Sometimes each of us has a need to hide our savings in such a way that no one can find them. Is there an ideal place for this purpose in an ordinary apartment? Where will the burglars who break into the house look for your stash? Where can you safely hide money? The answers to these and other questions are in our new material!
Where will thieves look first?
At first glance, it may seem that freezers or flush tanks in the toilet are the last place attackers look. However, everything is quite the opposite. First of all, the robbers search the bedroom: they carefully probe the pillows and mattresses, carefully examine the chests of drawers and wardrobes. There are also such thieves who shake the earth out of flower pots and even tap the laminate! Often objects that are placed on the walls fall under suspicion: paintings, mirrors and carpets. In the kitchen, attackers check all the cans with bulk products, the refrigerator andfreezer. In addition, they carefully inspect the oven, microwave and even the trash can.

Where else should you hide money? Of course, behind the ventilation grille. Mikhail Bulgakov spoke about this cache several decades ago in his novel The Master and Margarita. In the bathrooms, criminals first of all inspect the drain tank, probe the space under the sink and bathtub, carefully examine the mirror and all the jars of cosmetics. It's a very bad idea to stash in books, even if there are a lot of them, because it will take just a few minutes to look through them. The same applies to CDs. Much less often, thieves open expensive household appliances, such as computers, televisions, vacuum cleaners and set-top boxes.
Captain Obvious
If you are thinking about arranging a hiding place, first of all figure out how often you will have to use your stash. For example, it would be foolish enough to make a hiding place behind a heavy wardrobe that you will move away every couple of weeks. But if you save money for the distant future, there is a sense in such a hard-to-reach cache. The main rule, experts say, is non-obviousness. We recommend that you simply stand in the center of the room and take a good look around. There are a huge number of surfaces of objects around you, almost everyone can become an ideal hiding place. You still have not guessed where to hide the money in the apartment? Here are three great options:
- Cornice. Yes, yes, a pack of banknotes will fit perfectly there,rolled up.
- Interior doors. Money holes can be easily drilled into their top and bottom edges.
- Shelving, shelves, window sills. Thinking about where to hide money at home? Pay attention to the above objects - they are suitable for drilling cavities in them and hiding the most valuable things there. After all, thieves will not be able to check every facet of every piece of furniture!

How to prevent debacle?
It's hard to believe, but a good cache has a downside. Just imagine: you went on vacation, the thieves found out about it. Accordingly, they have absolutely nowhere to rush. Because they are ready to search for a very long time. Of course, attackers may not find a stash that is cleverly hidden, but this does not mean that they will not break furniture, throw clothes out of cabinets, turn over cans in the kitchen, and tear off baseboards. That is, all those funds that you hid, you will have to spend on repairs. Can this be avoided? Yes! We recommend splitting the money into two, three or even four parts. The smaller amount should be placed in a place easily accessible to criminals, and the main amount should simply be hidden more securely.
Easy to find, not a pity to lose: setting up a fake box
What is a fake box? This is a stash that will be one of the first to be searched. If thieves find your pseudo stash, they will think that this is all your savings that are stored at home. In this case, you may lose the contents of the cache and any digital equipment thateasy to take out of the house. What is needed in order to make such a cache? Pick up a small safe. Not very large models will cost you about 2-3 thousand rubles. Put a small amount in it, and then hide it, for example, in a closet. For greater persuasiveness, you can screw the safe to the cabinet walls, so it will be much more interesting for robbers. It is worth noting that robbers are unlikely to open such a metal container on the spot, they will simply take it with them. And even if they open it, they will be completely satisfied with what they find.
Top 10 Secret Places: Tennis Ball
If you are thinking about where to hide money at home so that no one will find it, pay attention to absolutely simple things. You can create a hiding place with your own hands and “camouflage” it so that it fits perfectly into the interior and will not attract attention. For example, an ordinary tennis ball is perfect for this purpose!

