Weymouth Pine. Decorative forms of coniferous plants

Weymouth Pine. Decorative forms of coniferous plants
Weymouth Pine. Decorative forms of coniferous plants

While decorating the site, one cannot help but remember conifers, varieties of which grow in all parts of the globe. They are graceful, with a clear outline of the crown. The persistent, incomparable heady aroma of pine needles creates a special microclimate on the site. These evergreen representatives of the flora are essential attributes of the New Year holiday, excellent material for landscape design.

Weymouth pine
Weymouth pine

Coniferous plants are universal in application. Looks great separately growing bushes or trees. They also blend beautifully with other types of plants, creating a great decorative composition.

It is not easy to correctly arrange the representatives of the flora on the site. But among the original conifers, you can always find those that will coexist comfortably with ornamental plants located on the site near the house. They will become the main decoration of the garden.

Among such plants, one can single out an excellent group of Weymouth pines. Ornamental trees were brought from America by the lord after whom this group was named. Weymouth pine is a graceful long-lived tree, characterized by a very dense pyramidal crown. its branches,arranged horizontally, have soft, very thin bluish-green needles, which reach a length of 10 centimeters and are collected in bunches of 5 pieces. The cones of these species of coniferous trees are of an elongated cylindrical shape.

Weymouth pine
Weymouth pine

Weymouth pine, unlike other representatives of the coniferous group, develops and grows quite quickly. In general, it is an unpretentious tree, reaching a height of 50 meters and possessing excellent qualities. It has such properties as frost resistance, shade tolerance and resistance to adverse environmental conditions, it is not demanding on soil fertility either. However, Weymouth pine is not disease resistant. Plantings of this conifer should not be located near currant and gooseberry bushes, which can be a source of rust fungus spores.

Weymouth Pine is an excellent material for landscape designers. For this purpose, its many decorative forms are used, such as pyramidal, weeping, creeping, golden and variegated. Each of these types has certain features due to which they are used in various compositions. One thing unites all these decorative trees and bushes - they are fantastically beautiful.

Weymouth Pine Radiata
Weymouth Pine Radiata

Short breeds are especially spectacular. Pine Weymouth Radiata - a unique natural material for decorating personal plots. In a limited space, it is indispensable. A compact bush of spherical shape has a columnar dense crown. Evergreen coniferous long-livergrows slowly. With insignificant annual growth, it reaches one and a half to two meters in height in adulthood.

Sunny areas with light soils are chosen for planting this pine. Coniferous shrubs equally suffer from drought and waterlogging. Therefore, you should take care of good soil drainage. Preventive spraying against fungal diseases is also required.

To decorate the garden, the arrangement of alpine slides is also suitable for a dwarf form - Weymouth pine Minimus. The evergreen shrub has a spherical crown, which is slightly flattened to the ground. On short shoots is located in bunches of needles of emerald blue color. This shrub grows very slowly. Can reach up to a meter in height.

Weymouth Pine Minimus
Weymouth Pine Minimus

The plant is unpretentious with good winter hardiness. For planting, the best place will be light areas with light soil. Moderate watering is preferred.

Weymouth Pine is propagated by grafting on a winter-hardy stock. On the territory of Russia there are nurseries that grow seedlings of heat-loving plants with good winter-hardy qualities.
