The drug "Prestige" from the Colorado potato beetle. All the truth

The drug "Prestige" from the Colorado potato beetle. All the truth
The drug "Prestige" from the Colorado potato beetle. All the truth

No one will argue that the Colorado potato beetle is the "number one enemy" of every gardener. The fight against it is carried out regularly, year after year, and there is no end in sight, although chemists and agronomists regularly “throw out” new drugs on the market. These "God's creatures" somehow manage to survive and every year, with renewed vigor, they begin to destroy the shoots of nightshade crops. And people here can only systematically kill these malicious pests in order to preserve the current crop. And recently, the Prestige drug from the Colorado potato beetle, which is produced by the German company Bayer, has been helping in this fight.

prestige from the Colorado potato beetle
prestige from the Colorado potato beetle

This unique dressing contains two active ingredients. And one of them is the fungicide pencycuron, which protects plants from diseases. And the insecticide imidacloprid acts directly on pests. Also means"Prestige" from the Colorado potato beetle has an anti-stress effect and stimulates plant growth. And seed material is treated with this preparation before planting in the ground.

And after that, gardeners no longer have to additionally spray potatoes with insecticides against Colorado beetle larvae. Since their adults simply do not have time to lay eggs. And they won’t be able to damage potato leaves either. Death awaits them as soon as they sit on the plant. Also poison from the Colorado potato beetle "Prestige" for 50 days protects potatoes from sucking pests such as leafhoppers, thrips and aphids. This drug also prevents soil parasites from profiting from the culture, such as the scoop, larvae of the May beetle and the bear. Also, plants treated with this disinfectant for 40 days may not be afraid of scab, wet and dry rot of the black leg, and other diseases.

Colorado potato beetle poison
Colorado potato beetle poison

Means "Prestige" from the Colorado potato beetle is a drug that does not harm he alth. Although it contains completely harmless substances. For example, imidacloprid, popularly called "insecticide". But this substance decomposes and is not deposited in the tubers. The same applies to picicuron, which quickly breaks down into harmless components. And in order to prove the harmlessness of the Prestige drug, scientists examined potatoes and other vegetables processed by it. The results showed that after 50 days no traces of toxic components remain. And this is explained by the fact that this drug is a contact substance that decomposes andremoved from the tubers in 40 days.

Prestige preparation from the Colorado potato beetle is used to process seed material right on the day of planting. To do this, germinated and heated tubers are poured out in buckets on a film or tarpaulin. In this way, the total weight of the planting material can be determined. Then the working solution of the drug is diluted. The calculation here is as follows: for 10 kilograms of tubers, 10 milliliters of disinfectant are required, which are diluted in 100 milliliters of water. Then the resulting solution is poured into the sprayer and the tubers are evenly treated with it, which are then well mixed. And after a couple of hours, when it dries up, you can start planting.

drug from the Colorado potato beetle prestige
drug from the Colorado potato beetle prestige

Also, do not forget here that the drug "Prestige" from the Colorado potato beetle has a third class of toxicity, that is, it is moderately dangerous. All this is indicated in the instructions for use of the product. Therefore, all work with him must be carried out with gloves and a mask. And if you observe the proportions of breeding and timing, then it will not bring any harm to he alth. They are also not recommended to process early varieties of potatoes. Since the toxic components of the drug do not have time to decompose in them. And as a result, when eating such potatoes, the consequences can be the most unforeseen.
