Tulips: planting and care in the open field

Tulips: planting and care in the open field
Tulips: planting and care in the open field

Tulips are stunningly beautiful spring flowers that are a symbol of feminine beauty. These flowers are popular with beginners and experienced gardeners alike. Today we will talk about the autumn and spring planting of tulips in open ground, the care of which, although troublesome, is very pleasant. In this article, we will share with you all the features of growing tulips in our area.

Benefits of autumn planting

planting tulips
planting tulips

If you have a choice between spring and autumn planting of tulips, then you should remember about the climatic conditions in the homeland of this flower - in Central Asia. During early spring, the peak of tulip flowering occurs. Flowers cover the meadows and slopes of the mountains almost like a carpet. In early summer, the petals dry up and fall off, and therefore only a tuber remains from the plant. By autumn, the tuber begins to take root, with the help of which the bulb feeds throughout the winter. By the next spring, the plant is ready to bloom again. Because cultivarsThe life cycle of tulips does not differ from that of wild tulips; autumn is considered the most preferred time for planting.

Date of autumn planting of tulips

The time for planting tulip bulbs in autumn directly depends on the temperature of the soil. The optimal dates for planting tulips in autumn are: late September, October and early November. The main condition is warm and dry weather. Do not plant tulips in cold weather and after frost.

It is important to organize a productive planting of tulips in the indicated months, since earlier planting contributes to premature rooting and the development of sprouts that will die with the advent of frost. In order not to miss the exact planting time, periodically measure the temperature of the soil with a garden thermometer. The most comfortable indicator is +10 °C at a depth of about 15 centimeters.

Recently, many flower growers often turn to the lunar calendar to determine the timing of planting garden crops. According to this calendar, the most favorable days for planting tulips in 2018 will be:

  • in September - from the 16th to the 19th;
  • in October - from the 12th to the 15th and from the 17th to the 19th;
  • in November - 7th, 8th, 15th.

Site selection and soil preparation

Planting tulips in open ground should be carried out in a well-lit area. You should not grow these flowers in the lowlands, where excess moisture accumulates, causing rotting and freezing of the bulbs. Having planted tulips in the shade, be prepared for the fact that due to lacksunlight, the stems will become thinner, and the flowers will be smaller and less beautiful. It is advisable to plant these flowers in an area where cucurbits, strawberries and legumes were previously grown.

When choosing soil, preference should be given to neutral or slightly alkaline soil. Light, humus-enriched soil will provide tulips with bright and lush flowering. But planting tulips in soil with high acidity will lead to the development of weak buds. Before sowing, the soil is fertilized with humus or compost.

How to choose and prepare bulbs?

bulb preparation
bulb preparation

For planting tulips in the ground, the largest and most he althy bulbs are selected that do not have signs of disease or damage. Even one diseased bulb can put the entire crop at risk.

Preparation of planting material begins with the peeling of the bulbs and a thorough examination for damage and disease. Removing the husk allows for a better inspection and provides the bulbs with access to nutrients. Then strong bulbs of large size are sorted out - they are the very first to be planted. It is advisable to plant damaged specimens separately from he althy ones in order to protect the future crop from possible infection.

Before planting, the bulbs are treated with a disinfectant solution that prevents the development of fungal and bacterial diseases. Today there is an excellent choice of drugs of this kind, so there will be no problems with this procedure. If a special tool could not be found, it is permissible to use a regular solution of potassium permanganate. This treatment is an excellent prevention of infection of bulbs by pests and diseases.

Planting process

planting tulips
planting tulips

The soil before planting tulips is fertilized with compost, after which it is well loosened and moistened. The depth of the bulbs should be approximately 15 centimeters, and the distance between them should be at least 10 centimeters. The largest bulbs are planted in the center of the plot, and the smaller ones along the edges. This way you will provide all the flowers with access to sunlight. You should not grow different varieties together, it is better to organize different beds for each variety. Subject to the terms and order of planting tulips, caring for them will bring you only pleasure. Timely watering and fertilization have a positive effect on the quality of flowers.

