Repair, moving to a new living space are accompanied by the solution of responsible tasks. The situation requires careful selection of furniture, but special attention should be paid to the children's room. Taking care of the baby, parents strive to provide him with the best, therefore, they make special demands on the selection of objects that surround him. A bed, a desk, a closet for things - all this often has to fit in a small room. But how to achieve the desired effect and combine versatility and comfort?
Children's furniture "Corsair" - what you need
In the domestic market, there are an abundance of companies whose products claim to be safe children's furniture.

But not all firms meet high standards and meet the requirements of parents and children. It is difficult to choose the right headset, because often in the room the child sleeps, plays and learns lessons, so a huge functional load is placed on the furnishings. Favorably different from the varietysets "Corsair" - children's furniture, the manufacturer of which, the factory "Scand-Mebel", offers an original embodiment of a child's dream of wandering and adventure. The marine theme is harmoniously embodied in each accessory, allowing the child to be transported into the world of dreams and travel.
The Corsair modular system is profitable
Organization of space with the help of the furniture factory "Scand" is the best solution for both limited footage and spacious living space.

The modular system is designed to equip the room according to the individual needs of the buyer. Parents have the right to purchase not the entire set, but only some of its elements. Actual for children adventure theme with elements of pirate stories attracts both girls and boys. As the child grows older, you can supplement the headset with the necessary accessories, maintaining the given style. As additions, a wardrobe, a chest of drawers, a mezzanine, a clock and a chest with a comfortable seat will organically look, which will fit into the interior, emphasizing the taste and style of the dreamer living in the apartment. Modules are installed at the request of the owners and taking into account the characteristics of the available space.
Materials, components and fittings
A progressive Russian enterprise engaged in the production of multifunctional headsets takes care of high quality and safety standards at every stage, so children's furniture "Korsar" is in active demand.

Only environmentally friendly materials are used for the manufacture: the body and front surfaces of the headset are made of laminated chipboard. All elements are processed on modern Italian equipment. High-impact ABS edging neatly frames cuts for a finished look. Niches and drawers are equipped with smooth systems that slide along the guides, and the available special latches give confidence in operation. The accessories used by the leading companies Gamet and Hettich complete the picture, emphasizing the merits of each element. Eco-leather, which is characterized by increased wear resistance, is used as decorating elements.
Corsair loft bed
Compact bed available for future travelers. The sleeping place is located at a distance of 120 cm from the floor surface, which ensures its inviolability, excluding the use of the sleeping place as a seat for guests and household members.

The plus is just such a height, because the child does not sleep under the ceiling, where dust rises and carbon dioxide is concentrated, but at a fairly comfortable height. Children's furniture "Corsair" 1 transforms in an original way, successfully combining:
• comfortable chest of drawers; drawers;
• an open shelf as a good addition;
• a ladder with strong handrails and reliable steps.
Spacious sleeping place has high sides with rounded edges,which allows parents of even the most restless baby to feel complete confidence for his safety during sleep. A comfortable rest for the child is guaranteed.
Successfully built-in wardrobe will accommodate the wardrobe of a small owner. Drawings that create a peculiar atmosphere in the room positively influence the choice of this particular set of furniture.
Transformer table
Deserves special attention to the table, which is cleverly built into the headset, saving space. For parents, it is important that the Corsair children's room furniture properly organizes the child's workplace. The developers took into account safety issues, ergonomically arranging the critical area in the baby's room. Amazing table with a swivel system, moving forward, forms a spacious place for drawing and doing homework.

From the end there is a place for a backpack, which will help the child in self-organization and encourage him to keep order in the room. The existing drawers are equipped with silent guides for full extension. Durable materials and a hard bottom eliminate sagging, so the child can fold the necessary things without fear. To install the computer, holes for wires are provided, making it easy to connect the system unit. Children's furniture "Corsair" with such a table allows the child to work with pleasure and develop creatively.
The undeniable advantages of sets for children's "Corsair"
Sets from the Scand-Mebel factory, made in the developing theme of sea travel, are thought outdevelopers to the smallest detail. There are options for two children, where the beds fit perfectly into a room with any footage, competently organizing the space. Wishing to create a high-quality and safe environment, caring parents choose Corsair. Children's furniture in Yekaterinburg and other large cities of Russia is popular.
Its advantages include:
• environmentally friendly high-strength materials;
• transformable structures are made of durable components that provide long and safe operation;
• comfort and functionality brought to perfection;
• stylish modern design;
• compactness, providing space for the baby to play;
• development of imagination and cognitive activity of the little owner;
• neutral color that creates a favorable atmosphere in the room and easily fits into the interior;• applied patterns in advanced eco-printing technology, which are durable.
Children's furniture "Corsair": reviews
Parents who care about their child will not pass by a headset that has so many advantages. Modular system owners can enjoy the kit for a long time.

The 180cm sleeper can carry up to 100kg, so kids can enjoy the furnishings through their teens and beyond. The magnificent embodiment in the products of the factory has positive feedback from buyers. For children's furniture"Scand-Mebel" "Corsair" is in great demand, it occupies a leading position, successfully combining the affordable price with the quality of the originally embodied design idea.
"Scand-Furniture" "Corsair" - harmony and comfort approved by children and parents
The highlight of the children's headset is an interesting and informative design of the facade surfaces of products.

In addition to the high functionality of the modular system, drawings reflecting the marine theme are attractive, encouraging the child to explore an interesting direction. These are maps of the starry sky, which serve as guides for travelers, and orientation to the terrain with the help of a compass, and treasure maps that encourage you to unravel the secrets of uninhabited islands where pirates hid their loot. Corsair children's furniture, which stimulates cognitive interest, is a good move for parents, children and manufacturers. Constructors and designers did their best, embodying innovative technologies in production in sets that take into account the age characteristics of children.