Private land is not only a field for work, but also an excellent area for recreation. Each owner of such a site equips it in his own way, but everyone agrees on one thing - there should be a gazebo on the territory. However, a conventional design will not look as original as one built from non-traditional materials for these works. This will decorate the area and make the gazebo the most popular place in the summer.
General recommendations for the construction of unusual gazebos

Unusual gazebos can be built by you yourself. However, before starting work, you need to choose an idea, which can be your own or borrowed from an article. The main factor that will influence the choice is the convenience of the design. The canopy should protect from the heat, as well as the bright sun. If necessary, a gazebo can be made with walls that will block the wind.
Before erecting such a building, it is necessary to pay attention to those materials that will not be excessively expensive. Some owners of suburban areas even use forthis empty bottles or wicker. It is important to combine the gazebo with the backyard landscape, as well as other buildings. If the design is made in the Japanese style, then it will look like an alien element next to a house built in classical Russian traditions.
When using a wooden arbor frame without a foundation, those parts that will be dug into the soil should be protected from decay as much as possible. Otherwise, the gazebo will not stand for several years. The ends of the pillars that will be in the ground must first be burned at the stake, wrapped with roofing material or coated with hot bitumen. Sometimes a method of processing elements with machine oil is used.
When unusual arbors are made, wood is often used. If some of its parts are in the open air, then they should be treated with antiseptics that exclude rotting. From above, the wood is covered with waterproof paint, which can be replaced with yacht varnish. Moreover, these procedures will need to be carried out periodically. When using metal for the frame of the gazebo, it should be subjected to corrosion protection. To do this, you can use special paints or compounds sold in hardware stores.
Working on a gazebo on a tree

If you are interested in unusual arbors, then you can consider designs on a tree. They will become a place for the little inhabitants of the cottage to play. The arrangement work will be very simple, for this you only need a powerfula thick tree whose branches are relatively horizontal. The floor of the building can be strengthened on them. At the next stage, it is necessary to strengthen the vertical elements of the frame and roof, however, such a gazebo should be located at a height of no more than 3 m. The walls can not be made capital, quite often film or curtains are used as them.
The roof can also be translucent from polycarbonate, sometimes they do without it at all. After all, the sun's rays will pass through the crown of the tree with difficulty. An addition will be a rope ladder, which can be used by small family members. Unusual gazebos according to this principle can be built without a powerful tree. Around any tall plant, you can dig four pillars on which a powerful flooring is installed. The tree in this case will become the central part of the building, and the walls will be fixed very simply by tying the details to the tree itself. At the same time, it is important to observe safety measures; under the gazebo, the softest and most even area should be made. All small shrubs and branches, construction debris and stones should be removed. The surface of the ground can be sprinkled with sand or sawdust to prevent injury from falls.
Creating a gazebo out of plastic bottles

Unusual gazebos, photos of which are presented in the article, can be made from plastic bottles, which will reduce the cost of construction to a minimum. At the same time, one cannot do without arranging the foundation, roof and frame, which will certainly entail certain financialexpenses. The walls can be made from bottles, which will serve as an excellent option for protection from the sun and precipitation.
The foundation may consist of metal screw piles that are fixed in the ground. The frame is made of a metal profile, namely pipes, a square or a corner. The elements should be strengthened with each other using a welding machine. Plastic bottles are strung on rods, which are then located between the upper frame of the frame and the lower one. An important condition is the selection of bottles of the same size and shape. But you can play with color, creating a unique flavor.
Creating a gazebo out of glass bottles

An unusual do-it-yourself gazebo can be made from glass bottles. They can be purchased for almost nothing at recycling centers. The principle of construction will be the same as that used in brickwork. Bottles should be placed next to each other and reinforced with cement mortar. Products should be placed with the bottoms out, while the necks will be inside the gazebo. It is important to take into account the fact that the bottles are difficult to dock at the corners, but with their help you can lay out wall fragments, giving the gazebo unusual shapes.
Using the trunk of old trees

Unusual gazebos for summer cottages are often made from the trunks of old trees. This option will be the most economical, can be used for work and branches of old plants. The table and branches are cleared ofbark, which, when crushed, can be used on the farm, because it can be sprinkled with plant bushes that are prone to freezing. But the trunk should be used to create support columns. Large branches will go to fences, balusters and railings. One tree is usually not enough. This may require several trunks, which will be used to form four columns. The height of each should be 2.5 m or more. When creating such unusual arbors made of wood, you should fix the columns at the corner points of the columnar foundation and strengthen them with the help of the upper and lower strapping from the timber. Wood should be treated with a moisture-resistant primer and varnished to give the desired color and protect against drying out. The roof can be created from plant materials, namely reed mats or shingles.
Building the foundation

If the gazebo will have a sufficiently impressive weight, which is true when using cement mortar, then a foundation should be erected for it. To do this, a 30-cm trench is prepared around the intended area, which deepens into the ground by 40 cm. Then the formwork is installed, the resulting space is poured with concrete, which can simultaneously become the base for the floor. This is true when you plan to install ceramic or stone gates in the future.
Using cement for the gazebo

Fancy garden arbors can be created by you with traditional cementsolution. The most difficult thing in this case will be the creation of a rigid frame from reinforcement. You can use a chain-link mesh, ready-made reinforcing structures that are welded at will. After preparing the solution, the consistency of which should be closer to thick, in small portions, the mixture should be thrown over the reinforcing structure. After drying, you need to form bizarre shapes of walls and columns. The solution can imitate intertwined trees.
Unusual roofs
Fancy gazebo roofs are most commonly made from wicker and reed mats. For this, you can even use reeds. Such a building will merge with the natural environment, especially with water. Such plants have hollow stems, so they will be the key to a comfortable microclimate inside the gazebo. Initially, you will need to create mats, and then install them on the roof of the structure that you decide to make with your own hands.
If you are planning to build an ordinary light arbor out of wood, then the foundation may consist of preparation based on crushed stone. A hole is dug around the perimeter for this, and then crushed stone is covered, which is poured with concrete. You can install support poles in it, which can be used as wooden bars.