In nature, there are more than 200 species of representatives of the genus Euonymus. They differ from each other in the color and shape of the leaves, inflorescences and fruits. In this article, we will take a closer look at one of the species that is most adapted to breeding in our climatic conditions, the European spindle tree. Description and photos of colorful shrubs can be seen below.

Description and characteristics of the plant
European spindle tree is a deciduous shrub or tree, with an oval crown of medium density, can reach 6-7 meters in height. Young shoots are green, turning black with age, due to cork formations on them they have a tetrahedral appearance.
The leaves of this subspecies are smooth, leathery, ovoid up to 7 cm in size, the color palette is from light green to yellow or red with white patches, the edges are with small teeth.
In nature, the flowering period, which lasts 15-20 days, falls on May-June, and in greenhouse conditions, greenhouses can bloom even in early spring. At first, small whitish-green flowers appear on the branches, and after flowering fromthey produce box-shaped fruits. The fruits ripening in autumn look decorative in the form of pink boxes with spikes or wings, purple-raspberry in color at the stage of full ripening. Inside the fruit are ear-shaped seeds surrounded by dense pulp.

A plant with a moderate growth rate, reaches its final height in 15-20 years, and the longevity is about 60 years.
The European euonymus shrub is photophilous, but can also grow in the shade, prefers loose fertile soil, is resistant to drought and does not tolerate stagnant moisture, frost-resistant culture, withstands temperatures of -15-25 degrees. People also call them "witch's earrings", "spindle tree", bruslin's euonymus and even "wolf's bast".
Found in broad-leaved forests of Crimea, Ukraine, Russia and throughout Europe. It is grown for its decoratively variegated foliage. For home gardening, dwarf and small-leaved forms, many original varieties have been bred. And landing and care is within the power of anyone. The description of the plant can be reduced to a few words: a very beautiful ornamental flowering shrub, especially in autumn.
Decorative application of colorful euonymus
Today the main function of the European euonymus is to serve as a decoration for summer cottages, parks, gardens, alpine hills. It is also recommended to grow as an undergrowth in forest plantations. This plant is used for landscaping various objects: arranging garden borders, hedges andgroup landings. The European euonymus looks especially advantageous in combination with decorative conifers. What landscape designers successfully use, combining an unusual shrub with plantings of juniper, cypress and thuja.
Euonymus is a fast growing shrub. Using the pruning method, you can form a chic decoration from it - a bonsai tree. Flexible branches and a plastic trunk allow the ornamental shrub to give any shape: a pyramid, a ball, various garden sculptures. Dwarf euonymus hybrids are used in the interior as a container culture.
Varieties of European bruslina
The following subspecies are most popular with gardeners and landscape designers.
European Euonymus Red Cascade is considered one of the best decorations of the garden, the peak of beauty of which falls on the period of cold weather. The leaves become multi-colored, the branches are densely covered with orange, pink, red fruits, which remain on the plant almost all winter, attracting the attention of others. A real explosion of colors is the European euonymus. The photo below accurately conveys the picturesqueness of this plant.

Alba variety is characterized by a medium size shrub, a light green crown, fruits - drop-down boxes of white color with a red core, which remain until late autumn.
European Euonymus Sherwood is a shrub with a compact dark green crown that sparkles with pink-red hues in autumn. Resistant to frost and drought, feels great inurban environment. It reaches its greatest brilliance during the fruiting period, when bright pink fruits form an elegant cascade with hanging "earrings" of seeds. This beauty is preserved on the bush throughout the winter. Especially effective in combination with yellow autumn crops.
Decorative forms of euonymus
There are more than 20 known decorative forms of bruslina, which differ in crown and foliage color. The most popular of them in landscaping:
- weeping (pendula) - the name speaks for itself, the plants stand out with a weeping crown;
- dwarf (nana) - specimens up to 50 cm in height with creeping stems;
- purple (atropurpurea) - the owner of narrow leaves of a lilac hue;
- aucubaefolia - a variety with a yellow-green crown;
- silver-spotted (argenteo-variegata) - characterized by white-spotted foliage;
- intermediate (intermedia) - characterized by large scarlet fruits framed by rich green foliage.
Only positive feedback about the European euonymus can be heard from the owners of a bright garden copy.
Features of cultivation
Caring and planting the European spindle tree does not cause difficulties even for beginner gardeners.