Of course, it can be used if the wad of money is not too big. To create the perfect hiding place, simply poke a small hole in the ball. The incision should be exactly such that you can put a wad of money in it and easily remove it. After that, the ball must be placed in the same container with other tennis balls. Please note: lone sports equipment is sure to attract the attention of intruders.
Chest of drawers
Yes, yes, we have already said that keeping money in a chest of drawers is not the smartest idea. Of course, it is enough to find money in this piece of furniture.easy, especially if you just put them on the bottom of the box. Instead, we suggest attaching an envelope with money under the drawer using ordinary tape or glue. Uninvited guests can spend a whole day looking for cash in their underwear, but they won't be able to find this envelope. By the way, you can do the same with chairs: just attach an envelope with money to the bottom of the seat.
Ballpoint pen
Thinking about where you can hide the money? Pay attention to ordinary ballpoint pens. Of course, only one or two bills can fit in their inner part. But what's stopping you from putting a couple of five-thousand or hundred-dollar bills in there? Try not to forget about the valuable "stuffing", do not borrow or throw away the pen.
Are there shoes in your house that you don't wear? Yes? Then, in an attempt to solve the question of where you can hide money at home, use a pair of shoes that you do not need. Carefully remove the insoles, insert bills, and replace the insoles. Mini safe ready!

Eaves or bed legs
Surely your house has cornices, or maybe you are the lucky owner of a wrought iron bed with hollow metal legs. We give a hint: the ends of the cornices can be detached to put a wad of money folded and tied with an elastic band. In order to prevent bills from getting stuck deep inside, come up with a limiter: for example, a wine cork is suitable for curtain rods with a small diameter.
Fake outlet
Where can you hide money inapartment? A good option is a fake electrical outlet. True, there are some subtleties here. Any discrepancy can give away your secret vault. For example, a fake socket should not differ in color or style from the rest. Otherwise, she will arouse suspicion among uninvited guests.
Packaging with household chemicals
Thinking about where to hide the money? We advise you to pay attention to ordinary cans of detergents. They will be a great place to store valuables. By the way, in order for a container that is too light not to arouse suspicion, first put something heavy in it, after that place well-packed money there. You can hide the products in a used deodorant bottle or an empty jar left over from shaving gel.
It is impossible to meet a person who did not hide banknotes in a volume of Pushkin's poems or among the pages of a women's novel. Of course, if you are looking for where to hide money from robbers, this method cannot be considered the most reliable. However, book lovers can hide the money under a thick book spine that is not glued to the block of pages. Firstly, a dense stack of bills will not fall out, even if the attackers vigorously shake the publication, and secondly, the thickened spine is completely invisible on the bookshelf.

Hair brush
This is a truly multifunctional device - you can put your hair in order and hide a tidy sum inside. You can hide the money in the handle of the comb, or you can take it apartit, invest values and close again. Ready! Remember to take out the bills if you are going to wash the brush!
Wall clock
If you're trying to figure out where to hide your money, try using a wall clock. Such a cache is suitable if you need quick and easy access to a financial vault. Like a comb, the watch is safe and versatile.

In the hotel
A pressing problem for all travel enthusiasts is the question of where to hide money in a hotel. There are several great methods to protect yourself from thieves. Perhaps the easiest way to protect your finances is to use an air conditioner or TV remote control as a hiding place. Just take out the batteries and put the bills in there. As at home, a bag or envelope with money can be glued to the bottom of a countertop, chest of drawers or other furniture. There is an option for the most daring: real pros deftly unwind sockets and use a small space in the wall as a reliable safe. However, this can be dangerous - especially in Asian countries and Africa, which are characterized by a rather free attitude to construction technologies. If so, we warned. Travelers call another method the kangaroo method: they carry everything of value with them. What is good about this method? There are a huge number of different waterproof wallets in which you can store not only money, but also documents. There are models that are attached to the arms, legs, belt or chest.

Life hacks from seasoned travelers
Where to hide money on a trip? Experienced tourists know the answer to this question. The classics of the genre are hidden pockets or bra cups. Pill containers, pocket ties, and secret socks will do. True, there are more reliable ways, for example, several bank cards hidden in different places, or traveler's checks. True, there may be problems with the latter - you can’t cash them out everywhere, and besides, the commission is sometimes simply indecent.