Features of soil mulching

Soil mulching
Soil mulching

Mulching allows you to cover the soil around the plant in order to protect it from moisture loss and the development of weeds. In addition, mulch regulates the mode of entry of fresh air to the root system. To provide tulips with protection from harmful insects, parasitic plants and excessive water loss, natural materials are used. Sawdust, mowed grass or hay, bark, compost and even small pebbles are used as mulch. Such material not only improves the structure of the soil and its drainage properties, but also fills the soil with nutrients.

But there are also disadvantages of mulching tulips. Straw works as a bait for various rodents, and grass, decomposing into mucousmass, can burn the delicate stems of tulips. Also not suitable for young plants bark and wood chips. But for those who are still used to mulching cultivated plants, we recommend using peat and chopped straw for tulips. The layer of such shelter must be at least five centimeters.

Protection against rodents

Rodent protection
Rodent protection

In addition to the basic rules of planting and care, tulips require protection from rodents. For this, special containers are used, which can be purchased at the store or built independently. Suitable for this purpose mesh or plastic bottle. However, an older and nimble mouse is able to dig under such a shelter and get to the tulips.

A more effective measure would be to plant tulips close to the imperial hazel grouse, as its pungent smell perfectly repels many pests. It also helps to treat the bulbs with red pepper or Vishnevsky's ointment, as well as kerosene. Some gardeners plant tulips at home just before the frost, when most of the animals and insects have gone into hibernation and are unlikely to harm the plants.

Spring planting

Seeding scheme
Seeding scheme

Spring planting of tulips is done, but much less frequently than autumn. This is due to a longer and more complex growing process, if some requirements are not met, you can even be left without a crop. For example, bulbs should be stored under such conditions that they do not freeze, but also do not have time to germinate ahead of time.

You can speed up the beginning of flowering, but for thissome conditions must be met:

  • the night before planting, the bulbs are placed in the refrigerator compartment;
  • on the day of sowing, planting material is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  • the landing process itself is not until April.

Some growers use spring planting as an intermediate step for next year's harvest.

Nuances of spring planting

Despite the fact that the preferred planting time is autumn, it is permissible to grow tulips during spring planting, while observing some technologies. However, bulbous flowers planted in spring will begin to bloom a little later than autumn ones, and the flowering itself will be more meager and pale. But this may depend not only on the timing of sowing, but also on the variety and variety of tulips.

If you decide to plant tulips in the spring, then you should do it as early as possible. Landing is carried out immediately after the onset of favorable weather conditions - in April. Moreover, if there is a threat of night frosts, the bulbs are first planted in decomposable containers, which are then planted in open ground along with the plant. The soil temperature for planting must be at least +9 °С.

Planting tulips in spring: when and how?

planting tulips
planting tulips

To determine the exact timing of the spring sowing of bulbs, you can use the lunar calendar. For example, in 2018 the best days to plant will be:

  • in March - from 21st to 23rd, 25th, 26th;
  • in April - from the 17th to the 19th and from the 21st to23rd;
  • in May - from the 19th to the 21st.

Before sowing, the soil is dug up well to a depth of about 30 centimeters. Fresh manure should not be applied to the soil, as it will cause the development of infectious diseases. Therefore, you can fertilize the soil with compost or rotted manure. The preparation of the bulbs consists in selecting the largest and strongest. This is followed by pre-sowing disinfection and immediate planting. After this treatment, the swelling of the root roller is accelerated, so you should not hesitate to plant.

The planting holes are dug according to the size of the bulbs. Between the holes, a distance of about 10 centimeters is observed, and between rows - at least 20 centimeters. From 5 to 10 bulbs are planted in each hole, while decorating future tulips around with undersized plants. The basic planting pattern (in the center - large bulbs, and along the edges - small ones) is the same as during autumn sowing. Each variety is planted separately. This is done for ease of further care.

At the bottom of the grooves, it is advisable to pour a little fertilizer for bulbous plants and sprinkle with a thin layer of earth. The bulbs are planted carefully, bottom down, without pressing into the ground, so as not to damage the small roots. After sowing, they are covered with a thin layer of ash and sand, a little humus is added and sprinkled with earth. After that, the area is leveled with a rake to avoid moisture stagnation after watering.