In the spring, when warm days come, they start planting these decorative seedlings. The soil must be nutritious and slightly acidic; for this, ash or lime is added. European euonymus quickly takes root, and sincethe roots grow strongly, then the planting pit should be wide, with a mandatory drainage layer. Abundant watering is necessary only when planting, and moderate moisture is enough for the rest of the time.
Young euonymus seedlings are transplanted annually, and adults - once every 2-3 years. Do it in the spring. Large specimens are difficult to transplant, so they simply remove the top layers of the soil and fill it with fresh substrate.
If the euonymus is grown as a container culture and it is required to slow down the growth upwards, when transplanting, the size of the container is not increased and taken not deep, but flat to restrain root growth.
Rules for caring for an ornamental plant
Growing techniques include:
- fertilizing at the beginning of the growing season with complex fertilizers;
- moderate watering as the topsoil dries;
- loosening and mulching after watering;
- sanitary pruning in early spring;
- applying slaked lime during the autumn digging of the site;
- shelter from frost young seedlings.

Planting and caring for this ornamental shrub is easy.
Euonymus reproduction
There are several ways to breed a picturesque shrub: dividing the bush, seeds, layering and cuttings.
Reproduction by seeds is a rather complicated and lengthy process, as they germinate very slowly. To have at least some guarantee of germination, the seeds are stratified within 5-6 months.
Dilution by layering is actively used by gardeners, because it is a simple and labor-intensive process. In early spring, the lower shoots are freed from leaves, bent to the ground and buried shallowly.
Cuttings are suitable for breeding plants older than five years. In June, 10 cm branches are cut, placed in slightly alkaline soil and covered with a film, creating greenhouse conditions. Cuttings are accepted in a short time up to two months. After that, they can be transplanted into separate growing pots.
Dividing the bush is an affordable method used to propagate dwarf euonymus varieties, since the root system of the plant grows well. When dividing, the bush is either removed completely or dug in on one side and divided into parts with root shoots. One part with a clod of earth is planted, and the other remains to grow in the same place.
An important role in the cultivation of spindle tree is played by spring sanitary pruning, which promotes intensive branching and the formation of a lush crown. Euonymus European - a plant of moderate growth. The annual increase is 20-30 cm. Therefore, one "haircut" per year is enough for a shrub.
In early spring, the plant is pruned, removing damaged, frozen and too long branches. With dense tillering, strong truncation of the branches is allowed. Forming pruning of the crown is carried out during the dormant period of the plant, after fruiting. Euonymus tolerates pruning well and quickly restores its decorative effect.

Learning simple rulespruning, to carry out the procedure yourself at home will not be difficult. In this case, you should disinfect the tool and do the trimming with gloves, since the euonymus juice is poisonous.
Diseases and pests of spindle tree
The state of the plant can be judged by the appearance of the leaves. If any deviations appear, you must immediately begin to fight against unpleasant signs.
Yellowing and falling leaves, slowing down of crop growth are the result of high temperature, excessive watering, lack of air humidity in winter.
Motley crown loses color due to insufficient lighting. Curly leaves with drying tips, on the contrary, are the result of excessively bright light.
When waterlogged, there is a risk of stem rot and powdery mildew, which also leads to leaf drop.
European spindle tree can also be affected by some pests: aphids, mites, scale insects. To combat them, it is necessary to regularly treat the plant with industrial insecticides or folk remedies such as tobacco or soapy water.

Don't be afraid to grow European euonymus yourself, care for it is simple, but the result is amazing.