It's no secret that not all houses still have gas stoves, and you have to cook on electricity. It also happens that there is simply nothing to cook food on. This is especially true for hiking trips. In this case, do-it-yourselfers came up with man-made burners that run on liquid fuels: gasoline and alcohol. Today we will find out what a gas burner is made of and how effective it is in cooking.

Such a device can be taken with you on a hike, to the country, to the sea or quickly made in case of a sudden lack of electricity or gas, or for temporary heating in cold weather. Also, a homemade gasoline burner will come in handy in places where it is forbidden to make a fire, or if you do not want to draw attention to yourself - the device is capable of producing a flame that is enough for cooking, but the fire is almost invisible. This cooking method is ideal when there is no firewood nearby or you are on a mountain top where it is difficult to start a fire.
Let's say right away that a do-it-yourself gasoline burner is made in different ways, but today we will remember the mostsimple, which even a woman will be able to repeat, and for this she will not need any plumbing tools. Also, this method is useful for the ecology of the planet, because we will make the burner from waste material.
Gasoline Stove: An Easy Way to Make at Home
You can find a prototype of such a device in a store for hunters, fishermen and tourists next to fishing rods, flasks and tents. The cost of the burner in the store is more than 400 rubles. If you prefer to save money, or the need to create a hearth overtook you right on a hike, then read the instructions for making a gasoline burner below.
Take 2 empty cans of beer, cola or condensed milk. We will use their bottom. Make 4 holes in the middle of the bottom of the first jar with a nail or button (the holes should be small).

Next, you will need to pierce the same holes around the perimeter of the rim of the jar. This will be a blank for the upper part of the burner - camphor, from which an even flame will beautifully burst out like a gas stove. Cut this piece off the can. The length of the side should be about 2-3 centimeters.
Cut off the bottom of the second jar as well. In order to avoid nicks, walk along the edges of the cut with fine sandpaper. Place a cotton swab dipped in gasoline on the bottom of your burner and cover with the top of the burner to act as a seal.
If the parts do not touch tightly, you can insert into the gap between the wallsstrips of tin left over from a can.
Gas burner application
Pour gasoline over the burner where you made 4 holes so that the fuel gets on the rim of the can where you also drilled holes. Set it on fire. The tin will heat up quickly, transfer heat to a lump of cotton wool soaked in gasoline, and vapors from it will begin to stand out, which will keep the fire in your burner. You should not set fire to the cotton wool itself: this is fraught with burns, and even if you succeed, the cotton wool will simply burn out quickly. It is much more economical and efficient to maintain the flame in the burner due to the vapors that form from the heating of the device.

Don't think that the jar will melt: according to the laws of physics, the flame does not touch the surface of the burner to the degree of melting of the metal, but burns what is above it. The final touch is the support on which the bowler will stand. It can be two steel rods, bent into the letter P and dug into the ground parallel to each other.
You can also use a wide can of stew with the bottom and top cut off. Make holes in this cylinder at the bottom and top for air flow to the flame. The gasoline burner should be placed in the center of this cylinder, and you will only have to enjoy cooking a delicious dinner.