Do you want your garden to always be in order, neat beds full of fresh vegetables and at the same time devote only a few hours a week to it? This is possible if you act according to a proven methodology, which we will talk about today. A garden for the lazy is a plot that does not require weeding, watering, or even digging. Agree, a very attractive prospect. But in order to achieve a result, you will have to thoroughly master the theory and learn how to apply it in practice.

In harmony with nature
Man, in his desire to subjugate nature, has advanced quite far. But today the understanding has begun to come that the more carefully we treat its riches of nature, the better for ourselves. The concept of "garden for the lazy" is an appeal to organic farming. Let's take a closer look at what it is.
Your garden can be a self-sustaining ecosystem. Every aquarist knows that if you plant certain plants and run the right fish species, you can go weeks without yourartificial reservoir of attention, because everything will be safe there. Fish will eat plant parts and fertilize the soil. Algae due to this actively grow and purify the water. The household plot functions in much the same way. A vegetable garden for the reasonably lazy turns the idea of your own garden upside down. Some plants serve to repel pests, others are its decoration. Weeds are used as mulch or fertilizer.
Make no mistake
This applies primarily to those who believe that you can do nothing at all, but get an excellent result. A garden for the lazy is a good option for hard-working and smart gardeners. You can say even more. At first, it will take a lot of time. You will need to plan the location of the beds, equip them, create an irrigation system. But that's not all. It is necessary to choose suitable plants, to think over the profitability of their neighborhood with each other. And only after that you can start working. Of course, next year will require much less time and effort.

Refusing habitual actions
Gardening for the lazy is a completely different approach to farming. Therefore, you will have to abandon the old methods and master new ones. I would like to say right away that gardeners often perceive the rejection of farming methods proven over the centuries with great doubt. But nothing fundamentally new is being introduced here, just a more rational and prudent approach to your site, a more careful use of its resources andsaving your labor.
- Forget about digging the ground twice. This destroys and depletes the fertile soil layer. Instead, it is required to preserve the natural environment of the soil, creating a high-quality humus layer. A garden for the lazy is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.
- Weeding. How hateful this word is for most gardeners! The new approach proposes to forget about it. Instead, systematic weed suppression is used, which is considered an excellent fertilizer.
- Down with watering! A garden and a vegetable garden for the lazy is a harmonious system that involves the preservation of the moisture that is in the soil. In particular, this task is performed by mulching and frequent loosening. No wonder this procedure is called "dry watering".
Completely refuse watering should not be. But following these recommendations will reduce their number. Moreover, they will improve the absorption of moisture and nutrients from the soil by plants.

Lability and variability
Don't take these recommendations literally. Organic farming is not only about avoiding watering and fertilizing. There are a number of methods that will take your garden to the next level. Today we are reviewing the main ones.
Of course, the choice of seedlings plays a huge role. A smart garden and a lazy vegetable garden are a site that grows strong and he althy plants. Therefore, pay attention to what greenhouses are in your area. Take an interest in cultivated varieties, the characteristics of their cultivation, the requirements of crops. This will allow you to choose only the best for your garden.
Garden decoration
This is something that takes an enormous amount of time. Flowerbeds and lawns, shrubs that need to be cut, buildings and gazebos - all this needs constant care. Of course, this does not fit into the definition of "lazy garden". How to start your way to farming in a new way?
- Use improvised materials to decorate the garden.
- If you really want to create a paradise, then use plants that do not require much attention. Ideally, it should be planted, after which there is no need to worry about its further fate.
That is, the main task is to keep the site neat, but at the same time not require too much attention. All decorative elements should be simple and reliable. This applies to plants and all garden structures.
Planning landings: what to consider
There are a number of things to think about beforehand. It is the careful selection of plants that ensures success in the end. A smart lazy garden is a harmonious system in which all the inhabitants of the site correspond to the conditions created for them. Therefore, pay attention to the following points:
- Geographic features. It's no secret that southern, tropical flowers and fruits are the most beautiful, fragrant and attractive. But they are completely unsuitable for the northern regions. If you do not want to dig them up every year, bring them into the house, and again in the springplant, it is better to opt for acclimatized plants.
- Resistant to diseases and pests. Hybrid, modern varieties showed themselves best.
- Soil condition.
All this is quite easy to calculate even at the planning stage. Of course, if you want to build a greenhouse, you can expand the list of plants used. But in this case, it will no longer be possible to talk about lazy gardening. Growing plants indoors, in greenhouses, and flowerpots that are brought into the winter garden in winter - all these are separate areas that we will not talk about today.

