Do fleas live on people? Why are fleas dangerous to humans? How to get rid of fleas in the apartment?

Do fleas live on people? Why are fleas dangerous to humans? How to get rid of fleas in the apartment?
Do fleas live on people? Why are fleas dangerous to humans? How to get rid of fleas in the apartment?

Fleas in pets are not unpredictable. If your pet roams freely outside and comes into contact with other cats or dogs, then he is more likely to bring home blood-sucking insects. Do they pose a potential danger to humans? Most will say no. In fact, any warm-blooded animals can be bitten, especially if the fleas are hungry. Today we’ll talk about whether fleas live on people, in more detail.

do fleas live on people
do fleas live on people


It is believed that these insects are transmitted from cats and dogs to other pets, and people are bitten only by accident. Let's figure it out together. To date, there are only two varieties of the human flea:

  • Tunga penetrans (fortunately, this species practically does not occur in our country) - when attacked by representatives, a serious disease develops. The fact is that the female lays offspring, biting under the skin.
  • Pulex irritans - These fleas can live almost everywhere.

Besides them, there are about 30 more varieties that canliving in an apartment for a long time.

  • These are rat, European, which most often parasitize on domestic mice.
  • Southern rats carry the plague. They live on rodents, but they also bite humans.
  • Dogs, unlike everyone else, constantly live on their master. Most of you are well aware of these representatives of the species, as they are often seen on pets.

Do fleas live on people? No, they don't live. Why do people periodically attack these insects and suffer from their bites? The answers to these questions lie in the biology of the bloodsucking creature.

how to get rid of fleas in the apartment
how to get rid of fleas in the apartment

Biology of the parasite

In nature, they live on the ground and visit their owners only at the time of feeding. Bloodsuckers can use a person as a source of food, but they will not live on it. If fleas have chosen an apartment, they will lay their eggs in separate corners that they like. They hatch into larvae that feed on organic matter. In unwashed dog litter, there are usually more of them than necessary. The larva turns into a pupa, from which an adult emerges. It is she who, getting out in search of food, can casually bite anyone.

It becomes clear whether fleas live on people. They cannot spend a long time on the human body. Unlike a dog or a cat, he has no fur, and she will simply have nowhere to hide. The longest they can linger on the head in the hair, but they will not be able to live like that. Usually, after biting their victim and receiving a dose of fresh blood, theyleave their temporary "master" and return to the floor, bedding, or hiding place.

how dangerous are fleas for humans
how dangerous are fleas for humans

Flea bites: fact or fiction

If you still have doubts about whether fleas live on people, then you can safely forget about them. They do not have suction cups or hooks with which insects could be held on the body. But any warm-blooded creature can become a victim of these bloodsuckers. They take advantage of anyone who enters their habitat, although they are adapted to go without food for a while.

They will bite anyone. The only selection criterion is warm-bloodedness. Therefore, the question of whether fleas pass to humans can be considered in two ways. They will not live on it, but they will not refuse to feast on blood. Only accessibility matters. By the way, bloodsuckers are always more active in the warm season, in hot weather.

What you should know

To understand in time what you are dealing with, you need to know what flea bites look like in humans. Only in this way will you be able to distinguish them from mosquito bites, bedbugs or an allergic reaction to food. Fleas cause the most discomfort when they bite. After a few hours, allergic edema may occur. Its intensity will depend on the individual characteristics and inclinations of the person. In addition to the fact that the affected area itches, it also hurts a lot.

Since flea bites look the same to humans as mosquito bites, it is the soreness of the bitten area that makes it possible to understand what it isfootprint of another insect. Unlike mosquitoes, these bloodsuckers do not inject an anesthetic. Instead, only irritating saliva enters the body.

