Where do fleas come from in the house and how to get rid of folk remedies?

Where do fleas come from in the house and how to get rid of folk remedies?
Where do fleas come from in the house and how to get rid of folk remedies?

Love your pet? Do you often walk outside with him? Then you know exactly how much discomfort fleas traveling around the house can bring. After all, it is not always possible to treat an animal from parasites on time. In addition, sometimes harmful parasites can be found in homes without pets. Where do fleas come from in the house and how to get rid of them? This information will be important even to those people who have not previously encountered this problem, because these insects can appear in every home. Experts say that you can get rid of these dangerous guests using complex methods, supported by regular prevention. Regular cleaning of the premises, monitoring the condition of pets and the use of a flea collar will protect you from the presence of dangerous parasites in the apartment.

Danger of fleas

These parasites have 6 legs, thanks to which they can jump to great heights. Having jumped to their target, fleas use elongated jaws that look like needles. Having pierced the skin with them, they immediately begin to feast. For oneinsects can pierce the skin up to 3 times during a meal. Flea bites are painful because insects do not secrete anesthetics. Therefore, the only desire for people in whose house insects have settled is to quickly get rid of them.

fleas in the house where and how to get rid of
fleas in the house where and how to get rid of

Flea bites are not only painful and itchy. Often they lead to an allergic reaction. In addition, fleas can cause serious diseases. These parasites are carriers of infections such as typhus, encephalitis, plague, etc. These are dangerous diseases that are difficult to treat and difficult to cure. Flea bites often cause severe swelling. Sometimes anaphylactic shock occurs, which can cause death. Therefore, if you find fleas in your house, you should immediately get rid of them.

How fleas get into the house

Fleas are wingless insects that feed on blood. The danger of these parasites lies not only in the fact that they are blood-sucking, but also in the fact that fleas can be carriers of various diseases.

To date, scientists distinguish more than 2,000 species of fleas. Most of them get along well next to a person. These insects are common in all climatic zones on all continents. But where do fleas come from in the house and how to get rid of them? Insects can get into the house with our pets. Not only dogs and cats, but also birds can become carriers. Fleas are attracted to nesting substrate. On birds, parasites are located in the area of the interwing space. Not even safe from itanimals previously treated for insects. Walking on the street, pets can bring fleas into the house on their wool.

Most often dangerous parasites live in such places:

  • in the grass (ground fleas breed there);
  • in basements (homeless cats often live here, rats carry fleas);
  • in the fur of other animals.

After a certain time after getting on the animal's fur, the flea begins to lay eggs. Those, in turn, can come off the hair and end up on the floor. In this way, insects spread throughout the apartment.

fleas in the house how fast
fleas in the house how fast

Adults reach a size of 5 mm. Such a flea moves quickly enough, because it jumps to a great height. Therefore, the risk of these parasites in the house increases, because they can enter the apartment from the entrance.

When you find one such insect in your house, be sure that there are others nearby. Most often, fleas settle in the bedding of pets. Ideal conditions for larvae are created here, because wool and dead skin particles of the animal are preserved on the bedding. And this is food for future individuals. They also often hide in cracks in the floor, behind radiators and baseboards, in carpets, upholstered furniture.

So we found out where the fleas in the house come from. And how to get rid of these blood-sucking insects forever?

How to detect parasites?

First of all, you should make sure that fleas really started in your house. Finding them is easy enough. There are 3 verifiedways to help you make sure you have dangerous insects in your home.

  1. If there are pets in the house, they should be well examined by combing. This procedure should be performed on white cloth or paper. Particular attention should be paid to the neck, head and abdomen. This is where most of the parasites are found. Visually, you can see not only bloodsuckers, but also their waste products.
  2. From the floor, all dust should be collected with a dry cloth. After it is soaked in a small amount of clean water. If the dust contains flea feces with undigested blood, the water will turn pinkish.
  3. A few white sheets of paper should be placed near the sofa or bed. After 15-20 minutes, you should carefully examine them. Black dots appearing on paper indicate the presence of parasites in the house.

From afar, fleas look like dark dots. Having seen a flea at least once up close, it is impossible to confuse it with another insect. The body of the flea has a specific flat shape with a large abdomen.

how to get rid of fleas in the house quickly
how to get rid of fleas in the house quickly

How to tell fleas from other insect pests?

Everyone knows that not only fleas can settle in a private house, but also bedbugs, as well as mosquitoes. All of them cause considerable discomfort. You should remember the features of the pest activity of insects to make sure that there are fleas in the house. How to get rid of these parasites at home, everyone should know. So, the features of flea bites:

  • The bite mark is very similar to a mosquito. There is swelling with a small dot in the center.
  • Fleas bite a person on the lower back and legs (a sleeping person bites on the arms and neck).
  • The bite mark consists of 2-3 punctures with a distance of 1.5 cm between them. These punctures are often placed in a chaotic manner.
  • The affected areas of the skin are very itchy. They are painful, disturb a person for a long time. Due to constant scratching, the wounds heal for a very long time.

