Fire hydrant: device and principle of operation. What is the purpose of a fire hydrant?

Fire hydrant: device and principle of operation. What is the purpose of a fire hydrant?
Fire hydrant: device and principle of operation. What is the purpose of a fire hydrant?

Fire hydrant is equipment that provides a convenient intake of liquid from the water supply network. Its main use is as a connection point for fire hoses used to fill the tank of a fire engine or extinguish a fire. Also, this device is very often used for reclamation work. In the article below, you can find out what a fire hydrant is, the device and the principle of operation.

fire hydrant device and principle of operation
fire hydrant device and principle of operation

Varieties of fire hydrants

Devices of this type, which are used most often in suburban areas, can be of the following types:

  • Aboveground (wellless).
  • Underground fire hydrant (device in the well).

The last option is the most popular. This is due to the fact that in the event of a fire, an uninterrupted supply of water will be provided.

Underground hydrant

The device of a fire hydrant in the well is carried out as followsway:

  • The hydrant must be installed in such a way that the crane is visible on the surface. Such a device is manufactured in accordance with GOST. The hydrant can be of various shapes and sizes.
  • Equipment of this type, as a rule, is used if there is a liquid with a temperature of 5 to 50ºC in the cold water supply system. It is not possible to use a hydrant at sub-zero temperatures. The water pressure should not exceed 10 MPa.
  • The installation of a hydrant and a fire column in a well should only be done in a vertical position.
  • Special stands are provided for this equipment. Before installation, the hydrant must be flushed with well water. The height of the unit can be at intervals of 250-1250-3500mm.
  • With these dimensions, the valve opens 24-30 mm. The design of the hydrants provides holes for connecting hoses.
  • When using hydrants, a fire line is often built around the perimeter of the well. It consists of numerous plastic pipelines or hoses laid along the perimeter of strategic objects.
  • There is a specific instruction for installing a fire hydrant of any type. It indicates how to make a fire hydrant device, its connection diagram and the sequence of actions during installation.
  • fire hydrant in a well
    fire hydrant in a well

What should a well be like

As a rule, detailing a well with a hydrant is done by professionals. Howeverif you know the specific requirements for using this type of equipment, you can build a well yourself.

  • The well should not be located at great depths. The water supply must come from a well. At the same time, it is not necessary to purify the water from impurities, the main thing is that there are no stones in it.
  • The width of the well should not be less than 800 mm. Such parameters will allow you to freely turn the equipment on and off.
  • The well is made of large-diameter plastic pipelines and reinforced concrete rings. It is not recommended to lower the equipment into a dug and unfinished well, as with a slight displacement of the soil it can simply fall asleep.

Above-ground hydrant

A wellless fire hydrant (the device and principle of operation are discussed below), compared to an underground installation, is a more complex structure. Such units can be found in any area, they are installed on a special hatch or ground surface. A prerequisite is the presence of a source of water in the immediate vicinity.

fire hydrant pipeline device
fire hydrant pipeline device

In winter, it is very important to completely free such equipment from water. Otherwise, it will freeze and be unusable.

Also, these devices are equipped with additional functions. Aboveground hydrants are usually equipped with automatic start or water release.

Installation Tips

  • The height of this device may be different and when choosing it, you musttake into account the depth of freezing. A column is screwed onto the fire hydrant, equipped with two branch pipes, providing, if necessary, an uninterrupted supply of water.
  • There are modern models that additionally provide the function of automatically draining water as a result of using a fire hydrant.
  • The service life of this equipment is approximately 50 years. Thanks to innovations in production technology, these devices can also be used outside. For this, there are special devices. It should also be noted that when installing a fire hydrant (a device on a pipeline), it is very important to take into account the degree of soil freezing.
  • The design of this unit provides several outlets for connecting hoses. They can work both separately and in parallel.
  • hydrant and fire column installation
    hydrant and fire column installation

Installation requirements

The most important aspect to pay attention to during installation is the location of the hydrant. It has the following requirements:

  • A fire hydrant (device and principle of operation below) may be located on the road and at a distance of no more than 2.5 meters from it.
  • Installation should be carried out at a distance of 50-100 meters from the nearest building.
  • It is forbidden to install a hydrant at a distance of less than 5 meters from the wall of the nearest building.
  • It is forbidden to install this equipment on branch pipes.
  • In addition, the distance from the manhole wall tothe axis of the riser cannot be less than 175 mm, and from the end of the riser to the manhole cover - 150-400 mm.

Destination, fire hydrant device

Fire hydrant is, first of all, a guarantee of fire safety. A hydrant installed in a timely manner and in the right place will provide unimpeded access to water for the population and firefighters in case of emergency. For this reason, the design of these units must imply a competent choice of location, as well as fully comply with the requirements and standards established by the state.

purpose of a fire hydrant
purpose of a fire hydrant

Fire hydrant: device and principle of operation

This equipment is a faucet designed with three main parts: installation head, valve head and riser. Depending on the model of the hydrant, the dimensions of these parts vary. Also, depending on the type of this equipment, it is possible to have a stand for above-ground models, or an underground well in which the unit is installed.

The hydrant is actuated by means of a special key that rotates the bar. In turn, the rod actuates the valve and thereby opens access to water. A device of this type is able to function not only as a make-up for fire engines, but also as an independent source of water.

fire hydrant underground device
fire hydrant underground device

Procedure of work

The type of fire hydrant - underground or ground - depends on itsinstallation, either it starts from the well, or from mounting the stand, respectively. After preparing the surface for the unit or preparing the shelter, a fire column is installed on the thread of the pipeline previously connected to the water supply system. Also, during the installation process, the elements of the hydrant are treated with waterproofing and anti-corrosion compounds that extend the life of the equipment.

fire hydrant device diagram
fire hydrant device diagram

Maintaining He alth

To ensure the regular operational readiness of the unit, it is necessary to carry out its maintenance and service twice a year. The list of works to be done includes:

  • Easy to turn the valve.
  • Tightness and integrity of the valve and gaskets.
  • Presence of rainwater or leaking water from a hydrant in a well.
  • Checking the working elements of the device for the presence of a nipple, the integrity of the rod, cover, body, thread, as well as for cracks and other damage.
  • Checking for tightness and integrity of the well hatch.
