation measures are needed. The rarest tree is P. Squamata, which has a smooth, almost white bark, a beautiful crown and an even trunk. In total, there are about 20-30 trees growing in the northern part of Yunnan. The rarest in the world -P. maximartinezii from Mexico. The conservation of this species is under threat. The peculiarity of the plant is in large cones (compared to the size of the tree). Eldar pine is also considered rare, found in arid places on the border of Azerbaijan and Georgia on an area of no more than 500 hectares. In the northern capital, they tried to grow this species, but it died due to low frost resistance.

cedar pine
cedar pine

Many gardeners refuse to grow pines, but they are unpretentious, some species take root well even on poor soil, however, it should be noted that not all varieties are shade-tolerant. Pines protect from the wind, are indispensable in landscape design, combined with broad-leaved, dwarf firs, junipers.

Cedar pine has a wide variety that can meet the most demanding requirements of gardeners. Cultivation of pines in cities is limited by their high sensitivity to gases. It is recommended to grow pines from seeds, but due to the fact that it is impossible to acquire the desired look, nurserymen resort to vaccinations. It is worth choosing the seeds of wild plants. The seedling should be transplanted before the shoots begin to grow. The place for planting the plant must be chosen sufficiently translucent.

Korean cedar pine
Korean cedar pine

Be aware that the trees are quite large, and leave quite a lot of room for growth. It is worth planting seedlings only when the first mature needles develop. For a large number of species, it is worth making drainage. Seeds remain viableup to 4 years.

Before you sow the seeds, check them for full grain. And, if necessary, you need to increase the seeding rate. When the seeds germinate, they should be slightly shaded, watered and ventilated. It is necessary to transplant pines at a young age, protecting the roots from drying out, do not deepen the root neck.

Cedar pine is an amazing tree that shows its luxury only when it reaches maturity, so be patient when planting it in your backyard. And you will truly enjoy the beauty and majesty of these plants.