Pest control tactics

Having learned where the parasites come from, you should figure out how to quickly get rid of fleas in the house. To act as efficiently as possible, you need to know the nature of the reproduction of these pests.

Fleas love damp, warm, poorly hygienic environments. In other words, clutter, dampness, shading, heat - these are excellent conditions for the reproduction of dangerous parasites.

Insect control

Did you find fleas in the house? How to quickly get rid of them? The first prerequisite is the observance of hygiene rules. After all, flea larvae feed on particles of decaying organic matter. Therefore, the main task is to deprive them of food, creating unfavorable conditions for parasites.

how to get rid of fleas at home
how to get rid of fleas at home

We found out where the fleas came from in the house. And how to get rid of them? It is known that under comfortable conditions in the house, these parasites are bred at a high rate. They will bring discomfort not only to your animals, but also to you. They will bite the legs, cause an allergic reaction on the skin. Therefore, we should declare war on them and forget about them.forever.

How to get rid of fleas in the house quickly? You can independently perform the following measures to combat parasites:

  • The house should be frequently wet cleaned with a solution of vinegar.
  • Carpets should be thoroughly vacuumed, rolled up and dry-cleaned.
  • All products must be hidden or covered so that they do not get poison when processed with chemicals.
  • Skirting boards, floors, furniture should be disinfected with special preparations, for example, Dichlorvos.
  • Pets need to be treated with pesticides. In the veterinary pharmacy you can buy special drops, sprays and shampoos. Be sure to wear a special anti-flea collar on the animal. Animal beds should also be thoroughly disinfected.

When processing, special attention should be paid to secluded places. It is good to disinfect the floor under the furniture, in the corners, in the cabinets. All clothing should be washed well, preferably at high temperature, or ironed with steam. If you have a steam generator, you can treat all surfaces to a height of up to 1 m.

Remember to be extra careful when handling insecticide. All people and animals must be removed from the apartment. 24 hours after disinfection, the house should be thoroughly checked. After careful processing, insects disappear completely.

Using various means, you should study the instructions well. It shows how to remove fleas in the house correctly. After all, some insecticides only work on adults. Sowill have to re-process after a while.

To prevent flea breeding, cleanliness should be monitored daily. If your animal walks on the street, it is necessary to purchase a special collar. It must be regularly treated with special drops from parasites. Sometimes essential oils of wormwood are used. The smell of this plant effectively repels fleas in the house.

How quickly can you get rid of parasites with plants? You can use all the same wormwood. The plant should be spread out in different corners of the room, especially at the front door. Cleanliness in the house and a frightening smell will bear fruit, and terrible parasites will no longer bother you.

Folk methods

Chemical pest control products are relatively recent. But how did our grandparents cope? Believe me, they knew many effective folk remedies for fleas in the house, which still work no worse than the most expensive chemicals. Therefore, special attention should be paid to this aspect of the fight against bloodsuckers.

Let's consider ways to prepare effective folk remedies for pest control:

  • It is necessary to prepare an infusion of herbs: tansy, bitter wormwood, eucalyptus. Part of the infusion should be poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on all vertical surfaces, including upholstered furniture. The rest of the liquid should be used to clean the floor.
  • You can make homemade repellants from water and citrus fruits. For this, it is allowed to use both natural, fresh fruits and essentialoils.
  • Pine needles and wormwood can be laid on the floor.

Following these recommendations for a few weeks, you will be able to get rid of annoying insects in your home. Remember how to get rid of fleas in the house with folk remedies. After all, this information can be useful to you at any moment.

how to deal with fleas in the house
how to deal with fleas in the house

Proper Handling of Pets

Chemical preparations for the treatment of pet hair from parasites cause skin irritation in animals. Therefore, many owners use homemade, safe and effective remedies. They are easy to make yourself.

  • You can buy your beloved pet with household or tar soap. In this case, the soap composition must be kept on the animal's hair for at least 10 minutes. After it should be thoroughly washed off, and the animal should be combed out. Tar soap perfectly heals wounds and removes inflammation.
  • Pet can be redeemed in a strong saline solution. To do this, a pack of s alt should be dissolved in 10 liters of water. After wetting the animal with this solution, wait 4 minutes and rinse the animal well under running water.
  • You can make your own homemade anti-parasite shampoo. To do this, boil a strong solution of baby soap to a jelly-like state. After that, nettle, medium onion, calendula and yolk are added to it. This product should be applied to the pet's wet coat for 20 minutes. It is advisable to wrap the animal with plastic wrap. After the product should be rinsed well under running water.
  • Wooldogs can be periodically sprayed with a solution of wormwood, eucalyptus, or tansy.

