Are fleas dangerous for humans? Description, types and methods of struggle

Are fleas dangerous for humans? Description, types and methods of struggle
Are fleas dangerous for humans? Description, types and methods of struggle

Are animal fleas dangerous to humans? Surprisingly, even people can suffer from small bloodsuckers that parasitize on the body of pets. In our material, I would like to highlight individual varieties of fleas, to present their description. We will also consider effective methods of dealing with such insects. Let's find out if cat fleas and other pets are dangerous for humans.

Cat fleas

Are fleas dangerous to humans?
Are fleas dangerous to humans?

They are the most common type of flea. They feed mainly on the blood of cats. However, they can parasitize other pets.

Are cat fleas dangerous for humans? Feeding on the blood of people, such parasites cause not only painful sensations. Their bites lead to the appearance of all kinds of irritations on the surface of the delicate epidermis. Cat fleas are also carriers of various skin diseases.

Dog fleas

Dog fleas parasitize man's four-legged friends. If suchpossibility, they do not disdain the blood of people. This type of insect is extremely tenacious. Representatives of the species are able to go without food for many months.

The body of dog fleas is flattened and covered with hooked villi. Thanks to this feature, they get the opportunity to quickly move in thick wool and penetrate the skin. The hind legs of these bloodsuckers are of considerable length, which allows them to travel long distances without any problems in search of a new victim.

Are dog fleas dangerous to humans? The bites of such insects are extremely painful for humans. The structure of their saliva lacks a natural anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. Therefore, textured marks remain at the site of the bites, which are very itchy. In some cases, the attack of dog fleas on a person causes the development of allergic reactions.

Chicken Flea Information

Are cat fleas dangerous to humans?
Are cat fleas dangerous to humans?

Such bloodsuckers have the smallest size. The length of their body is no more than one and a half millimeters. For this reason, chicken fleas can remain invisible to humans for a long time until their colonies become numerous.

Infection of poultry occurs as a result of contact with wild birds. The main carriers of these small parasites are pigeons, crows, sparrows. Getting on the body of a chicken, such parasites firmly cling to the feathers with elongated hind legs.

However, they are extremely sensitive to environmental conditions. If athe temperature drops below 40oC, chicken fleas die pretty soon. Therefore, individuals of the presented species rarely leave the host.

Are chicken fleas dangerous to humans? In view of the above features, it is quite difficult for these insects to settle on the human body. Our temperature is not suitable for the active reproduction of such small pests.

Moose fleas

Are animal fleas dangerous to humans?
Are animal fleas dangerous to humans?

The moose flea is a parasitic insect, also known as the deer bloodsucker. Outwardly, adults resemble a miniature, extremely mobile fly, which has a strong physique, like an ordinary flea. The insect has strong paws, with which it repels itself to make jumps over considerable distances. The presence of a pair of wings helps the moose flea to search for victims. The body length of such insects ranges from 3 to 5 mm.

Smelling a warm-blooded creature, the insect immediately rushes towards it. Once on the body of the victim, the moose flea clings tightly to it. Having settled here, sheds her wings. Further, the parasite proceeds to active mass gain and reproduction.

Is the moose flea dangerous for humans? Such bloodsuckers can attack a person only in the daytime. After all, they are looking for a suitable victim, relying on the visual organs. Most often, hunters who process elk or deer carcasses directly in the forest suffer from such parasites. Fleas of the presented species attack only adults. For some unknown reason, they are absolutely not interested in children. Probably the value forinsects has the size of a potential victim.

Earth fleas

Are fleas dangerous for humans from dogs?
Are fleas dangerous for humans from dogs?

In their natural habitat, earthen fleas live in the upper layer of the soil. However, under certain circumstances, such bloodsuckers can settle indoors. Most often this happens when the larvae of the parasite cling to animal hair, shoes or human clothing, getting into the house. Usually they settle in the crevices of floor coverings, behind skirting boards, in furniture structures. Often, large colonies fill basements, living near heating mains.

Are fleas of this species dangerous for humans? Like other similar parasites, they cause a lot of discomfort to the inhabitants of apartments and houses. The main problem is their rapid, mass reproduction. Over time, bloodsuckers become extremely aggressive, biting pets and people.

Rat fleas

The “hosts” of these parasites are small rodents. A distinctive feature of such bloodsuckers is an elongated body. They can grow up to 4 mm. The main source of food is the blood of rats and mice that live in human buildings. With a shortage of food, these creatures are able to parasitize on the body of people.

