Small flowers: description and photo

Small flowers: description and photo
Small flowers: description and photo

It happens that we do not know the name of small flowers, although we use them to decorate flower beds and rooms. Plants with such flowers perform several functions. Sometimes they have beautiful leaves, and flowers are perceived as a small addition to them. Also, small flowers set off the beauty of large ones in a bouquet, giving them lightness and charm. They are grown in a room and in a flower bed, ampelous plants are planted on the street, decorating city streets, parks and squares with them.

Small flowers in the garden

In early spring, small flowers bloom first. They are called so: primroses or ephemera. They received the second name because soon after flowering the aerial part disappears. A bulb remains in the ground, which will again delight with flowers next year. Names of small flowers: snowdrops, chionodoxes, white flowers, pushkinia, bluebells (blue snowdrop), two-leaved bluebells. They delight everyone who sees them, because they testify to the coming of spring. These plants do not requirespecial care. Periodically, they need to be seated so that the bushes do not become very thick. Otherwise, they will stop blooming, and then disappear altogether.

small flowers
small flowers

After the primroses have faded, other plants appear with small flowers. Muscari bloom, delighting with delicate blue bells, collected in dense inflorescences. Another name for the flower is mouse hyacinth. In the form of an inflorescence, it really resembles a hyacinth, only its flowers are much smaller. Propagated by dividing the bush or self-seeding. Bushes grow rapidly, the number of peduncles increases. From these flowers create borders for large-flowered tulips, daffodils, blooming at the same time. Flowers are blue with a white border, purple, white. Dried stems with fruits are used to create winter bouquets.


A little later, an oak forest appears, or tenacious. She can settle in the garden herself, quickly spreading, mastering new territories. The flowers are purple, similar in shape to snapdragons. The leaves are dark green with a purple tint. The flower lives up to its name. If you do not follow the territory of its habitat, the tenacious can spread to the entire area. This applies not only to wild plants, but also to varietal plants. The area where the tenacious grows does not need to be weeded, because the weeds will not be able to break through the dense cover.

small white flowers
small white flowers

Decorative varieties differ mainly in leaf color. It can be marbled, crimson or green with white spots. Extra mustache tenaciousmust be periodically removed so as not to miss the plant outside the allotted area.


One of the most famous plants with small flowers is gypsophila. It has been successfully used for a long time to form bouquets, complementing beautiful large flowers. They grow gypsophila paniculata and graceful.

The height of the gypsophila paniculata bush is up to 1 meter. Stem branched, knotted. The bush is sparse, openwork. The leaves are narrow, grayish in color, growing near the root. Small white flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences. Starts blooming in June and ends in August.

In addition to the usual bouquets of natural flowers, gypsophila paniculata is used to create various winter compositions.

small indoor flowers
small indoor flowers

Grow it in the flower beds. For this, special varieties have been created. There are plants with pink flowers. In addition to simple ones, there are species with double and semi-double flowers. There are flowers and low, up to 40 cm.

Gypsophila graceful grows to a height of up to 50 cm. The bush has the shape of a ball. Grows in the wild in the Caucasus.


Anafalis is a garden perennial plant with small white flowers. Small flowers, the photo of which is presented below, touches with their tenderness.

small flowers photo
small flowers photo

The stem is straight, its height reaches 30-70 cm. It blooms from July to late autumn. Anafalis is highly frost-resistant, so it is not necessary to cover it for the winter. It grows well on sandy soils of neutral acidity. Prefers partial shade.

Anafalis is used forcreating winter compositions, grown in flower beds, borders. The method of reproduction is through seedlings. Seeds are sown in early spring in a greenhouse. After the threat of return frosts has passed, they are planted in a flower bed.


Brovallia is an annual creeping plant 5-30 cm high. The flowers are small, odorless, of various colors. They can be white, blue, orange and purple. It grows in sunny areas, on loamy and sandy soils of a neutral acid reaction. Does not tolerate waterlogging. Blooms from July to autumn, until the first frosts.

small flower names
small flower names

Browllia is used for planting in flowerpots, grown in flower beds and borders. When growing in flowerpots, you need to ensure that the clod of earth does not dry out. This may lead to the death of the plant.


Angelonia is a perennial plant. But due to the fact that it does not tolerate even slight frosts, it is most often grown as an annual. You can dig up the angelonia for the winter and store it in the cellar until spring.

The height of a straight stem is from 5 to 30 cm. Small angelonia flowers can have a wide variety of colors - blue, white, pink, purple. Blooms all summer.

