Leaf cabbage. Cultivation of cabbage

Leaf cabbage. Cultivation of cabbage
Leaf cabbage. Cultivation of cabbage

At every summer cottage you can find a huge assortment of vegetables. Among all the variety, cabbage is always present. But not every garden can boast of a kale crop. This species is quite rare to be found, since it was previously believed that such cabbage was only suitable for feeding animals. Consider everything in order.

Cabbage Details

Cabbage is the most versatile vegetable used in every kitchen in the world. Cabbage can be eaten raw by adding it to a salad. And also it can be boiled, stewed or baked.


It has a lot of fiber and other nutrients, trace elements. By eating this vegetable, you can reduce blood cholesterol and sugar. This cabbage can be used by everyone. The only exception is people with acute diseases of the digestive system. One of the lowest calorie vegetables is kale. The cultivation of this crop has recently become very popular. There are only 16 kcal in 100 grams of this product. And its nutritional value is: proteins - 1.3 grams, fats - 0.2grams, carbohydrates - 2.03 grams. Oddly enough, in some countries cabbage is considered the most beautiful ornamental plant. Special varieties have been created, the sheets of which are painted white or bright red. With the help of a plant, you can decorate your site until the first snows. Growing cabbage on your own is not a big deal. Even novice gardeners will cope with the matter. But we will tell about all this in order.

Sowing cabbage

Leaf cabbage is planted in open ground with seedlings. It is planted from the beginning of March to the end of April. But before sowing, you need to properly prepare the seeds by soaking them first in hot water for 20 minutes. The water temperature should never exceed 50 degrees. And then for 5 minutes you need to lower them into ice water. This completely helps to adapt the seeds to cold and frost. After that, you can wrap the seeds in a rag for 2-3 days and put in a warm place. As soon as they begin to hatch, they can be planted in boxes. Now we are preparing the dishes for growing. It can be large boxes designed for a large number of seedlings, or any other single pots and jars. For sowing seedlings, you do not need to take land from the garden. It is better to purchase special mixtures in the store. They contain all the necessary additives and fertilizers. If you still want to bring the land from your own site, then it must be treated from harmful insects that live in the ground. This treatment is carried out with a solution of potassium permanganate.

when to plant cabbage
when to plant cabbage

The most auspicious day forsowing seeds can be selected according to the lunar calendar. As soon as the first shoots of seedlings appear, it needs to be fed. Water the seedlings often, so that the soil does not have time to dry out. The earth must be constantly moist. Seedlings should be planted in open ground in special holes. This will help retain water for a long time when watering, as kale likes abundant irrigation. Seedlings are planted at a distance of 50 cm from each other. This will help the cabbage leaves grow to their full potential.

Cabbage care

How and when to sow cabbage, figured it out. Now it is worth considering the issue of caring for her. The main algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Water.
  2. Hilling.
  3. Fertilizer.
  4. Cracking heads.
kale cultivation
kale cultivation

We will analyze each item in more detail.


Leaf cabbage requires a lot of moisture, as well as capricious to the temperature regime. Active watering is needed for seedlings after planting and when heads begin to form. Leafy green cabbage needs watering either in the morning or in the evening. It is not recommended to do this in the middle of the day, as the earth will dry out faster. In this case, the cabbage roots will not receive the necessary moisture.


This procedure can be done for the first time 20 days after planting seedlings in open ground. And repeat this action every week as needed. To find out if hilling is required and how often it should be done, you need to look at the cabbage stalk. If sheshort, then you need to spud often, and vice versa.


Fertilize cabbage after each hilling. To do this, use nitrogen or phosphorus fertilizers with the use of potassium. You can buy them in specialized stores or use fertilizers of your own production. For example, these include mullein, bird droppings or slurry. Fertilize the soil only when needed. If the land is good, then you should not once again carry out such manipulations with it.

Cracking heads

This is perhaps the most common problem of all gardeners, but this does not apply to our variety of kale.

Secrets of growing cabbage

When to sow cabbage? How to grow? How to water? These and other questions are asked by many people. Experienced gardeners who have been growing kale for a long time reveal their secrets:

leafy green cabbage
leafy green cabbage
  • Secret 1. It is necessary to prepare a bed for cabbage in the fall. It is better if it can be planted in a place where potatoes, beans or cucumbers grew. In autumn, you need to deoxidize the soil with slaked lime, chalk or ash.
  • Secret 2. It is better to grow cabbage in a warm bed. It can be made from various types of organic waste, which is compacted and watered with diluted manure. From above, the bed is covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.
  • Secret 3. Kale, as everyone knows, loves a lot of water. It is better if it is very cold, soit is worth taking it from the well.
  • Secret 4. Cabbage should only be planted in sunny areas.
  • Secret 5. You can take your time with harvesting cabbage. It will be better for her if she stays until the first frost.
  • Secret 6. Need mandatory treatment from pests that eat cabbage leaves.

Redbora cabbage

Redbor variety - cabbage of bright colors, belonging to the hybrids of the first generation. Cultivation occurs according to the above algorithm. It is worth considering the features of this variety and plant characteristics. This type of cabbage can be used not only for food, but also for decorating a garden plot. The Redbor variety grows purple. It can reach a height of 75 cm.


This cabbage can be grown in autumn and winter. This type of vegetable has large curly leaves that are eaten. Cabbage is planted in seedlings, as well as ordinary cabbage, in March-April. In open ground, it is moved in late April to early June. Care, watering, fertilizing and hilling is done according to the above principle.


After considering all the above tips, you can grow a good and rich harvest. Leaf cabbage is valuable not only for its large amount of vitamins and minerals, but also for its decorative properties. You can decorate your summer cottage with it from the beginning of spring to the first snows. We hope that these tips will help in growing such a he althy and beautiful vegetable.
