Fly remedy "Agita": properties, instructions, reviews

Fly remedy "Agita": properties, instructions, reviews
Fly remedy "Agita": properties, instructions, reviews

Today, the stores offer a huge selection of a wide variety of means for the destruction of most types of insects. On the one hand, this is good, but on the other hand, the choice becomes even more difficult.

Agita fly repellant
Agita fly repellant

Of all the variety of "poison" for annoying insects, the most popular remedy for flies "Agita". This drug is considered one of the most effective. With it, you can forget not only flying, but also crawling parasites.

Scope of application

The Austrian manufacturer of fly remedies "Agita" offers a truly universal drug that will help you get rid of flies, fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches and other insects belonging to the genus of arthropods in the shortest possible time. In addition, the tool perfectly destroys cockroaches and even ants.

This drug is widely used in the livestock sector. Also, the use of the Agita fly remedy is justified in places where a large number of cattle attract parasites. The smell of animal waste attracts swarms of flies, making it very difficult to keep farms clean. However, this drughelps to cope with even the most difficult situations.

Agita fly repellant instructions
Agita fly repellant instructions

Fly remedy "Agita": main characteristics

This drug is available in the form of beige water-soluble granules. They have no smell. This tool belongs to a variety of insecticides.

Before buying, pay attention to the packaging. It should be in the form of a plastic jar, on the neck of which a protective seal must be installed. If it is broken, then it is not recommended to purchase such a product.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the granules of the Agita fly remedy are so small that the composition looks more like a powder.

Composition and storage

The poison is made on the basis of thiamethoxam, the share of which is 10% (in the form of a concentrate). In addition, the Agita fly remedy contains an auxiliary component - tikosen. This substance is a pheromone that effectively attracts insects to the poison. It also contains 100% sugar or lactose. These components are also the favorite "food" of pests.

remedy for flies Agita reviews
remedy for flies Agita reviews

According to the instructions, the Agita fly remedy should be stored in a tightly closed cabinet at a temperature of at least -10 degrees and not higher than +30. In this case, do not violate the factory packaging. After the expiration of the warranty period, the drug is subject to mandatory disposal. Store expired poison categoricallyprohibited.

Fly remedy "Agita": drug properties

To evaluate the effectiveness of this poison for insects, it is worth considering the performance of its individual components:

  • thiamethoxam leads to paralysis of the nerve fibers of insects, after which the pests die;
  • Ticosen attracts pesky flies and other parasites;
  • sweet ingredients quickly attract insects.

Is the drug dangerous for humans?

Before you dilute the "Agita" fly remedy, you should pay attention to the precautions. According to GOST, this drug is considered low-hazard, since it belongs to category 4. This means that with a short contact with human skin, the product will not have a negative effect on it. However, this does not mean that the poison is absolutely harmless. Therefore, to work with liquid, it is imperative to prepare a protective suit and a respirator.

how to dilute the remedy for flies agit
how to dilute the remedy for flies agit

Do not eat, drink water or smoke while working.

How to apply?

Since the solution itself is aqueous, it must be diluted with a liquid. To better dissolve the components of the product, it is recommended to use water at room temperature.

The granules are mixed in a container until a homogeneous composition is obtained. To apply the product, you can use:

  • Fuzzy tassels. With their help, the solution is applied to some areas of the surface.
  • Sprayers. With the help of special sprayers, the composition is applied toinfection sites.

How much water should I add?

This question is worth considering in more detail. The dosage of the Agita fly remedy is indicated on the package. But remember: the ratio of powder and water must be observed in accordance with the norms. If it is wrong, the drug will not be effective.

Based on this:

  • When infecting an area of no more than 40 m22 80 ml of water will be required for 10 g of the product.
  • If more than 160 m22 areas infected, 400 g of drug and 320 ml of liquid will be required.

If the infection occurred in a place where it is undesirable to apply poison on the surface, then proceed as follows:

  • Cut strips from cardboard, paper or thick fabric.
  • Apply the product on them.
  • Attach the poison strips to the ceiling.
fly repellent agita manufacturer
fly repellent agita manufacturer

If it is necessary to prepare a solution for spray application, the dosage will be different:

  • To treat up to 20 m2 of the infected area, you will need to mix 100 g of the drug with 0.8 liters of water.
  • To get rid of insects in an area up to 80 m2, you need to dilute 400 g of poison in 3.2 liters of liquid.

After treatment with a sprayer, the effect of the product lasts up to 1.5 months.

Features of using the product

Before you start using poison, you need to consider some rules:

  • You can only treat the territory with the preparationin the absence of animals and people who do not take part in applying the solution.
  • To be most effective, it is recommended to treat at least 30% of the infected premises or territory.
  • Animals should not be allowed to come into contact with Agita-treated surfaces.
  • Under no circumstances should the product be mixed with feed or food handling equipment.
  • It is possible to bring animals into a decontaminated room only after the poison has completely dried.
  • After mixing the components of the solution, the liquid must be used completely.
  • It is not recommended to spray in rainy weather.

Reviews and recommendations from users

Experienced breeders and gardeners recommend this tool as one of the most effective. At the same time, the price of the drug is affordable.

Also, experts share their secrets for the destruction of insects using Agita:

In order to quickly get rid of wasps, you need to prepare special baits. They are made from food substrates, on which a little dry poison is poured. After that, it is enough to place the bait in the room at the rate of 3-5 blanks per 10 square meters. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the destroyed wasps do not get into the dishes or food

Agita fly repellant properties
Agita fly repellant properties
  • Reviews of the Agita fly remedy also indicate that this drug is quite effective in fighting mosquitoes. For thisit is necessary to make a 0.4% suspension with the addition of water and apply it to frames, glass and other places where insects accumulate. It is also worth spraying cellars and cellars with this solution. After that, mosquitoes will disappear for a long time.
  • For the destruction of cockroaches, it is necessary to prepare a 1.1% aqueous suspension and process with its help all possible routes of the parasites. Most often, they are found in cracks between baseboards, water pipes, sewer systems, cracks in walls and many other places. You can also prepare traps to fight cockroaches. However, it is important to ensure that they do not interest children or pets.
  • "Agita" copes well even with bed bugs. To get rid of them, it is necessary to prepare a 0.8% solution of poison and treat all possible habitats of parasites with it. Usually they accumulate not only on the beds themselves, but also under baseboards, carpets, wallpaper and furniture.
  • Fleas can hide in similar places. In addition, annoying parasites often live in cluttered basements, damp cellars and in places where garbage accumulates. To get rid of jumping parasites, it is necessary to dilute a 0.8% solution of poison and treat the surfaces of infected premises. It is recommended to throw out all rubbish first. In some cases, additional treatment may be required, but most often the fleas disappear for a long time.
  • There are a huge variety of ants, but they all differ in vitality. However, this does not mean that such"neighbors" are impossible to get rid of. In order to destroy the red and black parasites, it is necessary to trace the paths of their movement and places of accumulation. All these zones must be treated with a suspension of water and poison diluted in it. Traps also help a lot. For them, it is better to use non-food materials. 3-5 pieces will be enough to protect 10 m2 of territory from parasites. However, be sure to keep the traps out of reach of pets or children.
Agita fly repellent application
Agita fly repellent application

As a rule, insects and other pests disappear for a long time after using Agita. Due to this, re-treatment is possible only if the parasites reappear.

Besides, do not forget that we are talking about a fairly strong drug. Therefore, it is imperative to use personal protective equipment and avoid direct contact with the poison. It is also necessary to remove all animals and children from the cultivated area. If ingested, the product can cause severe poisoning. If this happens, you need to quickly go to the hospital.