Why do orchid flowers wither? How often to water an orchid at home? Orchid care after flowering

Why do orchid flowers wither? How often to water an orchid at home? Orchid care after flowering
Why do orchid flowers wither? How often to water an orchid at home? Orchid care after flowering

Many do not understand why orchid flowers wither. Often it seems that such a problem arises for no reason, and the plant begins to die. But in fact, nothing happens spontaneously, and a number of negative factors could lead to this, including those associated with improper care.

The main reasons why orchid flowers begin to fade are the following.

Plant overheating

Not understanding why orchids dry, you need to remember that spending a lot of time on a window that is on the sunny side of the house, or staying close to a powerful heating battery can trigger the wilting process.

how often to water an orchid at home
how often to water an orchid at home

This is due to the fact that the orchid begins to lose moisture, its roots weaken, as a result of which the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, and the flowers fall off. You need to protect your green friend from direct sunlight, prepare a more suitable place for him to stay.

Flower hypothermia

This is most often encountered by people who have purchasedplant in winter time. After the purchase, the flower is carried home, and if the temperature is below zero, it is likely that the flowers of the orchid wither within a few days, which is why it is recommended to cover the plant.

The same applies to drafts, the orchid does not welcome them. When airing, the best option would be to move the plant to another room.


Change of habitat always stresses the plant. This is similar to human acclimatization.

orchid yellowed leaves
orchid yellowed leaves

New conditions of detention, a different level of humidity in the room, a different temperature regime - all this is a real shock for the orchid. The plant reacts to such innovations by dropping buds and flowers. This is absolutely normal. Any living creature needs time to adapt, and the orchid is no exception.

Wrong watering

Wilting orchid flowers may be the result of illiterate watering of the plant. Lack or, conversely, an excess of moisture negatively affects the state of the root system of the flower.

Orchid roots begin to dry or rot. The first thing that happens is wilting and shedding of flowers. If you continue illiterate watering, the result will be deplorable - the plant will die.

Lack of light

Orchid is afraid of direct sunlight, but loves the light. Insufficient amount provokes the process of wilting flowers.

why do orchids dry
why do orchids dry

You need to keep the plant in a sufficiently lit place, especially in winter, when there is daylightis shrinking. It is advisable to purchase a phytolamp if the lighting in the apartment does not meet the needs of the flower.

Unpleasant neighborhood

Many, not understanding why orchid flowers wither, should pay attention to the fact that finding a plant next to fruits and vegetables accelerates the aging process of flowers, respectively, and their fall.

A dry bouquet of flowers standing next door can also provoke a drop in buds.

How often to water an orchid at home

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on the combination of factors and conditions in which the plant is contained. Watering is affected by the time of year, air humidity, room temperature, the state of the root system.

how to dilute a tablet of succinic acid for orchids
how to dilute a tablet of succinic acid for orchids

There are a few guidelines to follow when wondering how often to water an orchid at home:

  1. Better less often, but more abundant than vice versa.
  2. Water temperature should be slightly above room temperature.
  3. Water the flower preferably in the morning.
  4. Protect the flowers of the plant from water.
  5. Keep plant roots in water for no more than half an hour.
  6. There should be no liquid left in the pot, it needs to drain completely.
  7. Water should be free of impurities.

In order to find out if the orchid needs watering or not, you need to slightly rake the substrate in the pot. If it is wet, no procedure is required. The roots of the plant also speak of its need - if they startedacquire a light shade, immediately need to water the flower. If the roots are deep green, no watering is required.

For the procedure, tap water is usually used, which is defended for three days. It is advisable to purchase a filter and pass liquid for orchids through it, since soft water has a beneficial effect on the condition of the plant.

what pot for orchids
what pot for orchids

In the summer, the orchid is watered several times a week, in winter 1 time is enough. During the flowering period, the flower should be moistened every 3 days.

It is worth recalling that an excessive amount of moisture is fraught with the fact that the roots of the orchid will begin to rot. The plant tolerates short periods of drought quite easily, but this should not be abused. Insufficient moisture causes the rhizome to dry out and the flower to die.


In order for the plant to please its flowering as often as possible, proper care of the orchid after flowering is necessary.

After the flowers have fallen, you need to cut the peduncle - it must be dry. This is done so that the process of the new flowering of the orchid occurs as quickly as possible.

If the dried peduncle is not cut off, the plant will begin to lose its strength in an attempt to resume flowering on the dead organ.

