The drug from the Colorado potato beetle is an effective assistant in the fight against insects

The drug from the Colorado potato beetle is an effective assistant in the fight against insects
The drug from the Colorado potato beetle is an effective assistant in the fight against insects
colorado potato beetle drug
colorado potato beetle drug

Not so long ago in Siberia they did not know about such a disaster as the Colorado potato beetle in the garden. For the first time, insects that appeared were met with surprise and confusion: what kind of insects were they that encroached on the second bread - potatoes, how to deal with them? Many known drugs did not work against beetles. Vegetable growers walked around the garden and collected beetles and their voracious children in glass jars, and then burned them. And if potatoes are planted on 5-10 acres or in the field? Then there is no mercy for potatoes from the invasion of beetles. The harvest in this case will be small, and the potatoes themselves are spoiled. People have found many ways to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle, for example, releasing chickens into the garden, planting scaring plants, laying bait in the form of cut potatoes in early spring, etc. But more and more people are looking for an effective drug for the Colorado potato beetle. Over the decades of unequal struggle, the list of funds has expanded significantly.

preparations against the Colorado potato beetle
preparations against the Colorado potato beetle

Drugs againstColorado potato beetle

Almost all insecticides contain toxic poisons that have a detrimental effect on beetles. Often used drugs such as "Spark", "Commander". According to the instructions, it is enough to apply them only once for processing a potato field. But practice shows that this is not enough, and the drug from the Colorado potato beetle has to be used more than once. This is bad for the soil, because poisons tend to accumulate in it. The composition of these drugs includes imidacloprid. This is a potent substance that has a detrimental effect not only on insects, but also on all warm-blooded animals, and humans also belong to them. Therefore, when spraying the drug, it is worth using personal protective equipment: clothing should cover all parts of the body, cover the mouth and nose with a handkerchief, and it is better to use a respirator to protect the respiratory system. It is imperative that you read the instructions for use in order to properly dilute the substance. Remember that it is better to dilute the drug from the Colorado potato beetle weaker than to make it more concentrated. Never spray in windy conditions. Children must not be present when spraying, do not put their he alth at risk. And, of course, in the next few days, do not go out into the cultivated garden, do not let children, birds, animals go there.

Drug "Prestige" against the Colorado potato beetle

drug prestige against the Colorado potato beetle
drug prestige against the Colorado potato beetle

Increasingly, in the fight against insects, the drug "Prestige" is recommended. It doesn't need to be sprayed.- this is one of the advantages of the application. They are recommended to process seeds, bulbs, root crops, tubers before planting in the soil. The drug from the Colorado potato beetle contains imidacloprid, which is harmful to insects, as well as the fungicide pencycuron, which protects plants from diseases. These substances rise along the stem into emerging leaves, but do not enter the fruits of plants and berries. The insect protection period is 50 days, and the plants will be protected from diseases for 40 days. Despite the advantages, the drug is toxic, so it is also necessary to remember personal protective equipment when using it.

Biopreparations against the Colorado potato beetle

"Aktara", "Fitoverm" refer to biological products. The poisons found in these substances are enteric-contact, for humans they are less toxic than chemical agents. Russian scientists have proposed a drug from the Colorado potato beetle and other insects - Bitoxibacillin. Its active ingredients are protein crystals and spores. These drugs have a detrimental effect on insects, getting into their intestines.
