Early cabbage: varieties, cultivation features

Early cabbage: varieties, cultivation features
Early cabbage: varieties, cultivation features

Cabbage comes in different varieties. Vegetables with early ripening are characterized by common properties: heads of cabbage ripen quickly, withstand low temperatures, and rarely crack. But they are stored for a short time. Read about early varieties of cabbage and their cultivation in the article.

Features of outdoor cultivation

To grow the best varieties of early cabbage, a number of conditions must be met:

  • The vegetable needs good lighting, so sunny beds are chosen for planting it.
  • Varieties of early cabbage are demanding on the composition of the soil. The vegetable prefers light and moist soils.
  • Needs watering. So that a crust does not form, the earth must be loosened. If the weather is dry, two liters of water should be poured under each plant.
  • Early varieties of cabbage need to be fed. Liquid fertilizers begin to be applied to the soil after the rooting of the sprouts.
Cabbage early varieties
Cabbage early varieties
  • Seedlings should be transplanted from the greenhouse to garden beds only when three or four leaves appear on the plants.
  • For planting, use a 30x60 cm pattern.
  • Seedlings do not need to be planted deep into the soil.
  • When heads start to form, the plant is spudded.
  • Early cabbage is adapted to any temperature conditions, but cannot stand extreme heat. Comfortable for her is 17-20 oS.
  • When planting, you should adhere to certain deadlines, but taking into account the climatic features of the region in which the vegetable is grown. This period is extended in time. Planting begins at the end of March, and its completion at the beginning of the last month of spring.

Features of growing in a greenhouse

To obtain the earliest varieties of cabbage, covered ground is used. The time for planting seedlings in the greenhouse is the month of April. But before that, you need to prepare the room. Early varieties of cabbage, according to vegetable growers, are best planted at a distance of 35 cm. So the emerging heads will not squeeze each other, and the roots will receive enough nutrition from the soil. Hothouse cabbage has a number of features when growing:

  • In the room you need to install a thermometer and monitor the temperature. During the day it should be 18 oS, at night - 10.
  • Seedlings need moderate watering. It is carried out when the soil begins to dry out. Waterlogging is not allowed, otherwise the roots will rot.
  • Mice are often found in the greenhouse, which can destroy all plants. We need to set up mousetraps.
  • The best varieties of early cabbage, according to gardeners, need weekly feeding. Vegetable growers with experience believe that plants will get morenutrients, if you alternate fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Greenhouses need to be ventilated regularly, even in cold weather. For cabbage, lack of oxygen is worse than frost.
The best varieties of early cabbage
The best varieties of early cabbage

White Cabbage

Early varieties are intended for fresh consumption. Salads, juices, side dishes, soups are prepared from such vegetables. White early cabbage has a small variety of varieties, the taste of which differs little. In addition, all varieties have medium-sized heads of cabbage. If they are not watered properly, they will crack. According to vegetable growers, varieties of early white cabbage are not stored for a long time. For the winter, such heads of cabbage are not left. Many new varieties are being developed by breeders, but not for the sake of any achievements. The main goal is to get an early cabbage that is resistant to dry as well as cold weather. The names of early varieties of white cabbage are given below.


By the name of the variety, you can guess that this cabbage is harvested in the month of June, as it ripens in 90-100 days. The fruit has an elliptical shape, its structure is loose, and its density is medium. Heads of cabbage weigh two kilograms or more, but, despite their heavy weight, they are small in size. These vegetables belong to the early varieties of white cabbage. They are distinguished by increased cold resistance. They withstand temperatures down to five degrees below zero. This cabbage is also grown in garden beds, and not just in greenhouses.

The variety has an attractive feature: heads of cabbage havehigh presentation, the same size and ripen together. If you tighten it with harvesting, the cabbage will crack. According to gardeners, in order to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prevent large temperature fluctuations. They advise covering heads of cabbage at night.

Cossack F1

This is a high yielding hybrid. It is resistant to diseases of the species, heads of cabbage do not crack. Vegetables tolerate cold well, so they can be grown in unprotected soil, that is, in the garden. Cabbage is considered an early variety, but it takes 112 days to ripen. But this is offset by a good harvest: four kilograms per square meter of garden bed.