Next, you need to provide peace to the orchid. To do this, transfer the flower to a cool, bright room. The air temperature should not exceed 20 degrees Celsius. Rest time varies from two to four months.

asprune orchid
asprune orchid

Do not forget about watering and spraying. During this period, fertilizers should not be used. Complete rest is the key to successful flowering. As soon as young shoots appear, the plant is returned to its usual habitat.

Why do leaves turn yellow and dry?

The occurrence of such an unpleasant situation, when the leaves of the orchid turned yellow, may be accompanied by the following reasons:

  1. Close pot. The flower is constantly increasing in size, respectively, in need of a more livable place. It is necessary to monitor the state of the root system. Therefore, when choosing which pot for an orchid is better, you need to remember that the roots should be freely located in the container.
  2. Stress. A sharp change in environment, temperature, moving a plant to an unprepared habitat can adversely affect the he alth of the leaves and the entire plant as a whole.
  3. Aging. If the orchid has already bloomed for 3 or more seasons, then the yellowing of the leaves is a completely normal process. If there are shoots, it is worth planting them in a new pot.

How to dilute a tablet of succinic acid for an orchid?

Succinic acid - a unique fertilizer for orchids. Thanks to her, the flower copes with stress more intensively, pleases with longer flowering, grows and recovers faster, receives the necessary saturation.

orchid care after flowering
orchid care after flowering

Correct dosage is the key to success. If the drug is used in tablets, then the scheme of application is as follows: one tabletcompletely dissolved in 200 ml of water. The next step is to add another 800 ml of water to the resulting concentrate.

Orchid rhizomes should be soaked in the resulting solution for 20-30 minutes. It is enough to simply spray the leaves, the main thing is to prevent the solution from penetrating into the leaf outlet. To do this, it is best to plug it with a piece of cotton or cotton fabric.

Capacity selection

When choosing a pot for an orchid, you must follow a number of important rules and principles. First, it must provide ventilation for the root system. Therefore, it is best to purchase a specialized container for orchids, in which there are small holes. Thanks to them, a complete drain of water from the rhizome is also ensured.

Secondly, the pot should provide the flower with sufficient light. The best option would be a completely transparent instance.

Third, the material from which the pot is made should not be heated or cooled. In this case, plastic is ideal. Equally important is the size of the pot, it should not be too loose.

Experienced flower growers use ceramic containers in their arsenal. Their main advantage is the high permeability of air and moisture, the protection of the rhizome from overheating. However, a ceramic pot has an extremely unpleasant drawback - the roots of plants stick to the inner wall during long-term use, which is fraught with injury to the flower during transplantation.

A glass pot is a very good option that provides the plant with the necessary amount of light. A significant drawback is the lack of drainageholes. Such products are not suitable for ordinary inhabitants, since you need to know the exact amount of water needed for irrigation. And this task is feasible only for professionals.

How to cut?

The first and most important rule is to prune the flower strictly after flowering. For circumcision, it is necessary to use a sharp secateurs, which must be disinfected in an alcohol solution. Each cut is processed with crushed activated carbon, iodine or brilliant green.

Rotten and dried roots are cut off completely to living tissue. Dry peduncle - to the base, leaving 2-3 cm. The same applies to the leaves.

If the peduncle is partially dry, then it is the dry part of the shoot that is to be removed. It is recommended to cut the arrow if it has changed color to a darker one. The green peduncle must be removed if it has not bloomed for six months, or the shoot fades immediately (cut off in the same way as dry).

It is strictly forbidden to prune an orchid both during flowering and when it blooms (even if it has one flower). It might just kill the plant.

Orchid clipping technique:

  1. Wash hands thoroughly and wear protective gloves if possible.
  2. Disinfect the instrument that will be used for circumcision (scissors, secateurs). To do this, wipe the instrument with an alcohol wipe or pour boiling water over it.
  3. With a gentle movement, you need to make a cut without touching other parts of the plant.
  4. Treat the cut with an antiseptic: iodine, brilliant green, cinnamon, activated carbon.
  5. If the stemturned out to be hollow, in order to avoid the process of decay, it is clogged with wax of a paraffin candle.

After the circumcision procedure, the plant should be left alone for a few days. Direct sunlight is not allowed, it is also not recommended to find a flower in a draft or near heating appliances.

In order not to think about why orchid flowers wither, you must follow the rules for caring for the plant.
