Leaf celery: cultivation in the backyard

Leaf celery: cultivation in the backyard
Leaf celery: cultivation in the backyard

Leaf celery tastes like parsley, but has a stronger flavor. Therefore, it is better suited as a seasoning in various hot dishes, although this green is also in demand in a salad.

leaf celery growing
leaf celery growing

In summer cottages, leaf celery readily grows. Growing this greenery is very profitable: a very rich harvest will turn out from one bag of seeds. Especially if you follow some rules of agricultural technology.

Celery, which is planted in early spring, loves fertile soil rich in humus. Due to the high content of essential oils in the seeds of the plant, the latter do not germinate well, and therefore need to be pre-soaked.

You can plant celery directly in the ground, but then don't expect a good harvest. In the first year, the plant develops rather slowly. Leaf celery, which is grown in seedlings, grows much faster, so you can harvest in the same year. In addition, plants take root better and grow stronger and more powerful bushes.

celery leaf cultivation
celery leaf cultivation

Forgrowing by seedlings, celery seeds are planted at a distance of 5-6 cm from each other in specially prepared boxes or in separate peat pots. Seedlings will appear no earlier than in a week.

Young sprouts need a lot of light, otherwise they will quickly stretch and be lethargic. For better development of the root system, pinch the celery root. This is done when the plant already has a few leaves.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings need to be hardened off: for this, they ventilate for another week, gradually increasing the time spent outdoors. Plants must be brought indoors at night.

They are usually planted according to the 20x20 scheme, so that the bushes do not interfere with each other's development, because greenery, as a rule, does not like close proximity too much. So is leaf celery. Cultivation at a great distance allows you to get more powerful plants with a well-developed root system. In addition, it is important to remember that the plant does not like deep planting and is demanding on fertilizers.

A lot of useful properties contains leaf celery. Growing this greenery in your backyard will allow you to stock up on this plant for future use. After all, it can be dried for the winter, added as a seasoning to meat and fish dishes. In this form, it can be stored for several years, retaining its beneficial properties, although it is better, of course, to use a fresh crop.

celery planting
celery planting

It's a shame not to mention the benefits of celery. After all, the whole plant is used for food. The seeds are rich in essential oils,therefore, tea is brewed from them, which has a diuretic effect and is especially useful in diabetes mellitus. Greens stimulate appetite, are rich in vitamins of group B, as well as A and C, are useful in the presence of stomach problems, improve digestion and promote weight loss. Celery juice cleanses the blood and helps to get rid of many skin diseases.

Leaf celery, the cultivation of which requires special patience, with the correct implementation of the above tips, next year will fully respond to your care with a wonderful harvest. It will also reward you with gorgeous fresh herbs.