Are rodent fleas dangerous to humans? These small parasites pose a significant threat to human he alth. After all, adults often act as carriers of the causative agent of plague and typhus. People can also become infected from them with parasites, in particular, tapeworm.

Pathogens of diseases carried by fleas

Are cat fleas dangerous to humans?
Are cat fleas dangerous to humans?

To understand whether fleas from a dog, cat or any other animal are dangerous for humans, just look at the widest list of ailments carried by such parasites. Among the most serious diseases here it is worth noting:

  • Helminthiasis.
  • Plague and typhoid.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Pseudotuberculosis.
  • Pulikoz.
  • Erythema.
  • Brucellosis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Anthrax.

What to do if bitten by a flea?

Are cat fleas dangerous to humans?
Are cat fleas dangerous to humans?

We found out if fleas are dangerous for humans. Now let's note what actions should be taken when bites of small parasites are detected.

You should never touch and even more so comb the marks left by the bloodsuckers. After all, this can lead to the introduction of dangerous infections into the body. First you need to treat the bite site with an effective antiseptic. To eliminate the sensation of severe itching, it is enough to attach a piece of ice to the skin. The affected area must be lubricated with an anti-allergic agent.

Preventive measures

Having figured out whether fleas in a cat are dangerous for humans, it is important to prevent their appearance and settlement in the premises. For this purpose, preventive measures should be taken periodically. First of all, you need to regularly inspect pets for the presence of small parasites. If fleas are found, the coat should be treated immediately.animals with special means to combat blood-sucking pests.

It is recommended to take pets for a walk in special collars that exude a flea-repellent scent. This is especially important if the pet can come into contact with stray animals.

To protect yourself from the spread of fleas in the apartment, it is enough to periodically carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the housing. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to cleaning all kinds of cracks and nooks and crannies in which pests can hide.

Preparing to expel fleas from home

Are chicken fleas dangerous to humans?
Are chicken fleas dangerous to humans?

Before proceeding directly to the destruction of small bloodsuckers, it is worth resorting to some preparatory actions. These parasites can live not only on the body of pets. The most secluded places in the apartment are capable of choosing pests. All kinds of crevices in the coatings, bed linen, space under furniture, carpet paths - this is where fleas breed.

In order to prepare to fix the problem, it is worth walking with a vacuum cleaner through all the nooks and crannies at a height of up to one and a half meters. After all, fleas rarely settle in rooms above. Clothes and bedding must be removed from the cabinets, and then sent to the laundry. Carpets and tablecloths are preferably subjected to heat treatment with an iron. Such a solution will destroy the bulk of flea larvae. Throw away old cat or dog bedding. Since they can become a source of re-infection of housing with blood-sucking parasites.

Chemical treatment of premises

The most effective solution for expelling fleas from the house is the use of chemicals. You can use not only aerosols and sprays, but also toxic liquids, contact insecticides. As practice shows, the most effective means here are: "Dichlorvos", "Sinuzan", "Raptor", "Get", "Reid", "Phenaksin", "Butox-50", "Neocidol". Each of these drugs contains substances that have a destructive effect on the tissues and nervous system of insects, which leads to a rather rapid death.

Folk remedies against fleas

It is possible to expel small bloodsuckers from the premises through the use of odorous herbs, as well as products made on the basis of components of organic origin. An excellent result is the use of bitter wormwood, tansy, wild rosemary. Such herbs are recommended to be laid out in the expected habitats of fleas - under furniture, on the floor, in closets, under mattresses.

To help in the fight against insects, a remedy prepared using garlic and yeast is capable. These ingredients must be crushed and mixed. It is enough to scatter the resulting composition in places where fleas are seen. The only drawback of such a solution may be an extremely unpleasant smell, which is unbearable not only for insects, but can force the residents themselves to leave the apartment.

Disinsection of premises

In some cases, expelling fleas from an apartment becomes not only difficult, but almost impossible. These are situations whereclutches of small parasites spread en masse over vast areas. Eggs of blood-sucking pests are able to "wait in the wings" until favorable conditions for hatching of larvae come.

You can help to cope with the problem by calling professional exterminators. Today, experts have a wide arsenal of insecticides. If the fleas have already adapted to a certain poison, the use of new, potent chemicals will definitely give a result.
