Sedge is a grass that looks very similar to cereals. Only by looking closely, you can find the fundamental differences between them. They consist mainly in the fact that sedge is a grass that does not have a hollow stem and nodular thickenings. She has a triangular, not a round section, and its entire core is filled.
Of course, in the forage balance, sedge grass comes only in third place, yielding primacy to cereals and legumes. This is because it produces hay that is hard and coarse in structure, the composition of which is not rich in s alts, proteins and other feed elements. And the smell of this hay is not too pleasant - swampy. But this is only in the central zone of our country.

In nature, it is found everywhere, not excluding either deserts or tundra zones. Only in Russia, sedge is a grass that has more than half a thousand species. Each geofence has its own advantages. In the tundra, sedge is a grass that animals feed on all year round, because under the snow cover it lies in a green form. Ungulates dig it up and eat it in the cold season. They feast on it in spring and summer.

Especially valuableconsidered grass in the Ussuri region. Here, sedge is rich in protein, so it is very useful for animals. It is not hard, but rather silky in the steppe zones. In this area, the grass retains its beneficial properties even in hot seasons. Desert species actively develop only in spring, and then dry up and serve as pasture for sheep and goats. Mountain sedges are also appetizing for the animal world. But its marsh species also have their value. After all, they are the basis of peat formation. And desert and steppe species also preserve surface soils from erosion. They perfectly fix the edges and slopes of ravines, preventing them from spreading. Keeps this grass and nests of waterfowl in swamps from ruin. After all, neither hunters nor predatory animals can pass through the barrier of its hard leaves in the bogs.
But in the decorative meaning of sedge - the grass is excellent. Many of its species are specially grown to decorate slopes and ravines. Such sedge is sold in deep containers. The photo clearly demonstrates what her planting material looks like, which will be used in park design. It is actively used in the creation of lawns and compositions that adorn the zones of reservoirs and hills. It is important at the same time to choose the right not only external, but also the botanical appearance of this herb.

There are also its types, from which fibers for weaving are obtained. They are used to make threads or a thin vine (depending on the properties). Since ancient times, upholstered furniture was stuffed with one of the varieties of sedge, the so-called hare grass. Dried out, shebecomes soft and silky. Furniture makers combed her and laid her in mattresses and sofas.
In ancient Egypt, a special type of the plant in question was grown, from which wonderful writing material was made. From the long stalks of grass, the upper skin was removed, which was glued into long papyrus scrolls, on which the priests wrote their texts. These texts have survived to this day, although forty centuries have passed since they were written. Everything in nature has its own value. And this fully applies to the sedge grass growing everywhere.