The hovering cockroach is not a sight for the faint of heart. Although many associate these insects with dirt and unsanitary conditions, they can appear in the apartments of the cleanest owners. Thanking for the mass raid is neighbors who are tired of putting up with pesky tenants. At the same time, it does not hurt to find out if domestic cockroaches can fly, and what is the danger of being close to uninvited guests.

What kind of insect is a domestic cockroach
Fossil remains of cockroaches belong to the Paleozoic era, this is 541-251 million years ago. Today, more than 4,600 species have been described by scientists, most of which live in the wild, and some have evolved with humans and become typical synanthropes. People are more concerned about whether cockroaches that live in apartments fly. Among the species living in the neighborhood with humans, the following are best known:
- red cockroach, aka Prussian: numerous andwidespread species native to Asia;
- black cockroach, whose numbers are declining due to the main food competitor - Prusak;
- American cockroach, introduced in the 17th century from the African tropics to Europe and North America. A typical cosmopolitan whose range covers most of the globe.
The black cockroach has a characteristic color, so it is very difficult to confuse it with other domestic species, and it is not common. We have to face the Prusak and the similar American cockroach.

It's important to know how to tell these insects apart because they behave differently. However, it is these species that make one wonder: can red cockroaches fly and how well? After all, the more information about the behavior of pests, the more effective it is to deal with them.
How to distinguish a red cockroach from an American one
A person who is far from entomology will easily confuse the Prusak and the "American". Both species have a rather narrow body and are painted in different shades of brown. Only American cockroaches are shiny, with a chocolate or red tint, and the Prussians are duller, brown-red.
Another difference is the size. The body size of an adult Prusak is only 1-1.6 cm, and American cockroaches grow in length up to 3.5-5 cm.
Red cockroaches are typical synanthropes and are rare outside human dwellings. Their American relatives are more adapted to life in the wild, willingly settle in public institutions andunderground engineering communications. Therefore, tunnel and basement personnel will be happy to share their observations on whether cockroaches can fly, using the example of the ubiquitous "American".

The behavior of these insects is also different. The Prussians are harmless, except for the infection they carry. But the Americans will not give up without a fight and can bite. All species of cockroaches have a developed gnawing mouth apparatus, equipped with powerful jaws with chitinous teeth, and the "Americans" successfully use them for protection. And if you add flying ability here, then these insects seem almost invulnerable.
Why do cockroaches have wings
To be fair, there are forms of cockroaches that lack wings, but they live in the tropics. A striking example of a wingless species in all stages is the Madagascar hissing cockroaches, which grow up to 9 cm in length. They are often kept as pets, and owners may not be afraid that the pet will leave the house through the window.

Most cockroaches have wings. The anterior pair is modified into rigid elytra with well-defined venation. If you take and consider, for example, a Prusak, you won’t immediately understand if domestic red cockroaches can fly. Their membranous wings are securely covered with strong elytra, like all relatives. The Prussians are not capable of flying from place to place, but they do not fall flat from a height, but spread their wings and plan. The same feature has a cockroach "dead head", popular forhome content kind.
But American cockroaches have a more advanced aircraft, especially males. Their wings are well developed, protrude 4-8 mm beyond the abdomen and are used by insects for their intended purpose.
Black cockroaches do not know how to fly at all, which also contributes to the reduction of the species. In case of danger, they have to rely only on their legs.
When discussing the flying ability of these insects, one cannot ignore typical rainforest flyers.
Which cockroaches fly well
Our red-haired Prussians and their overseas relatives are extremely thermophilic, at temperatures below -5 ° C they die, so they live either in constantly heated rooms or in a hot climate.

Considering hypothetically whether domestic cockroaches can fly, it is worth considering why they need it. The inhabitants of houses and apartments do not need to travel long distances in search of food or escape from insectivorous predators. Therefore, during the course of evolution, their ability to fly was completely or partially lost.
Another thing is species living in the wild. They need wings during the mating season and as a means of transportation, for example, during a drought period, because these insects drink a lot.
Types of flying cockroaches
It is worth noting that the wings are used for their intended purpose mainly by males, and rightly so. Having reached puberty, females are almost constantly busy bearing offspring. And it is quite difficult to take off with a full ootheca of eggs. By the way, the inhabitants of the tropicsyou don’t have to think about whether cockroaches can fly: at night, insects circle around lamps and lanterns. Consider the most interesting species capable of full-fledged flight.

- Asian cockroach: slightly longer-winged twin species of the Prussian cockroach, native to the Asian tropics and the southern American states.
- Australian cockroach: a large, brick-colored insect native to Australia and New Zealand.
- Cuban cockroach: characterized by a luscious grassy color that camouflages it against the background of green foliage.
- Saussure's tortoise: females of the species are large and round, and they can breed without the participation of males (parthenogenesis).
Anyone who doubts whether cockroaches can fly can safely go to hot countries. There are many interesting things waiting for curious tourists. For example, a popular Chinese dish is candied cockroaches. In temperate latitudes, the opposite is true: we feed these insects and often do not suspect how omnivorous they are.
Does a cockroach's diet depend on its ability to fly
A cockroach is not a bird, it does not need to catch prey on the fly. In nature, males move through the air in search of females, and forage is obtained on the ground. The basis of the diet of these insects is rotting organic matter. If you have to starve, a cockroach can go without food for a whole month.
The Prussians and their domestic relatives eat everything they consider edible: book bindings, glue, genuine leather goods, dust, natural textiles and even soap. And, of course, any food leftovers. That's whycockroaches are difficult to remove even from homes where cleanliness and hygiene are carefully monitored.

Insect parasites can come from sewers where they fed on feces. Surprisingly tenacious, they are immune to many infections and even high doses of radiation, but can bring with them a whole host of dangerous diseases.
What cockroaches carry into the house on their paws and wings
Curious kids sometimes wonder if red cockroaches can fly, and try to test their guesses empirically. You should not allow the child to come into contact with an insect that carries infections and parasites, for example:
- shigellosis, better known as dysentery;
- catarrh of the stomach and intestines (gastroenteritis);
- worm eggs (pinworms, roundworms, tapeworms and others);
- diphtheria.
Cockroaches can also cause severe allergic reactions, mainly from skins shed after molting. He alth is more expensive, so you should not endure insects in the house.
Methods of struggle
“Cockroaches have settled in, but they don’t want to leave,” a well-aimed phrase from the legendary blockbuster “People in Black” very accurately reflects the essence of these insects. The Prussians are able to survive after a nuclear explosion, so it is not surprising that they adapt to any conditions and new insecticides.

When there are few cockroaches, baits, traps, crayons and aerosols work effectively. It is better to give preference to proven brands: "Raid", "Raptor", "Combat".
Don't feel like itwonder if cockroaches can fly, raking out another scoop of dead insects. But if the colony has grown catastrophically, exterminators will have to be called. Responsible companies provide quality services to ensure the complete elimination of dangerous pests.