Each of us at least once encountered cockroaches, despite maintaining the cleanliness of the house. The reasons for their appearance in the house can be completely different. But one thing is clear - such impudent and gluttonous neighbors must be fought. In this article, we will look at one of the cockroach remedies - GET.

In the fight against the Prussians, it is very important to choose an effective and safe remedy. After all, many have pets and children who may want to feast on the poison you left. Therefore, there are not so many drugs that are really harmless to people. But the GET cockroach remedy is one of them. So, let's see what is the beauty of this drug.
This product contains chlorpyrifos. Its concentration is low, but it is still detrimental to the cockroach family. At the same time, it has low toxicity for humans and animals.
GET - microencapsulated cockroach remedy. It is thanks to this form that the drug begins to act immediately after spraying.
Operation principle

After spraying the drug, its particles enter the body of the insect. This happens in various ways: through the respiratory system, the chitinous membrane, the digestive organs.
Further, the drug GET from cockroaches causes spasms of all muscles, thereby disrupting the work of all vital organ systems. The final stage is the complete paralysis of the insect, and therefore death.
One more advantage of the drug should be noted. Sprayed microcapsules remain on the body of the dead insect, which is detrimental to its relatives. They just need to touch it, having received the minimum dosage of the substance, and soon they too will die.
As with other pest control products, the main active ingredient of the drug is chlorpyrifos. Its concentration is only 5%, but for insects this is quite enough. It is enclosed in polymeric microcapsules. This modern technology allows for a more targeted action. Due to the water-lipid base, the capsules have a prolonged action. Such a protective shell allows the product to maintain its effect for a month.
Instructions for use

Instructions for GET from cockroaches describe in detail the actions you must perform:
- Initially, you must take care of your own protection. To do this, use tight clothing, a respirator and gloves.
- Next, you need to perform all the prescribed steps one by oneroom processing. They are detailed below.
In order to prevent the introduction of pests from neighboring apartments or premises, it is recommended to carry out prevention. To do this, once every few months, treat possible loopholes of cockroaches. These can be pipe holes, ventilation shafts and cracks in the walls.
Since the price of the drug is high, it will be better to involve the baiting of insects and residents of other apartments so that your expenses are not in vain. In addition, one bottle is enough to treat a large area. This guarantees you complete disposal of unwanted guests.
Issue form
Insecticide is sold in liquid form. It is bottled in matte white bottles of 100 ml. Each has a bright yellow label with a red border.
The name of the drug is written in English in big black letters on the shield. By the way, it can be interpreted in different ways. Translation GET can sound like "hit", "achieve", "force", "get caught".
The consistency of the drug is similar to cream and has a yellowish or milky tint.
Pros and cons of the drug

The GET cockroach remedy has a fairly large number of advantages:
- Efficiency. Just one treatment of the premises is enough to get rid of all pests. All this happens because the action of the drug begins only after touching the insect.
- Long-term. Often used for prevention. One time ina month is enough to process the favorite places of parasites so as not to observe them in your kitchen.
- Safety. Again achieved through the form of the means. The drug, enclosed in capsules, comes into effect only when touched by an insect. It remains safe for the rest, including humans and other warm-blooded animals.
- Large range. Able to destroy not only cockroaches, but also other parasites, including ants, fleas, bedbugs.
- Easy to use. It is enough to dilute the product with water according to the instructions and spray it indoors.
- Economy. One small bottle is enough to treat a two-room apartment or a small private house.
- No bad smell. Compared to other spray formulations, GET has a slight hint of citrus.
- Does not leave greasy stains behind. It is enough to carry out a wet cleaning in order to remove the remnants of the product.
There are also a few shortcomings:
- High price. However, given its effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, the high cost of the drug loses its meaning.
- Sometimes it can be difficult to find even in narrow shops.
- A large number of fakes. Many scammers use the brand name to sell ineffective products. You can establish the authenticity of the drug by the name, the color of the bottle and the method of displaying the date of manufacture.
Stages of room treatment

The use of GET against cockroaches requires compliancecertain sequence of actions.
- First you need to do a general cleaning of the house. Wipe all surfaces and make sure that cockroaches do not have access to food - put all food in tight bags.
- Next, you need to prepare the drug for spraying. You need to dilute 1 to 15 if the infection is small, and 1 to 10 if the insects have already managed to multiply strongly. The mixture must be mixed well and shaken, as the chemical capsules tend to settle to the bottom.
- Then we take a spray bottle and fill it with the prepared solution. After we start processing the room. Pay special attention to the most affected places - the sink, the trash can, the area under the kitchen furniture, the cracks in the walls and floor. Also treat favorite places of accumulation of insects.
- Leave the treated room for a few hours, after closing all doors and windows tightly.
After returning home, it is necessary to ventilate the apartment for 2-3 hours. But a month later, you need to do a general cleaning again. But this time you will already rid the apartment of the bodies of dead pests.
Price category
The price of GET cockroach remedy is quite high and amounts to about 750 rubles. It is customary to pay for quality, so if you are offered a similar, but cheaper drug, then most likely it is a fake. By purchasing it, you will not be able to remove pests, but on the contrary, you will put yourself and your family in danger.
It is very difficult to find this drug in free sale. Therefore, to purchase it, you need to contactspecialized store or arrange delivery on the Internet. The most correct way would be to order the drug on the official website of the manufacturer.
How to recognize a fake?

When purchasing a pest control product, you can always stumble upon a fake. It may have the same name, but its effect and effectiveness will be completely different.
When buying, you should consider the following features of the original drug:
- flacons are available in light color;
- label is painted in corporate yellow and red tones;
- date of manufacture must be stamped into the paper;
- the neck of the bottle should have a foil membrane with the logo of the product;
- The contents of the bottle are light in color and have a slight citrus scent.
It is important to note that the price of a fake can be different. It should not be thought that high cost is an indicator of authenticity. The original costs around 700-800 rubles. No need to overpay, but saving on the security of your home is also not recommended.
GET from cockroaches: reviews

You can hear mostly positive reviews about this drug. Those who have encountered pests and tried to remove them advise GET as a fast remedy. In just a week, the result was already visible. In addition, a pleasant addition is that the product has no smell or color.
Also, people compare it with other drugs and conclude thatthe microcapsule version is much more effective than gels, sprays or crayons from other manufacturers.
Another important advantage is the safety of use for children and animals. This fact also makes consumers very happy, as it saves them from having to look for someone who can take care of the household during a certain period.