Where should the fire extinguisher be located in the premises?

Where should the fire extinguisher be located in the premises?
Where should the fire extinguisher be located in the premises?

Compliance with fire safety rules is largely related to the technical provision of facilities with appropriate equipment. These can be means of storing fire extinguishing materials, modular installations for water supply, barrier panels, etc. Depending on the safety requirements at a particular facility, one or another scheme for completing protective equipment is selected. However, the simplest component of this infrastructure, which is used in almost all critical facilities, is a fire extinguisher. It is easy to maintain and operate, so it is widely popular in various fields as a tool for effective fire fighting. But to get the most out of its function, you should determine in advance the most advantageous placement. Moreover, the question of where the fire extinguisher should be located does not require an independent answer - there are special rules and regulations that already spell out the requirements for installing such equipment.

Where should the fire extinguisher be located?
Where should the fire extinguisher be located?

General rules for choosing a fire extinguisher

Modern fire extinguisher is presented in various versions, which allowschoose the right model for your specific needs. The choice takes into account the type and class of equipment, as well as the quantity. That is, the physicochemical properties of the fire-extinguishing mixture are taken into account, and the coverage area of the hazard-prone zone is also calculated. It is especially important to be aware of the restrictions that apply to some types of such devices. For example, powder models are not recommended for use in rooms where electrical appliances are installed that are under mains load. In cases of maintenance of work facilities with employees, the issue of safe extinguishing is especially significant in terms of minimizing harm to people. Where should a fire extinguisher be located in a room with people? Areas that are closed, but at the same time accessible to personnel, should be selected. On the one hand, a partly closed layout helps to prevent risks arising from a fire extinguisher leak, and on the other hand, it should not interfere with the rapid prevention of the spread of fire.

Categories of premises in terms of fire safety

There are 5 categories of premises that differ in the requirements for the use of fire fighting equipment. They are mainly distinguished by the area, which affects the power requirements of the fire extinguisher. Other aspects may also affect the classification, including the nature of the operation or the use of specialized equipment. Categories A-B are for use with flammable gases and flammable liquids. Where should a fire extinguisher be located in the premises of an enterprise working with such materials? In this caseit is important to calculate the distance to a potential source of ignition: the equipment must be located 30 m from the same flammable substances. As a rule, these are premises whose area can be 200-400 m2, so there should not be any particular difficulties in choosing a place. If it concerns objects of categories D and D, then carbon dioxide fire extinguishers may be required. They are located away from sources of danger at a distance of up to 70 m. By the way, the area of premises of these categories varies from 800 to 1800 m2.

Checking the fire extinguisher before installation

where should the fire extinguisher be located in the room
where should the fire extinguisher be located in the room

To allow the fire extinguisher to operate, a thorough check of its integrity and performance is necessary. In fact, this is the first scheduled inspection, which in the future should be carried out at least once every 5 years. So, during the inspection, the responsible officer must assess the tightness of the state of the surface of the case, inspect it for dents and swelling. It is important to pay attention to traces of corrosion, even the slightest stain in the future can lead to the destruction of the structure and the unsuitability of the device for operation. Auxiliary functional parts on the body are also checked. These can be gaskets, cuffs and other seals and fittings, on which the ergonomics of the product depends. Next, you can proceed to the answer to the question of where the fire extinguisher should be located. The use of this fire fighting tool involves not only organizing the installation site for convenient handlinghim, but also compliance with the requirements for the protection of its design. Therefore, the safety of the fire extinguisher itself is a paramount factor to consider when placing it.

Protection of the fire extinguisher at the installation site

where should the fire extinguisher be located
where should the fire extinguisher be located

In this part, much depends on the conditions under which the premises are used. External factors of influence are determined both by the requirements for the microclimate and by the peculiarities of the work process at the enterprise. Often, due to the impossibility of changing the conditions of use of a fire extinguisher, its most protected type is selected, regardless of the effectiveness of its function in a particular case. But, of course, there should always be room for a compromise option, since you cannot save on security. One way or another, the rules for maintaining fire extinguishers in most cases exclude the direct effect of heat fluxes, sunlight, mechanical pressure, etc. inclusion of additional damping devices. These can be designs with shells that dampen the vibrations that affect the fire extinguisher body.

