Indoor flower oleander is a representative of the kutrov family. It was brought to us from Asia Minor and the Mediterranean countries. It is an evergreen bush with dark and thin branching stems, sometimes reaching two meters. This plant is common on the Caucasian and Crimean coasts, as well as in Transcaucasia, while in the northern regions it grows only as a home culture. Indoor oleander is well adapted to indoor conditions.

Its long and narrow leaves are shaped like willow. They have a dark green color, a leathery base and a pronounced vein in the middle. Indoor oleander blooms with yellow, red, pink and white double flowers. This is a typical child of the south. Having received moisture, nutrients and the rays of the sun, it will bloom for a long time: from the beginning of summer to the very end of autumn. This period in the oleander passes gradually, because on the bush you can simultaneously see ovaries, buds, and flowers, which are so fragrant that they can cause a headache. Therefore, indoor oleander is never placed in a room where a person sleeps.

Those who buy a small indoor oleander in the store need to know that it can grow up to two meters, and therefore it will need enough space in the house. It is for this reason that lovers of indoor plants are afraid to acquire it, although it is unpretentious and easy to care for. And since it is a large plant, it is more suitable for office buildings. Indoor oleander loves a bright, even sunny place and grows well at temperatures up to 25 degrees. In winter, it also needs good lighting: in a dark place, the plant does not bloom and sheds leaves. In addition, you can not put a flower pot near the heater, and if the room is heated, then you need to spray it daily.

During growth, indoor oleander should be watered only with settled water, and fertilized once a week. In summer, it is more correct to take it out to the front garden, putting it in a pan filled with water. When the plant is still young, it is transplanted once a year, while adults - once every two or three years, and only in the spring. In addition, the soil top layer is replaced in a pot of an adult plant.
Indoor oleander, whose photo is often printed by many glossy magazines, propagated by cuttings, and not hardened green shoots take root faster. They are placed in a vessel with water, pieces of wood ash are also thrown there to prevent the plant from rotting. You can root cuttings in the ground orsand, but roots appear earlier in water.
Indoor oleander needs to be pruned, removing dead, crowded and extra shoots before new shoots appear. In addition, it is necessary to periodically pinch the flower brushes formed at the base. Improper conduct of such an operation becomes the most common reason why the plant stops flowering. The potting soil must be well drained. Flower growers know that indoor oleander is poisonous, it contains toxins. Moreover, they are not only in a growing plant, but also in a dried one. Therefore, in no case should you burn it.