Insecticide "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews, instructions for use

Insecticide "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews, instructions for use
Insecticide "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle: reviews, instructions for use

Every gardener has such a problem as pests. Manual shredding is difficult and not considered efficient. To save the crop, you need to use different preparations. Often used "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle. Reviews confirm that this tool is used to get rid of many pests. Read more about this in the article.

Characteristic of the product

Remedy for the Colorado potato beetle "Commander" - an effective drug that allows you to eliminate garden pests. The active ingredient is imidacloprid, which is a strong organic poison. This is the composition of the "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle. The concentration of the substance is 200 g / 1 liter. The drug is created in the form of ampoules, vials. The product is also produced in the form of a powder - "Commander Maxi".

commander from the Colorado potato beetle reviews
commander from the Colorado potato beetle reviews

Kthe pluses of the funds include:

  1. The drug does not lose effectiveness at elevated temperatures.
  2. The substance is mixed with water until a stable suspension is formed.
  3. Pests don't have resistance.
  4. Suitable for use throughout the year.
  5. The product is used in the destruction of various pests.
  6. It is of low toxicity to the environment.
  7. Commander is a consumable.
  8. Has a protective effect.
  9. The substance is resistant to water washout, rain.
  10. Can do 1 treatment per season.
  11. Due to the retention of the substance in plant cells, young leaves are protected from parasites.

How does the remedy work?

As evidenced by the reviews, "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle is quite effective in eliminating parasites. Means gets into plants thanks to stalks, foliage, roots. Pests eat crops, and then the substance enters it.

commander from the Colorado potato beetle instructions for use
commander from the Colorado potato beetle instructions for use

As a result, the nervous system is damaged, after which the insect dies. The tool is used not only to destroy adults, but also larvae.


Instructions for the use of "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle will allow you to correctly perform the procedure. Usage information is included with the tool. How to properly breed "Commander" for processing potatoes? You will need 1 ampoule, which is diluted in 1 liter of water. After thorough mixing, you need to bring the product to the desired volume by adding liquid.

Depending onvariant of the treated plant, the consumption of the product is different. The solution should not be stored, it must be used on the day of preparation. Spraying the crop can be done during the growing season. Processing of plants is best done in dry, calm weather. A favorable time for spraying is early morning or evening. The insecticide works depending on the weather and the type of pest. This usually starts between 2 and 4 weeks.


According to reviews, "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle is used very simply. Potatoes can be processed in 2 ways:

  • before boarding;
  • during vegetation.
remedy for the Colorado potato beetle commander
remedy for the Colorado potato beetle commander

To use the product for potatoes before planting, a special type of insecticide is used - "Commander +". To spray, prepare a solution in the proportion of 2 ml of product per 10 liters of water. Then the tubers are laid out in 1 row on a flat surface and irrigated. After drying, you can land. Usually, 1.5 liters of solution is spent per 100 kg of potatoes. The norm for processing tops is 2 ml per 10 liters of water. Spraying 1 weave is performed with 5-10 liters of solution.

Application for other crops

There is an instruction for the use of "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle for other crops. It is necessary to properly prepare the solution and process the plant:

  1. Tomatoes and cucumbers are treated against aphids, vesicles and greenhouse whiteflies. To do this, you need to prepare a solution: an insecticide (5 ml) is diluted in water (10 liters). Such a mixtureenough to process 1 weave.
  2. To eliminate aphids, mites, moths, codling moths and leafworms on an apple tree, you need 0.2 liters / ha.
  3. Vine pests are treated with a solution, taking into account the insecticide consumption rate of 0.2 liters / ha.
  4. If onions are damaged by aphids or bugs, they need to be treated with a drip irrigation solution diluted at a ratio of: 1 liter/ha.
  5. To protect sugar beets and cabbage from fleas and cabbage flies, plant seeds should be soaked in a suspension of "Commander". The solution is created in a ratio of 2 liters / ha.
  6. Winter wheat is treated with an insecticide at a ratio of 0.2-0.25 liters/ha. The solution protects against aphids, bed bugs, red-breasted beetle.

Judging by the reviews, "Commander" from the Colorado potato beetle is used to eliminate various pests and ornamental plants, including roses. This requires 5 ml of the product to be dissolved in water (10 liters). How long the solution lasts depends on the number of pests on the crop.

Compatibility and analogues

May be used with other fungicides, growth regulators and insecticides. The exception is drugs with an alkaline reaction. But in order not to harm the treated plant, it is advisable to check compatibility before mixing.

commander from the Colorado potato beetle harm to humans
commander from the Colorado potato beetle harm to humans

Analogues include:

  1. "Confidor Extra".
  2. Bombardier Aqua.
  3. Proticolorado.


It should be remembered that there is harm to a person from the "Commander" fromcolorado potato beetle. The insecticide has a 3rd hazard class. Breeding must be carried out in a special container that is not used for cooking.

Commander from the Colorado potato beetle composition
Commander from the Colorado potato beetle composition

Personal protective equipment should be used during spraying. A change of clothes will be required. When working, you should not be distracted. After the procedure, clothes should be changed, and the face and hands should be washed with water and a disinfectant. Pets and children should not be present while spraying plants. And if there is an apiary, then it is necessary to protect the bees. They close for 6-8 hours.

First Aid

If the procedure is not carried out carefully, the liquid may get on the skin. It must be removed with a cloth, gauze or cotton wool. The affected area must not be rubbed. After cleansing the skin of liquid, it should be washed with water and soap. You can use a soda solution.

If product gets into eyes, rinse with running water. This should be done for at least 15 minutes. If you had to work without a respirator, the insecticide enters the respiratory tract. After changing clothes, washing hands, face, a person should go out into the fresh air. You need to be outside for at least 1 hour.

If there are signs of poisoning, you should consult a doctor, and do not self-medicate. Reviews also testify to the importance of using protective equipment. Processing procedures must be carried out carefully.

Storage rules

Means "Commander", like other chemicals, must be stored in places that children and households do not have access toanimals, away from food, medicines. It should be in a cool room, out of direct sunlight. Shelf life is 3 years.

how to properly breed a commander for processing potatoes
how to properly breed a commander for processing potatoes

Thus, the insecticide allows you to treat plants from pests. This effective tool will help you get a quality harvest.
