Many constituent elements of its arrangement allow you to enjoy visiting the bathhouse. A competent choice of materials for construction, decoration and full-fledged functioning ensures durability, attractiveness and maximum comfort in the he alth complex. One of the main components is the water tank. Its choice for installation depends on many parameters, including size, quality of materials, type of construction. Today, many owners install boilers and other equipment to provide water in the bath. But the traditional option would be to use high-quality containers for supplying cold and hot water from high-quality materials.

Water tank dimensions
Before choosing a design, it is necessary to determine the volume and take into account the requirements for operation. This type of container is produced in different configurations and sizes. A large water tank for a bath is suitable for a room that is regularly visited by a large number of people. According to experts, 30-40 liters of water is consumed on average by two people. Based on averages, you can easily calculate how much capacity will be required inown bath. Today, manufacturers produce designs from 50 to 100 liters. Experts recommend using a water tank with a reserve for its constant availability. But the size of the container should be related to the size of the furnace. A small design will not provide the right amount of water, and a large one takes more time to warm up. The thickness of the walls is also taken into account, on which the duration of temperature maintenance depends.
Choose according to the method of heating water
Bath tanks differ in several types of designs:
- built into oven;
- located on the pipe;
- remote, outside the oven.
The classic option is considered to be containers built into the stove. They are placed on the side of the firebox or on top. Chimney-mounted tanks are a modern option. The heating of water in them occurs quickly with the help of a high temperature of smoke and flame. In order not to experience discomfort during operation, it is advisable to purchase a high water tank with a certain margin. In saunas, remote devices are ideal, allowing you to achieve dryness and high temperature in the room.

Materials of production
When choosing tanks, you should pay attention to the quality of materials. Modern containers on the equipment market are mainly made of several types of materials:
- stainless steel;
- sheet steel;
- cast iron;
- enamelled;
- plastic.
Very popularstainless steel tanks due to long service life, absence of corrosion, reliability and durability. The water in them is heated quickly, the capacity is resistant to temperature changes. It can be used for hot and cold water. Moisture isolation is not required during installation. The design has excellent thermal conductivity and low deformation coefficient. But this type of water tanks have a much higher price compared to products made from other materials.
Simple metal structures quickly become unusable, lose their attractiveness. Although their cost is available to many consumers. It is better to buy a cast-iron product that keeps water hot for a long time. It does not give in to deformation, corrosion, possesses reliability, durability. It is not advisable to use devices covered with enamel under hot water. Frequent exposure to high temperatures leads to paint damage, corrosion and other problems. They are best used for cold water, like plastic containers. The plastic water tank has a number of advantages. In particular, high strength, durability, no corrosion, light weight, repairability and affordable price.

Varieties in shape
The shape of the product is divided into several types:
- round;
- cylindrical;
- rectangular.
Each form is characterized by certain indicators. An excellent, for example, option for installation in an oven would be a cylindrical container. She endureshigh pressure, so it can be securely attached to or near the pipe.
DIY water tank
To save money on the purchase of a tank, practical craftsmen make it with their own hands. To do this, stainless steel sheets, suitable pipes are purchased, and a container is welded, taking into account the requirements for hot water. Welded seams, welded pipes must be strong and reliable. When creating a container, you should remember about the places where water will be poured in and sorted out. The inlet pipes are equipped with a ball valve to shut off the water during its heating. The tap should also lock the water inlet in case of failure of the main element.

A few tips from the experts
To buy a quality design model, it is advisable to consult with professionals. The reason for this is the huge range of devices on the hardware market. If, for example, you need a capacity of more than 200 liters, then it is better to purchase a product with a heat exchanger. It functions in conjunction with a storage tank, which will require a connection to the water supply and access to electricity.

It is not recommended to leave water in the tank in severe frost. If it is not drained in a timely manner, then the product may be damaged when the water freezes. Also, if the structure is not properly installed, you can regularly wash with cold water. Therefore, the installation of the tank should be trusted to experienced specialists.