Raspberry everyone knows and loves since childhood. The berries of this plant have a pleasant smell, and their sweet and sour taste cannot be confused with any other. They make sweet fragrant jam, and raspberry tea is not only tasty, but also he althy.

This plant is indispensable in folk medicine. If you have your own plot of land, it is worth planting at least a few raspberry bushes on it. To do this, you need to know how to choose the right place for raspberries. In this article you will find a description of the plant, what kind of lighting raspberries prefer, where it grows, where it bears fruit best.
Common raspberry: description
The raspberry bush is a branchy plant 0.6-2.2 m high. The stem is straight, erect. The root is twisted, has a large number of appendages, woody. Above-ground branches are also observed.
The leaves of the plant are ovate and oblong. The top of the leaves are green, the bottom they are whitish, bristly. The flowers are light green, they "hide" in the axils of the leaves and flaunt on the tops of the stems. Raspberry is a complex drupe, it has a spherical shape. Small drupes are covered with villi. The color of the fruit depends on the variety. Raspberry bushes bloom in May-June, the berries can be harvested in July-August, while ripe fruits are very easily removed from the receptacle.
Raspberry: where it grows, light sensitivity
It is very important to know the requirements that raspberry bushes dictate to us. The main thing is to immediately determine what is needed for a plant such as raspberries, where it grows and bears fruit best.

When planting bushes, the following factors are of great importance:
- Lighting. A site that is well lit by the sun is the place where raspberries grow best. This plant is sensitive to heat and light. It cannot be planted in the shade, it will not bear fruit without sunlight.
- Moisture. The soil under the raspberries should be well drained. Dampness and excessive moisture does not tolerate raspberries at all, where it grows well, so it is in areas with a certain slope. Wetlands are not suitable for such bushes.
- Temperature. Cold and strong winds are detrimental to raspberries. Such plants are afraid of frost, therefore, in winter, care must be taken to ensure that a lot of snow accumulates in the area with raspberry bushes. It is undesirable to have large plantings of trees nearby.
The place where raspberries grow is planned in advance
If you decide to get your own raspberry bushes, first of all, you need to calculate how many you need. Approximately one bush produces 0.6-0.7 kg of berries per year. The yield largely depends on the variety, of course.
When you have calculated the required number of plants, think about the fact that they tend to grow strongly. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the seizure of the entire territory of the site by raspberries in advance. To do this, you can simply surround the raspberries with sorrel, which blocks the growth of too active bushes. Or build a fence around the berry bush.

It is known that raspberries can produce excellent yields of tasty, fragrant berries for ten years. Therefore, it is important to initially “settle” the bushes in the right and suitable place for this plant, so that later you do not have to work on replanting.