Angelonia prefers to grow on loamy and sandy soils of neutral acidity. Likes moderate watering. Grow it in sunny areas. Used for planting in pots, grown in flower beds, borders.

Gutchinsia Alpine

Alpine Gutchinsia is a perennial creeping plant 5-30 cm high. The flowers are small, white. Valued for early flowering, which begins in April and lasts until June. Frost-resistant, does not require shelter for the winter.

Can grow on sandy soils of neutral and acid reaction. Loves sunlight, but grows well in partial shade. Requires moderate watering.

Gutchinsia is planted in rock gardens and borders. When propagated by seeds, they are sown directly into the ground.

Arends' saxifrage

Arends' saxifrage is one of the most beautiful species of this plant. Its small but beautiful flowers adorn alpine hills and flower beds. Saxifrage is a very unpretentious plant. It can settle and grow successfully on rocky slopes, in gorges. The higher it grows, the brighter the colors of flowers and leaves. The plant itself belongs to moss-like soddy hybrids. It is frost-resistant, undemanding to growing conditions.

Created varieties of Arends saxifrage with various colors of petals. They can be white ("White Carpet"), purple ("Purple Carpet"), pink, carmine red. The flowers rise high above the turf, leaving only thin brown stems in the middle. Peduncles should be removed after the flowers have faded. This promotes long flowering. These plants propagate with small flowers, seeds, dividing the bush or cuttings.

Seeds are sown in a box in March. The soil should be loose, drained, contain peat, sand and hardwood, humus. It is impossible to overmoisten the soil in the dishes where the saxifrage grows. After three weeks, the plants are ready to dive.

Propagating the saxifrage cuttings,put them under glass in boxes set in the shade. The temperature there should be around 22 degrees. Maintain high humidity by watering the soil as needed.

The bushes are divided in early spring or autumn. Planted saxifrage in shady places. If you plant it in a sunny area, you will need to provide the plant with daily watering.

Small indoor flowers

Among indoor plants, there are also small-flowered ones. Why are flower growers growing them, because they do not attract such attention as large-flowered ones? Plants that have small flowers stand out for something else. Usually these are beautiful leaves.

Various begonias are valued by gardeners. Their flowers are small and inconspicuous, but the leaves are beautiful. But among the begonias there are those that are valued for their flowering.

Everblooming Begonia

Everblooming Begonia grows fast, its beautiful rounded green or reddish leaves and small flowers, collected in inflorescences, adorn the plant all year round.

Recently, it has been used in landscape design for flowerbeds, flower beds. Ever-flowering begonia - a bush up to 40 cm high. The stems are juicy, brittle. Flowers are single, semi-double or double. Color is white, pink or red.

flower with small leaves
flower with small leaves

Everblooming begonia does not require special care. Can grow in any soil. In summer it needs a lot of moisture. In winter, it is watered less, making sure that the clod of earth does not dry out. In late autumn, the plant should be illuminated with a fluorescent lamp, extending daylight hours. The temperature in the room in winter should be at least 14 degrees, in summer about 20. Likes high humidity. Everblooming begonia does not tolerate cold on the windowsill, so in winter it should be rearranged away from the window.

Feed the plant all year round with mineral fertilizers of low concentration. The ever-flowering begonia propagates by apical cuttings rooted in water. Young plants are planted in light soil from soddy soil, humus, sand, peat.

You can grow evergreen begonias from seeds. Small flower seeds are sown directly on the surface, not immersed in the ground. Sprayed and covered with glass or film. After the seedling has three leaves, it is transplanted into a pot.


There is a flower with small leaves of the original form among indoor plants. This is a ragwort (senecio) of the rouleyanus variety. Its thread-like stems hang down. They are covered with small spherical leaves up to 1 cm in diameter. Roulianus inflorescences are the same size as the leaves, white.

small flower seeds
small flower seeds

Most often, rouleianus is used as an ampelous plant, but can be planted in a large bowl along with a tall bush. Then it spreads over the surface of the soil, covering it.

Like any succulent, ragwort needs to be watered carefully. It does not require much water even in summer. In winter, watering is limited even more. Make sure that the soil in the pot does not dry out completely. The temperature is lowered to 7 degrees Celsius.

The plant is poisonous. The use of individual partswill lead to a quick death, but with the constant ingestion of succulent poison into the body, it can cause cirrhosis or liver cancer. All parts of this seemingly cute plant are poisonous.