Personal Features

Of course, each person will have their own reaction. There are people who are completely insensitive. They simply won't notice the bite and will claim that their fleas didn't bite. Other family members who do not have this property of the body may notice slight discomfort. Allergy sufferers are the worst. On their body, each bite will turn into a huge bubble that will itch and hurt. Antihistamines will help improve the condition a little, but the problem will not completely go away.

what do flea bites look like on humans
what do flea bites look like on humans


But the redness of the skin area itself does not pose any threat to life and he alth. Why are fleas dangerous to humans? The fact is that these bloodsuckers are carriers of terrible diseases. These are bubonic plague already mentioned above, anthrax and encephalitis, tularemia and typhus. The consequences of "communication" with fleas can be various types of fungi.

Of course, not every cat or dog flea is a carrier. The probability of meeting such a person in your home is negligible. But we must not forget how dangerous fleas are for humans. Every year, thousands of cases are recorded in the world when a flea bite became the cause of a dangerous disease.

The next danger is the appearance of an allergy to flea enzymes. If the affected area is swollen and itchy, you should be wary. Therefore if youIf you suspect that there are parasites in your house, start fighting them immediately. Fleas multiply quickly, and the more insects you have around you, the more likely you are to get bitten.

do fleas spread to humans
do fleas spread to humans

Transmission methods

There are many myths around these insects. Until now, animal lovers argue among themselves whether cat fleas can pass to humans. Contrary to popular belief, these parasites are not transmitted to humans from animals. But from the latter, they settle on bedding, in the crevices of a wooden floor, and from there attack the owner of the house. And even if there are no pets at home, this does not mean that a person will not be attacked by parasites. They make their way into the apartment through basements, attics or through rodents. Fleas feel great in crevices and secluded places. That is, wherever it is warm and humid. For insects, warm-blooded animals are important not only as a source of fresh blood, but also as a transport. They transport bloodsuckers from place to place.

What to do

How to get rid of fleas in the apartment? This is a complex and multifaceted issue. Today, with the advent of modern insecticides, a person can defeat parasites in the shortest possible time, but there is no guarantee that soon the insects will not return again. To remove fleas, it is enough to process all the places where they hide from the larvae. To do this, it is imperative to carry out a high-quality cleaning of the entire room: wash the floor and walls. Since you can get rid of fleas in an apartment only by finding all their breeding sites, you will have to work hard and wipe everythingcorners.

Mere water may not be enough. In order for the treatment to be successful, all surfaces must be treated with a solution of "Butox" or "Neostomazan" or their analogues. They are sold in veterinary pharmacies without a prescription and come with detailed instructions.

cat fleas on a person
cat fleas on a person

Instructions for action

You can get rid of insects in the apartment with the help of various drugs that are freely available today. These are "Raptor" and "Raid", "Combat" and a number of analogues. Read the instructions carefully before use. You will have to process all things, floors and walls, furniture. Follow a few simple guidelines. Before processing, be sure to vacuum the entire apartment. Throw away all the garbage at once, because insect larvae can remain in the dust. Just in case, treat the apartment or house twice. If fleas have settled in human hair, be sure to treat them with a special shampoo.

Pet protection

Dogs and cats must wear collars with repellent components or use special drops. If you do not allow the appearance of insects in your pets, then the chances of being bitten by a person are much less. Cat fleas on a person in most cases appear when their pets go for a walk, to visit less well-groomed representatives of the genus. To avoid this, the bedding is carefully washed, then wormwood is laid out on them. The animals themselves need to be redeemed in the Butox solution.

To understand if pets have parasites, just watch thembehavior. Flea allergy in humans is expressed in the form of scratching on the body, redness on the skin. In animals, in principle, everything is the same. Due to dermatitis, they develop a “flea triangle”, that is, a bald area on the croup. If, in addition to the parasites themselves, such a reaction is observed, then glucocorticoids are additionally prescribed.

can cat fleas spread to humans
can cat fleas spread to humans

Instead of a conclusion

There are no separate ways to get rid of fleas in humans. But this is understandable, because bloodsuckers do not live on our body. It is simply not recommended to comb the wounds so that the infection does not get into them. It is better to treat bites with any disinfectant solutions. Itching may require the use of any soothing ointment. And in any case, it is much easier to prevent them from appearing in your home. If prevention fails, every effort will be required to ensure that the treatment is single and effective.