Ornamental plants: the best choice
Speaking about the garden for the thrifty and lazy, it is necessary to say separately about the planting of flowering plants. Of course, laying out multi-tiered, complex flower beds with a large number of annual plants is a huge time investment. Therefore, pay attention to large perennial trees and shrubs. They are very decorative and do not cause any trouble. These are mountain ash and honeysuckle, lilac and lemongrass, coniferous plants. Blooming and unpretentious perennials such as lilies of the valley, lavender and clematis have proven themselves well.
Vegetables and fruit trees
A no-hassle vegetable garden for the lazy isn't just a patch of ornamental trees and benches to rest. It is assumed that it combines a garden and a vegetable garden, that is, it is not only beautiful, but also regularly supplies fresh fruits. It is necessary to ensure that the beds are not in the shade of fruit trees:
- Heat-loving cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are usually reserved on the hill.
- Radishes, cabbages and beets grow well in the lowlands.
- Such beds are often surrounded by a border, giving them an arbitrary shape (most often these are squares, but circles also come across).
- Seedlings are cared for with techniques that save time and effort.
Let's now look at these techniques in more detail so that you can use them on your site. A lazy vegetable garden using the new technology can be set up in every area, the main thing is your desire.

Buying quality tools
In principle, nothing special is required. This is a classic shovel, rake and watering can, bucket and pruner. That is, everything that is used in any garden plot. What is important here? You need to immediately choose exactly the amount of tool that will be enough for you. That is, do not take too much and do not be left without the necessary. In addition, pay attention to the following criteria:
- Quality. Constant replacement of broken rakes does not save time at all.
- For the same reason, don't go for the cheapest one made of plastic.
- Before you buy, try how comfortable the handle is for you. Otherwise, the work with such a tool will be long and hard.
- Have you ever lost a tool in the field? Surely everyone has experienced this. Therefore, when buying, pay attention to the handle. Make it orange, red or yellow.
- ImmediatelySet aside a specific place for your tools and train yourself to put them there every time you work.
Mulching is the basis of the basics
A no-hassle vegetable garden for the lazy is a place where everything grows by itself. If you are very limited in time, then the site should be able to do without you for quite a long time. To do this, do the following:
- Mulch close each row immediately after sowing seeds. This has several important functions at once: it retains moisture in the soil, prevents weeds from developing and serves as fertilizer.
- Empty places are most often attacked by weeds. She will draw juices from the earth. In order not to create unnecessary problems for themselves with weeding, they are covered with straw.
Mulch is any natural product. May be rotted or recently cut grass, hay, compost, humus. Chopped bark and sawdust also go well. Gradually, such natural material will decompose. That is, the earth will constantly receive new nutrients. During the season, the mulch layer can be updated regularly.

How to arrange beds
Even a beginner can create a lazy garden and vegetable garden with his own hands. Of course, initially it will take time. But then you will reap the fruits of your efforts. And the first question concerns the optimization of gardening. Anyone who held a shovel in their hands knows that working with it is hard, physical labor. Since early spring, gardeners have been forced to spend a lot of time on this pastime.
Even fora he althy person is an ordeal. The back begins to hurt, and spring is no longer so happy. Therefore, the presence of a high bed is perceived by many as a gift. It is not at all difficult to equip it on your site. Let's break down the main points to pay attention to:
- The entire plot must be divided into zones and the contours of future beds should be drawn right on the ground.
- Now you need to remove the earth inside each resulting rectangle on the spade bayonet.
- Now it will become clear why it was important to do this. The entire area must be covered with non-woven material. It should be a dense film, preferably in two layers. It will become a protection against weeds.
- Now take your measurements and make a wooden box to sit on top. Adjust the height in such a way that it is convenient for you to work with landings.
- Fill it with fresh soil.
Key Benefits:
- There are practically no weeds in such beds.
- Berries and vegetables can hang down and won't touch the ground.
- Tilling the land is very easy, standing upright.
- In the spring, the beds warm up when the rest of the garden is still covered with snow.
- Cover them with cling film and you'll have a greenhouse for growing early greens.
To help gardeners today there are numerous manuals and books. "The Lazy Garden and the Smart Garden" is a series of publications that reveal all the secrets of gardening in a thorough manner. They can become a desktop guide for every gardener whowants to achieve excellent results on his site.
Water in the country - this is the most difficult moment. It's good if you can visit your garden every day. If not, then you need to think about how to provide plants with moisture during your absence. The most economical way is drip irrigation.
The main plastic pipe of the required diameter is started. Wiring to the sides is done by installing tees. Having screwed the coupling onto the faucet, slowly turn on the water, adjust the pressure. Drops will evenly moisten the ground in the beds. Perhaps in the most extreme heat this will not save the soil from drying out, but the rest of the time it will help out a lot. For the winter, you can twist the tape and remove it. If you combine this method of watering and mulching the beds, as well as their timely loosening, then you can not worry that your plants will suffer from moisture deficiencies. Only in the most intense heat may it be necessary to pick up a hose.

Instead of a conclusion
If you want to optimize your work in the garden, expend less effort and at the same time get the best result, then the material presented will be very useful for you. There are enough tips and recommendations here to start working on your personal plot in a new way. At the initial stage, the equipment of high beds and drip irrigation systems may seem like too much work in terms of time and finances. But already the first season shows that this is an excellent deposit, which pays off pretty quickly.