Toilet eccentric with flush

Toilet eccentric with flush
Toilet eccentric with flush

Connecting a toilet to a sewer is a simple process. If you want to save on the work of a locksmith, you can try to do it yourself. Fortunately, manufacturers of plumbing fittings offer many options for adapters. To conveniently and reliably perform the articulation of elements located with an offset relative to each other, use an eccentric.

toilet eccentric
toilet eccentric

What is a toilet eccentric

An eccentric (cuff) is an element of connecting fittings in the form of a pipe, the edges of which are offset relative to a common axis. This design allows you to have some freedom when installing the toilet, if its outlet and the sewer hole do not match. Alignment is achieved by turning the cuff worn on the nozzle.

offset toilet eccentric
offset toilet eccentric

Toilet eccentrics are made in different lengths with a standard diameter of the connecting holes. Rubber cuffs have a corrugated surface at the points of connection to the branch pipes. This provides a more secure fit. And cuffs made of plastic are equipped with special rubbergaskets.

Eccentrics are mainly used to articulate pipes located in the same plane. But if the angle of divergence is small, plastic cuffs are used, varying the corrugated part, in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich you can make a slight bend.

When is it convenient to use the cuff

In addition to using the cuff, there are other possibilities for connecting the toilet to the sewer, but there are times when the toilet eccentric with an offset is the only option available to make a joint. As a rule, this can only happen with two types of toilets: horizontal and oblique outlet. The reasons for misalignment of the axes can be as follows:

  • Replacing an old toilet with a new one and the inability to choose a model that is similar in geometric dimensions.
  • Changing the floor level when laying tiles, resulting in a difference in heights at the outlet and inlet of plumbing.
  • Inability to maintain alignment with the initially displaced passage of the sewer riser in a multi-storey building.
  • Mistakes in the design of communications.

In all these cases, the use of an eccentric is relevant, provided that the displacement does not exceed five centimeters.

Toilet Cam: Sizes

Eccentric type toilet couplings have a hole diameter of 100mm. This allows them to be directly inserted into the socket of the sewer pipe without additional adapters.

toilet eccentric with offset 100 mm
toilet eccentric with offset 100 mm

Cuff length varies. The shortest rubber camslimited to 150 mm. Plastic cuffs can reach a size of 250 mm. It is impractical to make longer couplings, since it is always possible to increase the sewer pipe branch pipe to the desired state using a plastic outlet.

Other connector adapters

Along with eccentrics, there are other connection elements:

Plastic adapters, bends and nozzles. They are used mainly for coaxial articulation of reinforcement, or at different angles of divergence of nozzles. Using a different combination of bends, for example, two 45-degree angles, you can make a homemade toilet eccentric. It will be inferior to the factory model except in an aesthetic sense. In terms of reliability and durability, this is the most practical option

eccentric cuff for toilet bowl
eccentric cuff for toilet bowl
  • Corrugations, corrugated cuffs. These joints are used in difficult situations, with sharp differences in joint angles up to 90 degrees and above. Corrugation can bypass any interfering element. The disadvantage of the connection is its fragility. Thin walls in the bend area can break through, and sediment easily accumulates on the inner surface due to the ribs.
  • Fan pipes. These fittings are suitable for straight joints. They aesthetically benefit from the material from which they are made: faience, porcelain, piece porcelain. Such a product must be handled with extreme care due to its fragility.
  • Straight rubber or plastic cuffs.
toilet eccentric 100 mm
toilet eccentric 100 mm

Step by step toilet installationon eccentric

For an example, consider installing a toilet bowl in a newly renovated toilet, where the tiles on the floor and walls were completely changed and there is only an exit from the sewer pipe. In the source data, the presence of an axis offset between the connected elements.

The process is divided into several steps:

  • Install the toilet in its permanent position and outline the leg with a black marker directly on the floor tile. Mark mounting holes.
  • Measure the distance between the nozzles, plus add 5cm to each side to fit the toilet eccentric.
  • Purchase the right length eccentric and automotive sealant (it does a better job of sealing the seam than silicone).
  • Move the toilet to the side, insert the eccentric into the socket of the sewer pipe. They return the toilet bowl to its place and, turning the eccentric in a circle, achieve the exact entry of the toilet bowl outlet into it.
  • The marker on the eccentric and the socket of the sewer pipe makes a common notch in order to have a guideline for the position of the element.
  • Remove the toilet bowl, remove the coupling from the pipe, drill mounting holes and install plastic dowels in them.
  • At the inner circumference of the sewer pipe (at the place where the eccentric fits), a layer of sealant is applied and the sleeve is inserted, aligning the marks.
  • Apply a layer of sealant to the toilet drain and install the latter in a permanent place, inserting a 100 mm toilet eccentric.
eccentric toilet installation
eccentric toilet installation
  • Let the sealant sit for 30 minutes and check the drain by pouring several buckets of water into the toilet. To control leakage, a sheet of white paper is placed on the floor under the cuff.
  • If everything is fine and there is no leak, screw the toilet bowl to the floor with screws, wipe the marker line with alcohol.

It is important to consider that you can achieve a reliable seam by applying sealant only to a dry surface.

Replacing the rubber cuff

During operation, eccentrics sometimes fail and begin to leak moisture. This can happen due to the aging of the rubber and the loss of its elasticity. To replace the cuff with a new one, carry out the work in the following order:

Rinse the toilet knee with several buckets of water, remove the remaining liquid in the knee

toilet eccentric dimensions
toilet eccentric dimensions
  • With a metal file, cut the cuff in half, unscrew the screws that secure the toilet legs to the floor and the tube from the drain tank (having previously turned off the tap). The toilet is moved to the side.
  • Remove the remnants of the used cuff from the toilet bowl and the sewer pipe. Carefully remove the layer of old sealant and s alt deposits formed during the operation of the sewer.
  • Install a new toilet eccentric with an offset of 100 mm as described in the previous chapter of the article.

Repair of eccentric without replacement

Disruption of the connecting cuff may occur at a time when its replacement is difficult or not possible. To eliminate the leak and continue painlesslyuse the bathroom, use several methods:

  1. Sealing with cloth. They take a piece of dense cotton fabric and cut it into strips 5 cm wide. The nozzles and the eccentric are well wiped from moisture, dust and dirt. Starting from the toilet pipe, the fabric is wound (by the type of insulation winding) over the entire area up to the sewer pipe pipe, making a couple of turns on it as well. Secure the edges with electrical tape. The entire surface of the matter is painted over with oil paint. The paint is allowed to dry.
  2. Repair with elastic bandage. They use the same winding principle, without subsequent painting.
  3. Putty with automotive sealant. The method is used if the eccentric cuff for the toilet bowl leaks at the junction. The joint is cleaned and dried. The treated area is filled with sealant and allowed to dry for half an hour.


To make the repair or replacement of the coupling on the toilet bowl more comfortable and not accompanied by an unpleasant smell from the sewer, it is advisable to install an adapter with a built-in check valve on the side of the latter. Such a measure will also prevent the penetration of sewage into the premises from the common central in a multi-storey building if the riser is clogged.
