Bent grass shoots - lawn grass for the lazy

Bent grass shoots - lawn grass for the lazy
Bent grass shoots - lawn grass for the lazy

Bent grass is a low-growing cereal plant native to Southern and Eastern Europe. It is widely used as lawn grass and for turfing gardens. The plant does not require a haircut, so it is very popular in landscape design.

bent grass
bent grass

This feature is due to the fact that the bent grows not up, but in breadth, forming a large number of creeping shoots with internodes resembling those of strawberries. When rooted, bushes 10 cm high grow from these "whiskers", which also give young offspring. Even one small bush, with regular watering over the summer, can cover about a quarter of a square meter with its shoots. The result is a very beautiful and soft light green grassy carpet.

After the grass has dried up and turned into hay, the ability to form shoots still remains. In addition, if a chopped bunch of grass is buried in the ground, covered with earth on top, then in a month it will sprout and create a nice fresh green cover. Here is such a tenacious shoot-bearing bent grass. The photos presented in this article clearly demonstrate these features.

Polevitsashoot-bearing buy
Polevitsashoot-bearing buy

This grass is quite unpretentious. Although the soil likes fertilized and grows best in well-drained garden soils. Due to the fact that the root system is superficial, the plant needs a lot of moisture, especially in the first year after planting. If the grass has dried up during a drought, you should not worry. It will again turn into a lush green carpet as soon as the first rains pass. It grows well in brightly lit places, but also tolerates partial shade. It is these conditions that the bent shoot prefers.

You can buy the seeds of this plant in any specialized store or order online with home delivery. They are very small and look like dust. For 1 sq. m. usually sown 1-2 kg of seeds. Before sowing, they are mixed with wet sawdust in a ratio of 1:10. The soil must also be prepared. With this method of sowing, it will be better to see whether the area is evenly sown or not. It is not necessary to cover the sown seeds with earth. Very effectively bent bentgrass propagates by divisions.

This grass is recommended for soil turfing in gardens where fruit and fruit trees and shrubs grow. In addition to decorating the garden, it also brings significant benefits. Contributes to the preservation of moisture in the soil and protects the roots of young and insufficiently strong plants from freezing. Thanks to the green soft carpet, the fruits that have fallen from the trees remain clean and do not deteriorate longer.

Shooting bent grass photo
Shooting bent grass photo

In late autumn, before frost, it is recommended to carry out low mowing of grass, whichshooter tolerates well. In those years when autumn is warm, this can be done even in October. This procedure is necessary so that the grass does not have time to grow strongly, since it will no longer be possible to mow it in the spring. The plant will turn yellow, the lawn will lose its decorative effect, the restoration of which will take some time.

In the spring it is useful to aerate the lawn by piercing it in several places with a pitchfork. In addition, as soon as the grass begins to grow, it is necessary to water the lawn with a special complex mineral fertilizer.

Bent grass is ideal for sowing near-stem circles of fruit trees. It looks very beautiful on the banks of an artificial reservoir, which, moreover, strengthens. This grass also looks original in hanging planters.

Bent grass is great for creating a lawn for the lazy, as it does not require complex care. And the fluffy green carpet it forms is beautiful and useful, and walking barefoot on it is very pleasant
