If you happen to be outside the city where there is no access to the gas main, then you probably faced the need to use a device like an electric stove. Quite often, people use stoves or stoves that are powered by liquefied gas cylinders. An alternative solution may be a home-made device that operates on liquid fuel. If you are the owner of a suburban area, and periodically try to solve the problem of space heating and cooking, then, quite possibly, an alcohol burner will suit you. It can also become an indispensable attribute if you prefer to go camping overnight in your free time.
The main advantages of devices

The mentioned burner can easily be made by you yourself. It will be possible to take it with you to the garage, to the country house or on a hike, as well as to those places where there is no electricity, mains gas or wood-burning stoves. With this device, you canquickly enough to heat water, cook food or heat the room. Such an invention is suitable for those places where it is impossible to make a fire, since the device generates a flame that is almost invisible, but it will be enough for cooking. The alcohol burner has a lot of advantages, among them one can single out good performance under difficult weather conditions. And this is true even if the outside temperature drops to -40 degrees. If you make such a device yourself, you can feel how easy it is to use, compact, economical and affordable in terms of purchasing fuel. The last factor can be called one of the most important advantages of such burners, since alcohol can be purchased everywhere. Among other things, the cost of such fuel is low, especially when compared with kerosene or gas.
Burner technology

The alcohol burner can be made in one of several ways. If you are new to this business, then you should choose the simplest technique that does not involve the use of locksmith tools. The technology involves the use of empty cans in the amount of two pieces, they must first be cleaned and rinsed with running water. After this, the products should dry well. In the central part of one of the jars, 4 punctures should be made using nails. The same holes should be made around the perimeter of the rim of the can. This element will become a blank for the future burner, from which it will beburst into flames when used.
This part must be cut off from the can so that the length of the side is equal to three centimeters. To do this, you can use household scissors, since the tin is thin enough, it is easy to cut it with any sharp object. When an alcohol burner is made, at the next stage in the second jar it is necessary to cut off the bottom, this must be done as carefully as possible so that there are no notches. Otherwise, you will need to use a file or sandpaper.
Work methodology

A piece of cotton wool is placed on the bottom of the burner, which must first be moistened with alcohol. Next, the structure is covered with the upper part so that it acts as a sealed cover. If you do not ensure close contact of the parts, then strips of tin can be installed in the slots, which are left over from the cutting of products. When an alcohol burner is made by hand, it must be used according to a certain principle. Alcohol should be poured onto the upper part of the structure where the holes are made. This must be done in such a way that the composition gets on the rim. The latter should also have holes. Next, the alcohol is set on fire, the tin is heated, and the heat is transferred to the cotton wool, which is dipped in alcohol. As a result, vapors begin to be released, which will support the flame.
Final works

At the last stage, it is necessary to make supports on whichthere will be a cooking pot. To do this, use two metal rods that are driven in the shape of the letter U into the ground parallel to each other. In the process of cooking, it is necessary to prevent the appliance from tipping over. If you decide to make a product such as an alcohol burner with your own hands, then you should remember that such a device is disposable, since tin cans will no longer be useful for the next time.
Alternative manufacturing option

Helpful crafts can be a little more complex than the above option. However, such a design will be distinguished by higher reliability, durability and strength. We'll talk about it further.
Preparatory work

In order to make a device with your own hands, you should prepare a compressor, it is best to use a car camera, which you can borrow from a truck. Ee will need to be pumped up from time to time. An alternative solution is a compressor from an old refrigerator. A receiver should be prepared, a plastic canister with a volume of 10 liters or less is perfect for this. The cork should be solid, preferably translucent. Such useful homemade products are made from several elements, among them a fuel tank should be distinguished, for this you need to use a two-liter steel container, into the lid of which two tubes are soldered. One of themshould be long, the other short. The first one sinks to the bottom of the tank.
Work technology

Tourist alcohol burners can be purchased at the store, but the design is so simple that you can make them yourself. The fuel tank should be filled with alcohol, but not more than 1/2 of the volume. A simple filter is installed at the compressor inlet. It can be done independently, using a funnel, on which a piece of nylon stocking is pulled. The principle of operation of the device is ensured by pumping air with a compressor, as well as its further entry into the receiver under a certain pressure. It smooths out pressure fluctuations. Then the air is sent to a container with fuel, where it mixes with alcohol vapor. The resulting mixture enters the burner. You can adjust the intensity of combustion using a special screw that is on the burner.
Third production method
If you are thinking about how to make an alcohol burner, then you will need to prepare a flat metal can, which can be a canned food or cosmetic cream container. You will need a pumice stone, as well as alcohol. The mechanism of such a device is extremely simple and does not require special efforts in manufacturing. To create a device, it is necessary to put pumice stone in the container as tightly as possible, and then pour everything on top with some amount of fuel. It is necessary to perform these manipulations as carefully as possible so that the liquidsoaked in, not spilled out. Due to the presence of pumice, the flame will burn for 15 minutes, since it will act as a fuel distributor due to its porous structure. Such an alcohol burner from cans will allow you to cook food, as well as heat a fairly small room like a camping tent, garage or change house. To heat food, it is necessary to build a stand for dishes, which is made of stones, wire or other material. The main thing in this case is to take into account the requirement, which is the need for stability of the dishes.
Main types of alcohol burners
Homemade alcohol burner can be open or closed. Each of these structures has its own advantages and disadvantages. If we are talking about an open type device, then you may encounter not so high efficiency, combustion will take place over a larger area. This will contribute to the abundant evaporation of the fuel. Among other things, closed-type burners do not provide the ability to control the amount of remaining fuel. Such burners require external ignition, which increases the fire hazard. However, each of the listed burners can be made independently. It is important to remember that the operation of burners is based on the combustion of fuel mixture vapors. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use substances that contain acetone, as well as gasoline, as fuel.
Experimental part
The capacity of the tank can be 70 milliliters, nozzles need to be done in the amount of 16 pieces, the distance between themshould be one centimeter. Approximate burning time can be 25 minutes per charge. As practice shows, the duration and intensity of burning of such devices depends on the type of fuel. Best of all, combustion occurs from the vapor of medical alcohol. If we are talking about situations where salicylic acid is used, then it does not burn so intensely. If the burner is filled with food alcohol, then it will show the shortest burning time.
Expert advice
The temperature of the alcohol burner is high enough to heat the tent and cook food. In the process of using alcohol devices, solutions that contain about 50-70% ethanol should be used. This allows you to extend the period of work, although it reduces the intensity of the flame. The design has the ability to boil 0.5 liters of water in 7 minutes, which is enough to make tea or steam instant noodles. During operation, do not turn the device over, as this may be a fire hazard. As practice shows, if you throw cotton wool on top, and then set it on fire, alcohol can begin to evaporate strongly from overheating, because of which the burner will simply shatter in half. The design of the burner is very simple, but before making it, many people think why use liquid alcohol when there is dry alcohol. The answer to this question will be higher heat transfer, which indicates the possibility of faster water heating.
In conclusion
Using a few aluminum cans, you can make your own alcohola burner that will be able to help you out of the city and on a camping trip on vacation. It is noteworthy that you can perform such a device without additional tools. That is why it so attracts home craftsmen who often prefer to relax outside the city. There is no need to bring such a device with you; it will be enough to use tin cans that can be prepared in nature. And after the first use, the device can be disposed of.