DIY speaker system. How to make a speaker system with your own hands?

DIY speaker system. How to make a speaker system with your own hands?
DIY speaker system. How to make a speaker system with your own hands?

Unfortunately, not every one of us can afford to have a high-quality speaker system in the house. Now even the cheapest option will cost at least 10 thousand rubles. However, do not buy low-quality speakers that make a squeaking sound? If you are so eager to have your own sound system in the house, you can make it yourself.

do-it-yourself speaker system
do-it-yourself speaker system

Moreover, all suitable parts and elements can be purchased almost anywhere, and their cost will certainly not be 10 thousand rubles. How to make a speaker system with your own hands? You will learn about this from our today's article.

Preparation of tools

So, in the course of work we will need the following materials and tools:

  • screwdriver;
  • chipboard or MDF sheet (for making the speaker cabinet);
  • marker;
  • jigsaw;
  • 400W PC power supply;
  • radio;
  • Bulgarian;
  • a pair of acoustic speakers;
  • furniture screws and self-tapping screws;
  • sealant (best used silicone-based);
  • voltmeter and glue.

Before assembling the speaker system, first of all, check the operation of the radio and find out whether it can be powered or not. It is also necessary to test the speakers for sound quality. After that, you can safely proceed to the manufacture of the case and other elements of the acoustic system.

Case making

As the walls for the column, you can use a regular sheet of MDF or chipboard. In this case, it is unacceptable to use plywood, since according to its characteristics it is very flexible and emits a strong resonance. When making the speaker cabinet, also consider the fact that the more air that remains inside the box, the softer the bass will be. Therefore, leave as much free space as possible, but everything should be in moderation (otherwise, such speakers simply cannot be transported).

TV speaker system
TV speaker system

Place the shelf so that the speakers get the maximum amount of air. Next, mark the places for cutting with a marker. Now you can safely cut a chipboard sheet with an electric jigsaw. Note also that the edges of the cut parts of the tree should be carefully aligned. To do this, use a small construction grinder. Please note that it can work with several discs - for metal and for wood. We need the latter option, since when processing such materials, the cutting element of the first type is simply erased and even smokes. Experts recommend using a petal circle.

Now the matter is small. On the case, mark the places for screwing furniture screws and use a screwdriver to tighten them to the end. In the case of screws, first make a markup for them and drill through holes. That's it, the speaker cabinet has been successfully completed.

Wall fixings

Emphasis should be placed on the strength of the wall fasteners. Do not save on screws and self-tapping screws. The design of the cabinet for the speakers should be as strong and durable as possible. If the number of screws is insufficient, the walls of the system will rattle strongly under heavy load, thereby only worsening the sound quality.

Thorough Assembly

How do you make a three-way speaker system with your own hands? After you have made the case (the so-called "monoblock"), you can proceed to a thorough assembly of the structure. Here it is best to use a cordless screwdriver with a 4 mm hexagon to tighten the screws. Remember that inside the speaker its own sound load is distributed from minimum to maximum - bottom wall, top, front and side.

DIY three-way speaker system
DIY three-way speaker system

How do you make a do-it-yourself speaker system next? In the next step, the joints should be processedsilicone sealant. This is necessary in order to prevent the penetration of excess sound waves from the housing to the outside through the slots. Thus, the level of music playback will become even better. How is the speaker system made with your own hands? After lubricating all the slots with sealant, you will need to install the speakers and radio. The latter is best purchased assembled. The speakers, together with the radio, are installed through the holes made in the bottom wall of the monoblock.

When everything is ready, the final design should look like this: a power supply is placed on the back of the monoblock, two speakers are on the sides (each of them is located in a separate column) and in the middle there is a car radio. Do-it-yourself speaker systems are made in a certain order of actions - first the power supply is mounted, and then the radio tape recorder. So it will be much more convenient for you to screw fasteners. But at this stage, the speaker system for TV and PC has not yet been finally assembled. Next, you will need to reinforce the stiffness of the corners. We will tell you about this in the next section.

How do you make a speaker system with your own hands? Hardening corners

The whole point of the work is to glue certain parts of the monoblock with the subsequent installation of square or triangular glazing beads on them. It is not necessary to use "Moment" as an adhesive. With this case, the usual "PVA" will quite cope. Before applying adhesive to the surface of the material, make sure that it is indry, and its surface is free of cracks and bends.

What needs to be done in order for the power supply to work?

To do this, you will need to put a jumper on the wide, large connector (in other words, short it). Here it is enough to use a regular paper clip. It connects two wires (green with black) and check the device's performance with a voltmeter.

making speaker systems with your own hands
making speaker systems with your own hands

To make these elements more conductive, after installing the contact, carefully solder their junctions. Now shove the block body inside the monoblock and attach it with self-tapping screws. Treat all the resulting cracks with sealant.

About soundproof material

At the next stage, the speaker system, made by hand, is filled with a special sound-permeable material (here you can use a regular padding polyester). They need to fill the entire volume of the columns.

how to make a sound system
how to make a sound system

It should not be applied to the diaphragm. This sound-permeable material significantly reduces the load on the walls of the system and reduces the speed of sound waves. So, when playing a melody, the speaker design will practically not vibrate. However, you should not follow the principle "the more the better." If you overfill the speaker with sintepon, it may lose bass, and, accordingly, the sound quality will deteriorate significantly.


If your TV or computer sound system is rated formore playback power, consider additional cooling elements.

how to assemble a sound system
how to assemble a sound system

After all, under high load, the elements of the speakers are very hot, which can cause their premature failure. And you need to install the fan in such a way that it blows from the inside out, that is, the hot air is taken out to the street (or room). If the heat from the radio is removed, overheating of the system parts will be excluded, and your speakers will last a very long time. At this stage, the question of how to make a three-way speaker system with your own hands can be considered closed.