Basic rules for placing fire extinguishers

where should the fire extinguisher be located
where should the fire extinguisher be located

When a suitable fire extinguisher is selected and its technical and operational condition is checked, you can proceed with the installation. The most common manual modelsit is recommended to fix in cabinets and on brackets to the walls. In both cases, the instructional inscriptions on the fire extinguisher body must face the outside so that, if necessary, the user can familiarize themselves with them without delay. Also, the locking mechanism must have a seal. If a cabinet is used to contain equipment, then its door must also be sealed. It has already been noted that questions about where the fire extinguisher should be located are decided taking into account the type of room. In this sense, one of the key factors determining the position of the device will be the location of flammable substances. But also the fire extinguisher should be removed from the functional areas, used openings, windows and doors. In other words, areas where any physical activity is possible cannot be used to install a fire extinguisher.

Influence of fire extinguisher mass on location

There is a fundamental division of fire extinguishers by weight - from and up to 15 kg. The most common are compact hand-held models that are allowed to be transferred. The main rule for their installation concerns maintaining the height level - as a rule, it is recommended to install them 1.5 m from the floor. Now another question - where should a fire extinguisher be located, the mass of which exceeds 15 kg? If the total weight corresponds to or exceeds the indicated figure, then the limiting height limit is already in effect. In such cases, the same cabinets or supporting brackets can be installed at a height not exceeding 1 m.

where should the fire extinguisher be located and its purpose
where should the fire extinguisher be located and its purpose

Whereand where should a water type fire extinguisher be located?

Special regulations apply for this category of extinguishing media. By the way, this applies not only to water, but in most modifications and foam models. Fire extinguishers of this type are sensitive to temperatures, both elevated and negative. This does not mean that you should limit their use in places with unstable temperature conditions, but you need to prepare for changes in the storage conditions of devices. For example, for cold weather in unheated rooms, such equipment is removed. Typically, the critical point is considered to be the mode with a temperature below 5 °C. Therefore, in order to comply with the rules for operating water and foam fire extinguishers in the room, a thermostat with registration of current microclimate indicators should also be provided.

Accommodation at high fire risk facilities

Facilities, the operation of which is associated with increased risks of fire and explosion, must contain special areas for fire-fighting equipment. It can be, for example, enterprises of the chemical industry. In such cases, the question of where the fire extinguisher should be located is especially acute. Device characteristics often become a determining factor in choosing a specific installation site - for example, carbon dioxide models with a jet length of less than 3 m and a water vapor content of more than 0.006% by weight should be as far away from electrical equipment as possible. For this, entire complexes are organized in the form of shields with barriers, which allow minimizing possible harmful effects on structures.fire extinguishers. At the same time, the functions of the devices remain standard and are not adjusted.

where should a fire extinguisher be located and how to use it
where should a fire extinguisher be located and how to use it

Where should the fire extinguisher be located (RZD)?

In railway carriages, fire extinguishers of all common types can be used, including powder, foam, air-emulsion, etc. Most often, installation is carried out from the side of the vestibule in small corridors. It does not matter if the vestibule is used or not. In addition, carbon dioxide models can be fixed on the dining room partition - that is, on the opposite side to the distributing cabinet. Moreover, the number of devices in the car depends on how its technical premises are completed. The question of where the fire extinguisher should be located in the car also affects the engine room, boiler rooms and other service areas. In each case, the installation is carried out according to the general rules with a height level exposure.

Safety rules for handling a fire extinguisher

Models of fire extinguishers that are used in enterprises can harm human he alth. For example, some modifications can have mutagenic and carcinogenic effects on the body. Therefore, during the operation of the device, personal protective equipment should also be used, which protect the skin, gastrointestinal tract and mucous membranes from damage. In addition, questions about where the fire extinguisher should be located and its use in terms of maintaining environmentalsecurity, are also solved with the expectation of safe disposal of charges. For example, the used fire extinguisher foaming solution should be promptly disposed of so that after discharge into the sewer, local cleaning of the channel is carried out.


Where should the fire extinguisher be located?
Where should the fire extinguisher be located?

Practically none of the industrial and public objects of urban infrastructure can do without modern means of ensuring fire safety. The effectiveness of special equipment is determined not only by the main characteristics, but also by the organization of its use. Where a fire extinguisher should be located and its purpose are closely related issues. For example, the standard powder model is quite suitable for working with combustible mixtures, solvents and chemically active liquids. Therefore, it can be safely used in oil refineries. And carbon dioxide modifications are sensitive to electrical appliances, so when installing them, you should take into account the location of the outlets.
