Today, many people have the idea to plant coniferous trees at home. Ornamental leafy plants are a wonderful decoration for the interior, but they can not be compared with the charming Italian pine. It can be seen on sale under the name pine. In flower shops, it is found all year round, but it is best to purchase and plant it in early spring.

Growing in nature
Italian pine is found in the Canary Islands. Very showy, young tree has a pyramidal shape. The crown branches out with age. Due to the powerful branches, the crown of the umbrella is formed. In home cultivation, growers often use this feature to create an amazing bonsai garden, unique and inimitable.
At home, the Italian pine reaches a huge size, 20 meters in height. In pots, this plant is usually no more than one and a half meters, but it is not suitable for a small room. But in a large hall, it will look just magical. Her barkhas a reddish-gray tint, which gives the pine a very decorative look. The needles of young trees are soft, silver-green. The length of each needle is about 10-12 cm. Over time, it becomes more rigid and darker. In nature, the Italian pine periodically sheds needles, which then cover the ground around the tree with a carpet. At home, old needles are cut off on their own, which stimulates the growth of fresh ones.
Why Pine
Indeed, there are so many varieties of pines in nature that it's just dizzying. In addition, to date, ornamental varieties and hybrids have been bred. But among them, Italian pine occupies a special place. A distinctive feature is an unforgettable coniferous aroma, surprisingly persistent. Many pines are grown in the summer in the garden, and in the winter they are brought to the insulated loggia. By Christmas, you will have your own "tree" at home that you can decorate. This tradition allows you to save Christmas trees in wildlife.

View description
Let's take a closer look at what Italian pine (pine) is. The tree is slightly branched, highly delimbed, with a beautiful crown. The trunks are covered with furrowed bark, which is separated by large plates, strongly curved. Young shoots are usually gray-green or light yellow, densely covered with needles. The buds at the ends are quite spectacular, non-resinous. The length of the needles is 10-15 cm, green or bluish. Mature female cones are solitary, symmetrical. The shields of the scales are curved, thick, and hide the edible seeds, which we call nuts. It is from them that one cangrow a new tree.
View Properties
Italian pine, or pine, is a resident of the Mediterranean, so it can hardly endure frosts. In the middle lane and in the south of Russia it can grow in open ground (where frosts do not exceed -20), but in Siberia it will not survive. Here, gardeners usually plant it in tubs in order to take it to a warmer room with the onset of autumn. Prefers dry and loose soils, mostly sandy. The breed is photophilous and drought-resistant, undemanding to growing conditions, except that it does not tolerate waterlogging. The tree produces large seeds resembling the kernels of Siberian cedar. They are considered a delicacy and are regularly eaten. Useful properties are not inferior to the fruits of the Siberian cedar. This is a longevity product.

Sapling or seeds?
It is most convenient to use a five-year-old seedling of the species you like. In this case, you get a fully grown plant that can be placed in your summer cottage. However, many are not interested in how to buy a finished seedling, but how to grow it. Italian pine (pinia) grows long enough, be patient. Growing a tree from cones is a very interesting process, this technology is of great importance for the restoration of coniferous forests, and not just for decorating a private household plot.
Choosing seed
We will talk in detail about how to plant Italian pine seeds. First of all, you need a mature cone. To do this, she will have to live for three years.on the tree. After that, her scales open and expose the seeds. Right now, the finished cone falls to the ground, where it can be harvested and used to grow a new plant. About 10 seeds live in each such house. The optimal time for harvesting is the end of October.
Bringing home, it must be placed in heat, on the stove or to the battery. After a couple of days, the cone will open and give you the opportunity to collect the seeds. In nature, they undergo natural stratification. All winter the cone lies under the snow, and with the onset of spring, the seeds are saturated with moisture and germinate. This should be repeated at home. To do this, spread the seeds on the sand, slightly moisten, cover with snow on top and put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

With the onset of spring
Seeds can now be placed in planting boxes. They need to be filled with light peat soil (one part of turf, peat and sand), which will definitely need to be calcined in the oven. After the soil has been prepared, seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm. Water well and cover with glass. After the emergence of seedlings, the covering material must be removed, and the box should be moved to a sunny place. For prevention, seedlings are sprayed with a fungicide solution. In early summer, they can be planted in open ground or in a tub if the climatic conditions do not require growing on the site.
Plant care
Now you have a young Italian pine (pinia) growing. Growing features suggest a regular transplant, about once every fiveyears. By this age, they reach a height of about half a meter. It must be remembered that young pines need to be covered with spruce branches for the winter. In the warm season, you will need to feed the seedlings 2-3 times. To do this, you need to use mineral mixtures for coniferous trees. But with organic matter it is better to be careful, pines do not like fatty soils. Under these conditions, you can get enough seedlings to decorate a garden plot from one cone.
At about the age of 7, the plant acquires a crown, and by 20 the tree is covered with branches almost to the ground. By the age of 30, the lower branches begin to die off, the crown acquires an ovoid shape. By this time, the maturation process is almost over, although growth will continue.

Pine in the winter garden
According to the reviews of those who have the described tree on their site, this is one of the few pines that easily tolerates home maintenance. Moreover, it will have a satisfactory condition and shape if the tree is in the fresh air during the period of growth. And in winter, it is best to keep it in a cool place where growth stops.
The soil should be light, it is a mixture of granulate and sand, as well as gravel. The earth must be replaced every 2-3 years. Young plants require moderate watering, and in winter, temporary dryness of the substrate can be observed.
Crown formation
What do you need to do to grow a beautiful and strong Italian pine (pinia)? The use of modern synthetic fertilizers is not encouraged,quite enough will be forest humus. This variety of pine is great for creating a flat and wide crown, but other styles can be realized if desired. The final height should be maintained at a level of one and a half meters. Young shoots are shortened and molded with a wire. This should be done while the branches are young and flexible, that is, before they reach the age of three. In those places where the wire passes, it is necessary to remove the needles. Make sure that it does not fit tightly to the branches, otherwise it may grow into the bark.

Delicious nuts
In addition to the decorative function, you can count on the fact that from about the 12th year of life, the pine tree will begin to bear fruit. One tree produces an average of 45 cones. A large plant can produce approximately 7-9 kilograms of edible seeds. Many Italian dishes use the delicious pine nuts. Italian pine is a very fertile plant. If several trees grow on the site, then you will be provided with a wonderful food supplement. The calorie content is quite high, about 630 kcal per 100 g of product. Nuts are rich in trace elements such as vitamins B, E and C, as well as phosphorus and magnesium, zinc and potassium, manganese and iron.
Useful properties
To date, they have not been fully studied, but it is well known that Italian pine nuts are excellent for healing wounds and helping to cope with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of pine fruits helps to strengthen the immune system and hasslight diuretic effect, improves the activity of the kidneys and liver, stimulates potency, helps to normalize the work of the heart.

Instead of a conclusion
Reviews of owners of country houses claim that growing Italian pine in your area is not a big problem. This tree is not whimsical, the only condition is the absence of excessive soil moisture. To prevent fungal infection of plants, young seedlings should be periodically watered with manganese. Forming an intricate crown is an interesting and exciting job. And the appearance of your garden, decorated with Italian pines, will greatly benefit. Do not forget about the immediate benefits of conifers in your garden, and the aroma that prevails on a hot summer day will be the best reward.