Any self-respecting housewife tries to keep the kitchen clean in every possible way, often using not only chemical products sold in stores, but also natural ones at hand.

The most common problem women face in the kitchen is scale buildup on the kettle heating element. Very often, some housewives are simply lost, meeting face to face with this unpleasant raid. How to clean the kettle from scale with improvised means? There are several interesting recipes that solve this problem quickly and easily.
But first, let's figure out where this scale comes from. The thing is that the s alts that are contained in the water, under the influence of high temperature, are concentrated and deposited in the form of a plaque on the coils of the kettle, thereby spoiling its appearance. The exciting question of how to clean the kettle from scale now does not cause any special problems in finding the answer to it.

Perhaps the most original will be the use of the popular drink Coca-Cola. In order for the scale to disappear, you need to pour it into the kettle and boil it. A couple of minutes. As a result of exposure, the entire plaque is easily snapped off from the spiral. And the best teapot appears right in front of your eyes!
Another effective remedy is citric acid. It is diluted in water and poured inside the injured device, but it is not necessary to boil at all, because the acid, aggressively acting on plaque, cleans the heating element and it becomes like new. Vinegar has the same effect on the hated scum. After cleaning the kettle, rinse it well and then boil water in it several times.
But how to clean the kettle from scale quickly? Well, as they say, if you hurry, you will make people laugh! There is no need to rush here, because the effect of cleansers on the coil can be very detrimental. For example, almost no one uses hard brushes that exert a mechanical effect on the heating element. Its coating deteriorates, resulting in damage to the device.

Soda has long been famous for its cleansing properties. She fights with scale in the following way: add one tablespoon of baking soda to a full kettle and boil, then drain the water and rinse well. This advice will be useful not so much for scale on the spiral, but for plaque on the side walls of the device. But any models, even Bosch teapots, no matter how high-quality they are, are prone to scale formation.
Thus, even improvised inexpensive means that are in the kitchen of any housewife will come to the rescue in difficult times. After all, if earlierthe question arose of how to clean the kettle from scale, now you can forget about the problems. There is always citric acid, vinegar and soda at hand, which will easily turn a long-serving kettle into a practically new one without plaque on the side walls and the heating element. And the most original descaler is Coca-Cola, this is a very interesting fact!