What is an IPR? This question is asked by many consumers who are thinking about installing such a useful device.
The abbreviation "ypres" stands for "manual fire detector". This device has done a good service to many residents of our country, warning them of a possible fire and saving lives. Let's see what the detector is, what is the principle of its operation and where it is preferable to install it.

What is a manual fire call point?
The fire detector is a technical system designed to detect and report a fire. Quite often, this term is associated with a point autonomous device installed in a specific room. Such a device immediately gives the appropriate signal. However, in fact, answering the question “what is an IPR?”, It should be understood that the sensor is only part of the fire protection system.
The detector is part of any automated fire extinguishing and alarm system. It is designed to work with a signal-starting device and a fire (orsecurity and fire) control panel.
What is a fire detector for?
The fact is that in the event of a fire, not only property suffers, but also people. Rescuers are very concerned about the problem of deaths in fires. Moreover, a fire can occur not only in the house, when a person, tired after work, is distracted, forgetting that soup is warming up on the stove. According to statistics, more than fifty percent of fatal fires occur at night when a person is sleeping. It doesn't smell smoke. An autonomous detector helps to prevent a fire.

Fire can start anywhere: in crowded places (shops, malls, theatres), archives or libraries, hospitals, and so on. Here, not only automatic detectors will come to the rescue, but also manual ones, for example, the fire detector IPR 513. It is placed on the wall, at a height of about one and a half meters from the floor level and is activated manually by pressing a special button.
Features of manual call points
So, to the question “what is an IRP?” we answered. Now let's see what its features are.
The manual call point does not have a function to help detect a fire. This view is for manually alarming the fire alarm and extinguishing system. In this case, the alarm notification is transmitted to the electrical circuit of the alarm loop. A person, having discovered a fire, must press onthe corresponding button on the detector.

As a general rule, manual call points are installed on escape routes that must be accessible in the event of a fire. It is important to remember that the place intended for installing the device must be well lit (light level should not be less than 50 Lx).
This device can be installed both inside a building on a wall or structure (while the distance between the detectors should not exceed fifty meters), and outside the building. In the second case, the distance between the devices should not be more than one hundred and fifty meters. According to fire safety rules, within 0.75 meters of the installed device there should be no objects or mechanisms that prevent its access. For example, installing an IPR in a cabinet is prohibited.
Why program an address in the device?
In order to reduce the time of determining the localization of the source of fire, it is very important to properly target the device's signals. If we are talking about an office or administrative building, then it can be set up to the floor. If we are talking about a multi-storey residential building, then it is very important to indicate the addressing to the nearest apartment.
The use of conventional IPR may require the installation of a large number of fairly long loops.
Today, even on relatively small immovable objects, addressable and addressable analog systems are used, for example, IPR 513 addressable. They provide a good level of fire protection, automatically controldifferent systems, and allow you to include several hundred manual and automatic fire detectors, sirens, control modules and other equipment in one loop.

The principle of operation of addressable fire detectors
What is an IP address? What is the principle of its work? The fact is that addressable devices can only work with compatible control panels. Control panels can be both addressable and addressable-analogue. Data exchange between the IPR and the control panel is carried out according to the appropriate protocol.
At the time of the poll, which is carried out in standby mode, the addressable fire detector turns on the indication for a while. Further, during the next poll, the activated state is written off, and a command is given to turn on the indicator. Then the display of the device displays the address at which the IPR is installed. Some devices may be equipped with loop short circuit isolators.
Characteristics of IPR 513
Manual fire detector IPR 513 is a four-wire device designed to signal "Fire" in manual mode. It is an element of fire protection and alarm.
The device is powered by a control and receiving device. Also, power can be supplied through Rorp when connecting the IPR 513 in a four-wire circuit. Compatible with any control panel that accepts a detector triggering signal in the form of connecting an additional resistor to the loop via a built-in "Dry contact" type relay.
Alarmformed after pressing the button. To remove the signal, you must return the button to its original position using a pin, the diameter of which is no more than three millimeters.

Both automatic and manual detectors will help to avoid a fire, so you should not neglect its installation. Thanks to this device, the fire will be quickly eliminated, which means that death and significant damage to property will be excluded. Secure your home or office by installing fire protection systems.