IPR-3SU manual fire detector: application in AUPS

IPR-3SU manual fire detector: application in AUPS
IPR-3SU manual fire detector: application in AUPS

Automatic fire alarm installations have firmly entered our lives, announcing a fire that has begun. But often people detect a fire before fire detectors. In this case, to manually start the alarm, special buttons are used - manual fire detectors.

Design of the detector

Announcer IPR-3SU - fireman's manual call point for activation of the automatic fire alarm receiver with radial loops. The sensor is intended for connection to the control panel, which has two-wire radial loops. When changing its state, the device changes the resistance of the signal loop. The detector is powered from the control panel via a signal loop. To put the device in an alarm state, it is necessary to move the drive element to the on position. After that, the button is fixed in the alarm state. To return the detector to armed mode, press the button again. The device button is protected by a transparent cover that protects it from accidental pressing.

Structurally, the detector consists of a base and two covers - inner and outer. To indicate the status, it is equipped with red and green LED indicators that indicate by blinking the standby or alarm modes of operation. The color of the sensor housing is red.

detector ipr 3su manual fireman
detector ipr 3su manual fireman

Technical parameters

A universal solution for analog automatic fire alarms is the manual fire detector IPR-3SU. The characteristics of the sensor are shown below:

  • Contacts normally closed or open.
  • Optical indication work/alarm.
  • Power supply voltage 9-28 V.
  • Standby current 0.1 mA.
  • Alarm current 25 mA.
  • Closing force 12-18 N.
  • Maximum dimensions - 90x105x50 mm.
  • Weight - 110g
  • Case version IP41.
  • Working temperature -40..+50 deg.
  • Relative humidity 93%.
  • Average life of 10 years.
  • MTBF 60000 hours
manual fire detector Ypres 3su
manual fire detector Ypres 3su

Installing the detector

Installation of fire protection devices is regulated by SP5.13130.2009. In accordance with this set of rules, the IPR-3SU manual fire detector must be installed at a height of 1.5 m from the floor level. Installation sites - exits from rooms, from floors, escape routes - at least every 50 meters. The sensor must be installed on a base made of non-combustible material, at a distance of at least a meter from heating devices andelectrical equipment. The base of the device is fixed to the bearing surface with screws, the template for marking the surface is given in the passport for the manual fire detector IPR-3SU.

manual fire detector ipr 3su characteristics
manual fire detector ipr 3su characteristics

Connecting the appliance

The IPR-3SU manual fire detector will be connected to two-wire radial loops as normally closed or normally open sensors. Jumpers are provided in the sensor to select one of the connection options:

  • Imitation of a smoke detector with normally closed contacts and the ability to acknowledge.
  • Fire smoke detector mode.
  • Imitation of a fire detector with an NC contact for fire and security alarms.
  • Closing the loop for alarm systems.

The sensor board has two blocks with screw terminals for connecting the wires of the signal loop and an additional current-limiting resistor. The resistance of the resistor is determined depending on the switching circuit and the control panel. The IPR-3SU manual fire detector must be connected to a signal loop that remains operational in a fire. For laying such loops, a fire-resistant cable line is used based on an FR cable and metal cable-supporting elements.
