Sooner or later a bicycle frame may require painting. The reasons may be different. At the same time, it is important to choose the right paint and varnish material, prepare the surface and perform the main work strictly according to the instructions. Do you want to do everything without mistakes? Read our article.
Why should I paint my bike frame?
There can be many reasons for painting a bicycle frame:
- change in appearance (for example, the red color of the frame is just tired or the old pink bike was inherited by the younger brother);
- updating the paint layer, for example, if the old one is peeling;
- protection against mechanical and other types of damage, including corrosion.
Paint selection
Painting a bike frame can be a way to update its exterior. This paint can help with this:
- Metallic (this paint does not have to have a metallic element, a similar effect can be created by adding small pieces of metal). This paint is rarely used.due to the need to apply high temperature for drying.
- Acrylic. It requires mixing the hardener and dye, which is not always convenient at home. In addition, it has no other drawbacks (the paint fits well on the surface, dries quickly at any temperature).
- Paints in spray cans (for example, fluorescent). This option is convenient because it does not require dilution and tool selection.
- Powder. Such paint is often used to coat metal doors, as it has anti-vandal properties, therefore, such a coating will protect the bicycle frame from mechanical damage.

Before work starts
The first step in painting a bicycle frame is to prepare the right tools and materials, such as:
- a set of tools for disassembling a bicycle;
- wash (it is better to choose a professional product);
- metal scraper;
- several pieces of sandpaper of different calibers;
- degreasing solvent (acetone, white spirit, kerosene);
- putty;
- primer;
- painting tools (brush or air gun);
- paint (epoxy, acrylic, alkyd, powder);
- rubber gloves;
- respirator.
Bicycle disassembly sequence
When all the tools and materials have been prepared, the color and type of paint has been chosen, you can start disassembling the bike. This must be done in order topainting the bicycle frame (with powder or other paint) should not stain other parts of the vehicle. For disassembly, you will need a special tool kit (it may be sold with the bike itself).

The disassembly itself before painting the bicycle frame with powder paint (or any other) should include:
- dismantling of all canopies (this applies to brakes, shock absorbers and other similar items);
- dismantling the front wheel (you need to remove it from the dropouts of the fork and fender, if any);
- unscrewing the steering wheel from the fork;
- removing the trunk;
- removing the rear wheel with the existing fender.
After the process of dismantling left only the bare skeleton, you need to remove the fork from the front pipe.

Preparing the surface of the frame for painting
Any paint on metal lays down evenly only if the surface to be painted is carefully prepared. It is carried out before painting the bicycle frame with acrylic paint or any other.
You can do it like this:
- Remove old paint with a special remover. To do this, the chemical agent must be applied to the surface to be treated in several layers, left for 15-20 minutes. You can remove the paint with a metal scraper.
- Now the surface of the frame needs to be cleaned with sandpaper. This must be done until a perfectly flat surface is obtained.
- Check the frame for chipsand dents, they should not be. If they are, then you need to repair the irregularities with putty or cold welding. The smoother the surface, the better the paint will lay down.
- The sanded frame must be degreased, for which any directional solution will do.
- The next step is to prime the surface. Apply several thin coats at 20 minute intervals.
- Leave the frame to dry for 24 hours.
- The last step will be sanding with zero sandpaper. This should be done as carefully as possible so as not to tear off the primer layer.
Instructions for painting a bicycle frame with your own hands
To obtain a rich color and a more even surface, the paint must be applied in several layers, and it does not matter if this is done with a brush, spray gun or spray can.

There is one more trick: you can make the paint more saturated and bright if you cover the first layer with white. If there is a desire to create a transition, then the dark color must be superimposed on the light one.
It is not recommended to make the paint layer too thick. If there is a desire to make the color more saturated, then it is better to cover the frame with several layers, but thinner. This will help avoid nasty drips.

If the paint is applied with a brush, then this should be done in small strokes, while it is better to go through the same place no more than twice. When painting with a spray can, you should always keep it at the same distance.(15-20cm) for even coverage.
Some masters prefer to finish such work with varnish or decoration with various stickers. This should be done after the paint has completely dried, which lasts 24 hours.
Painting a bicycle frame will not only protect the metal from the negative effects of various natural phenomena, but also decorate it, change the appearance of the bike. If you know how to do it yourself, then you can upgrade as soon as you get tired of the old bike.