Cabbage is characterized by long trunks, the height of which reaches 30 cm. The heads are small and light, their diameter is 18 cm, weight is 1.2 kg. The color is not typical for white cabbage. The outer leaves are greenish-gray, on the surface of which a wax coating is visible. The head of cabbage inside has a white-cream color, it is juicy and crispy. The stalk is six centimeters long.


This vegetable is one of the best varieties of early cabbage for open ground. Ripens in just 95 days. According to gardeners, it must be grown in your garden, since from year to year this cabbage gives high yields, up to five kilograms per square. Flattened heads of cabbage are of medium size, by the time of harvesting their weight reaches two kilograms. The size of the stalk corresponds to the parameters of the head. The leaves are green with a muted tint, the white coating on their surface is barely distinguishable.

Not stored for a long time, maximumterm is two months. But it is transported over long distances without loss of appearance and quality. Used fresh and for processing. Due to the high content of vitamin "C", this cabbage has found wide application in diet food.

Early cabbage the best varieties for open ground
Early cabbage the best varieties for open ground

Golden Hectare

This vegetable belongs to the best varieties of early cabbage. It enjoys well-deserved popularity due to high yields: seven kilograms of fruit per square meter. The dimensions of the head of cabbage exceed the standard and reach 2.5 kg. They are dense, can be stored for five months. This cabbage is good fresh and canned. According to vegetable growers with extensive experience in growing this crop, untimely harvesting does not affect the quality of the heads, they rarely crack. This cabbage is recommended to be stored for winter storage.

Dumas F 1

This hybrid is ultra-early. He needs 90 days to mature. Heads of cabbage are small in size, their weight reaches one and a half kilograms. They have an average density, there are no voids, the heads do not crack. The leaves have a standard color: outside - green, inside - yellow-white. Greenhouse conditions are more suitable for growing. Seedlings are best planted at home. When she grows up and gets stronger, transplant into a greenhouse. The appearance and taste of heads of cabbage are at a high level.

Transfer F 1

The names of early varieties of white cabbage are different. But this hybrid is worth remembering for those who grow vegetables for sale. The heads always have a presentation, as they do notare cracking. They ripen at the same time, which is especially important for mass cultivation. They are of medium size and density, the leaves are green on the outside, white on the cut.


This type of these vegetables is the most demanding to care for. Greenhouse conditions are considered the best for growing. Here you can easily maintain the temperature and humidity in the optimal mode. If the conditions are not met, the heads will become soft and crack. For growing early varieties, regions with a cold climate are suitable. The vegetative period, although short, can be harvested before frost.

This cabbage has special features in feeding. Greenhouse vegetables do not like fertilizers containing nitrogen and potassium. The best food for them will be mullein, superphosphate, urea.

early varieties of cauliflower
early varieties of cauliflower

Cauliflower is a dietary vegetable. It must be used frequently. It seems to many that it can only be grown in a warm climate. To date, many varieties have been bred that are adapted to any climate, even Siberian. Examples of early cauliflower varieties are shown below.

Snow globe

This variety has a dense white head. Has excellent taste. Despite the early planting, snow-white heads of cabbage are firm and beautiful. They have a classic round-flat shape. One ovary weighs an average of 800 g. If you provide very good care, this figure increases much, up to about 1200 g.

Seedlings are planted densely, but this does not affectfruiting results. From a plot of one square meter, two to four kilograms of vegetables are harvested. This variety is resistant to various diseases, quickly adapts to adverse weather conditions. Cabbage is eaten fresh and used in various dishes.


Cauliflower of this variety is the leader in terms of taste. This is an early crop. A characteristic varietal trait is a medium-sized rosette and small heads. Their weight reaches 350-500 g. White inflorescences have a yellowish tint. By the time of maturation, the head becomes rounded. This period begins two months after planting.

According to experts, the variety is suitable for growing in a greenhouse, but if the spring is warm, seedlings can be planted on the beds in the garden, but risky. The yield of cabbage is good: one and a half kilograms per square meter, 18 tons per hectare.

Name of varieties of early cabbage
Name of varieties of early cabbage

Advantages of the variety: cabbage is the most delicious, little susceptible to vascular bacteriosis. Disadvantages: it is damaged by pests for which the leaves are a delicacy.