Fighting fleas with chemicals

You found out that there are fleas at home. How to get rid of them at home? Indeed, sometimes folk methods, despite prolonged and regular use, do not have the desired effect. Sometimes it seems that the whole apartment smelled through and through of wormwood, and the fleas, as if nothing had happened, continue to jump. In this case, it is better not to postpone the problem indefinitely, but to seek help from specialists. In this situation, only ready-made high-quality chemicals can help.

folk remedies for fleas in the house
folk remedies for fleas in the house

How to use Dichlorvos?

"Dichlorvos" allows you to process not only the floor and walls, but also upholstered furniture. Aerosol cans will help to disinfect all surfaces with high quality. To process a standard two-room apartment, you need about 5 liters of solution, which is 10 cans. Before use, be sure to read the instructions.

Be sure to wear a respirator and gloves before starting treatment. The product is carefully sprayed onto the walls, floor. Particular attention is paid to cracks and skirting boards. At the same time, windows and doors should be closed in the room. After processing, you should leave the apartment for 5-6 hours. Upon returning, the housing must be thoroughly ventilated. Careful spraying at home allows you to get rid of pests in one day.

The flea bomb is an effective remedy

How to deal with fleas in the house? Often professionals useflea bomb. This is a special spray that makes the life of insects uncomfortable. This is a good way to quickly get fleas out of your home.

Before use, carefully read the instructions. Basic insect control steps include:

  • All interior doors in the house, cabinet doors, furniture drawers need to be opened or pulled out.
  • All food, cutlery, crockery must be packed and taken out of the premises.
  • All electrical appliances should be unplugged. Lights must be off.
  • Everything that cannot be removed should be covered with special covers or plastic sheets. Manufacturers recommend covering all electronic appliances and countertops in the kitchen.
  • During processing, it is strictly forbidden to be in the house for people and pets. If you have an aquarium, you need to take it out. If it is large, then it must be tightly covered and sealed with adhesive tape. The minimum time during which you can not enter the house is 8 hours. This is the bomb mode.
  • The bomb should be placed in the central part of the crowbar. It is desirable that this room has access to neighboring rooms.
  • Start the activator and quickly leave the house.
  • After the time specified in the instructions, you can return home. At this stage, you should start cleaning. All surfaces must be thoroughly vacuumed, furniture and floors must be rinsed.
  • Cleaning must be done in protective clothing, rubber gloves.

To find out if you were able to get rid of fleas in the houseconditions and how effectively this procedure went, you need to carefully look at the floor. It and all horizontal surfaces must have dead insects.

fleas in the house how to get rid of folk remedies
fleas in the house how to get rid of folk remedies

Remember that flea bombs contain neurotoxins. Regular use of such funds is strictly prohibited. If fleas reappear in the house, you should choose a more effective means to deal with them.

Call the experts

How to get fleas out of the house if chemicals and folk methods do not help? Calling a specialist will provide 100% results in the fight against insects. The cost of this service depends on the region. For example, in the capital, this service will cost more than in the provinces. Specialists in their work use high-quality imported drugs. They are safe for the he alth of both pets and people. Such products do not have to be washed off the floor. In addition, you do not have to leave your home for a long time. Many of these preparations are practically odorless.

Specialists most often use these drugs:

  • "Empire";
  • "Chlorpyrimark";
  • "Biorin";
  • "Sinuzan", etc.

These drugs are effective, safe. Their use allows you to completely destroy harmful insects. Professional treatment of the premises from parasites does not require a second procedure.

How to protect your home from insect invasion?

After reading this article, hearingscary stories from friends, many are afraid of the appearance of fleas in the house. What to do, how to protect yourself from the invasion of these parasites? The best method is prevention. What is it?

First of all, all cracks in windows, doorways, floors and walls should be sealed in time. In such conditions, it will be difficult for fleas to enter the house. In addition, you should carefully monitor not only your pets, but also the neighbors. Eliminate the possibility of other people's pets in your home, even for a short period of time.

fleas in the house what to do
fleas in the house what to do

Be sure to keep the house clean and hygienic. Ventilate the apartment periodically. These methods allow you to avoid an unpleasant encounter with harmful insects.

Many experts recommend cleaning the house once a year using a proven and effective folk remedy - wormwood infusion.

People who live on the first floor (above the basement) should think about disinfection in non-residential premises. After all, the basement is the perfect breeding ground for fleas.


So you have learned how to get rid of domestic fleas in the house. All methods are quite simple and effective. Having found insects in your house, you should try to get rid of them yourself using folk remedies. If they are ineffective, it is necessary to use high-quality chemicals. Treatment with such means will allow you to get rid of parasites. In some cases, you may need to seek help fromspecialists.

To prevent the reappearance of fleas in your home, carry out regular prophylaxis. By following simple conditions, you can protect your family and friends from the negative influence of these parasites.

Be mindful of pets. They regularly need to be treated with special means that repel and prevent the appearance of fleas. The quality of life and comfortable living conditions in the house depend only on you.