When do flower stalks appear on an orchid? What to do with flower stalks after flowering?

When do flower stalks appear on an orchid? What to do with flower stalks after flowering?
When do flower stalks appear on an orchid? What to do with flower stalks after flowering?

Relatively recently, orchids were very difficult to find in someone's home. They were admired, admired, many secretly dreamed about them. But they were afraid to grow at home. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this. Today, even inexperienced flower growers can easily breed them. This flower, of course, is whimsical, but knowing certain nuances, you can greatly simplify your task.

orchid peduncle
orchid peduncle

Most frequently asked questions

Orchid peduncle everyone is waiting with great trepidation. Gorgeous flowers delight for a long time with their unusual appearance. When they fall, the novice grower has many questions. Why the peduncle does not dry out and how to care for it? What to do if the arrow starts to dry and when can it be cut? As you can see, there are quite a few nuances, so let's talk about everything in order.

The purpose of the flowering shoot

The orchid peduncle is a temporarya process on which buds are formed, and later inflorescences are placed. The plant releases it after a dormant period, when it rests and gains strength. After the appearance of the peduncle, the flowering process begins. That is, buds are formed that grow, develop, and then bloom.

In fact, the work of the orchid peduncle is completed. But if the arrow is green and he althy, then you do not need to cut it. New flowers or babies may soon appear on it. In principle, any of these options can suit the grower.

orchid peduncle what to do
orchid peduncle what to do

Normal option

The drying process means the loss of stiffness and elasticity of the peduncle. In this case, the first thing to change is its appearance. The green color is gradually fading. The peduncle turns brown, then purple. The dried part of the plant ceases to absorb moisture. In the damaged area, photosynthesis stops, and death gradually occurs. In fact, this is a normal process. If the orchid peduncle begins to turn yellow after flowering, there is nothing to worry about. The flowers just withered, and the peduncle became unnecessary.

Things are worse if the peduncle dries up, and at the same time buds form on it. In this case, the flowers simply do not have a chance to please you with their beautiful corollas. Then there are reasons to think and analyze the conditions in which the orchid grows. It will not be superfluous to review the rules of care.

Causes of drying of the peduncle

In some cases, this is a natural process that cannot go otherwise. In others, the peduncle dries out under the influence of variousfactors:

  • Faded orchid flower stalks should dry out about 4 - 6 months after the start of growth. This is normal. If flowering is not over, and the arrow has already turned yellow, then pay attention to the location of the plant. The orchid is considered shade-loving, but this does not mean that it does not need sunlight. If it is not enough, then the peduncles dry out. But it is fair to say that bright lighting will also be harmful to the plant. Scorching rays can leave thermal burns. In the summer, the pot is best placed in partial shade.
  • Eating too much or too little. Both options are not optimal. But most often the orchid is “fed”. It should be borne in mind that the frequent use of mineral fertilizers does more harm than good. In this case, the plant stops flowering for a long time. Therefore, if the orchid has a dried peduncle, then the first thing you need to do is review your feeding schedule.
  • Humidity. High or low humidity in the room will also affect the growth and development of the peduncle.
  • Overheating roots. Despite the fact that this plant is native to the tropics, placing it on the radiator of a heating system is a mistake.
  • Stress. The orchid does not like moving from room to room, and even more so radical changes in location, where the air and temperature will be different from the usual.
faded orchid flower stalks
faded orchid flower stalks


This is the last resort most often needed to save the plant. Therefore, pay attention to this item if it suddenly dried uppeduncle of an orchid. What to do in this case? You need to make sure that your plant does not suffer from root rot. Examine the roots through the transparent walls of the pot. Green are he althy roots. If they are silver, then the orchid is resting. But the brown and black color indicate that the peduncle was dropped due to a serious illness. You need to immediately shake the plant out of the pot and let it dry, then transplant it into a new soil.

When to cut the arrow

So, suppose that your plant is doing well, and it has pleased you with bright corollas for a long time. The ideal time for pruning a dry peduncle is a dormant period. In this case, you can be sure that the orchid is resting and will not bloom yet. Usually this is the middle or end of autumn.

Despite the time frame, it is worth noting that the peduncle of an orchid after flowering can be cut off only after it has completely dried out so that not a single living bud remains. If you cut it alive, then you risk harming the plant and weakening it.

orchid bloom
orchid bloom


If the peduncle is still green, but its tip begins to turn yellow, then only the dried top is cut off. To do this, you will need a secateurs or a sharp knife. All tools must be disinfected in advance.

  • Carefully cut off all the dry part of the plant.
  • Leave the stump no more than 2 cm.
  • Live media should be sprinkled with an antiseptic.
  • The flower cannot be watered for a week.

It is best to lower the temperature to +20 after removing the peduncledegrees. Eliminate intense lighting and do not fertilize. This time should be a real period of rest. Then soon you will once again see how the orchid releases a peduncle. At first glance, this looks like the formation of new aerial roots. But they tend to go down, and the peduncle quickly rises up.

orchid baby on a peduncle
orchid baby on a peduncle

Orchid propagation

If you have these magnificent plants at home, then you probably have to deal with requests to share the baby. From time to time they appear on the peduncle. Orchid baby may also appear on the stem or at the root. There are no special conditions for this. You just need to provide the plant with normal care, and it will appear by itself.

The most important rule is sufficient humidity and high room temperature. With dry air, there will be no conditions for the formation of a baby. If conditions are ideal, then soon after flowering, leaves will begin to form from any bud on the arrow. Usually the baby releases its own roots. In this case, you need to wait until they grow up, and then plant the young orchid in a separate pot.

orchid withered peduncle
orchid withered peduncle

Stimulate the plant

Sometimes an orchid refuses to give birth for a long time. Then you can resort to some tricks.

  • After flowering, the arrow should be shortened 2 - 3 cm above the top bud.
  • Organize temperature drops: at night up to +15, and during the day - up to +30.
  • The room should have high humidity.
  • Choose a small pot that allows air and moisture to pass through well.
  • Water should be drastically reduced for three weeks.

All this stimulates the plant to reproduce. But if you want to get a young baby for sure, then use the hormonal cytokinin paste. It helps to wake dormant buds of plants and promotes the formation of shoots. To do this, first of all, find a kidney on the peduncle and clean it of scales. Gently apply ointment to it. Now we need to wait and maintain optimal conditions for growth and development. It is best to carry out this procedure in early spring, during the awakening and growth of plants.

orchid peduncle after flowering
orchid peduncle after flowering

Instead of a conclusion

If you have recently purchased an orchid, then you are probably waiting for the first flowers with bated breath. No less interesting seems the possibility of having a baby. After all, this will give an opportunity to make a unique gift to someone close to you. Simple rules will help you understand what is happening with the tropical beauty. Is the drying of the peduncle the norm, or a sign of illness. In addition, the grower should also be aware of the rules of care after releasing the arrow, as well as after cutting it. This gives the key to understanding capricious orchids. This means that you will always have beautiful and bright flowers on your window.