Movir 74

This hybrid has early maturity and high yield. The diameter of the rosette of leaves is 45-95 cm. The heads, as a rule, have a rounded shape, sometimes they are slightly flattened. To get large heads of cabbage with a diameter of 25 cm, weight - 400-1400 g, you need to plant seeds with high quality, properly care for the plants and hope for favorable weather.

Featurehybrid lies in the fact that its surface has a wavy shape. When collecting large heads of cabbage, the yield increases to four kilograms per square. The advantages of cabbage include:

  • Good taste.
  • Use fresh and canned.
  • The heads ripen at the same time.
  • Two harvests a year.
  • Tolerates heat and low temperatures well.

White beauty

The advantage of this variety is the rapid ripening of heads. White inflorescences have a dense texture. Large heads have a rounded shape weighing 1.2 kg. Due to their white color, their presentation is attractive. Cabbage differs from other varieties in that the heads are completely covered with light green leaves. So they are protected from sunlight and pests.

Cabbage has a unique taste and contains many minerals that are beneficial to human he alth. Used fresh, frozen and canned. It is famous for rich harvests: six kilograms per square meter. To some extent, this is influenced by the size of the heads. They are large and very heavy.

Early cabbage the best varieties reviews
Early cabbage the best varieties reviews


Cabbage ripens early. From germination to full maturity, 70-98 days pass. Grown in beds in open soil and in greenhouses. Leaf blades are up to 60 cm in height, reach 36 cm in width. The head of cabbage is dense, flat-round, weighs about 1.2 kg. The color is white with a hint of cream, the surface is fine-grained. The crop is characterizedfriendly ripening and high performance: about four kilograms per square meter.

Dutch cabbage

This is a very popular crop. It is grown in open ground and greenhouses. A feature of the varieties is the exactingness of lighting, otherwise their growth and development will be slow. This will negatively affect the yield. The name of the early cabbage varieties of Dutch breeding is very diverse. Today, vegetables adapted to grow in various regions of our country have been bred.

Early cabbage has modest yields. It is not used for canning and s alting. This is due to the fact that such cabbage leaves are tender, without a spicy crunch and density. Heads are loose, tend to crack. However, this does not affect the desire to grow early species. After all, they are a source of vitamins necessary for a person to live. Some Dutch early cabbage varieties are shown below.

  • Bingo - This vegetable has the longest shelf life, up to nine months, despite early ripening. Heads of cabbage have the correct shape, do not crack, their mass reaches one and a half kilograms or more, they bear fruit stably.
  • Musketeer - ripens very early, the growing season is 55 days. It has a small size, the mass of heads of cabbage is 0.8-1.3 kg. They do not crack.
  • Python - the grown crop of this cabbage variety must be harvested in a timely manner to prevent cracking. The culture is resistant to Fusarium. Vegetables are consumed fresh, they are suitable for pickling andcooking various dishes.
  • Resistor - in terms of ripening, weight and resistance to Fusarium, the variety is similar to the previous one. Cabbage is adapted to high temperatures.
  • Mirror 1 is an ultra-early hybrid used fresh. Heads of cabbage have a dark green color, in the context - yellowish. Their density is average, weight reaches one and a half kilograms. Reach full maturity in 45-50 days.
Dutch varieties of early cabbage
Dutch varieties of early cabbage
  • Kevin F 1 - a hybrid with green heads, has an average size and density, its weight is 1.5 kg. Due to its excellent taste, it is often grown by gardeners. Used for fresh consumption, not suitable for winter storage.
  • Tiara F 1 is an ultra-early hybrid, forms heads in 59 days, belongs to productive varieties. Characterized by juicy leaves, aligned heads. The culture is suitable for growing in greenhouses and open ground. This is a fairly large cabbage, the mass of a head of cabbage is two kilograms. It has a universal purpose: it is used fresh, stewed, used for preparations for the winter.
  • Farao F 1 - is the best variety of the Dutch selection. Ripens quickly, in 63 days. Heads of cabbage are large, dense, grow weighing three kilograms. The culture is unpretentious to grow. The vegetable is adapted to drought, temperature extremes. For good growth, it is enough to water and fertilize. Does not crack.
