Even equipment like a sink can be confusing. The modern assortment is huge, and each model has its own installation features. Let's take a detailed look at the bathroom sink installation process.
About choosing a washbasin
The installation method depends on the type of sink, and there are several types. Among the most popular, it is worth noting the built-in models, cantilever or suspended. Washbasins with a pedestal, as well as models with a semi-pedestal, are very common. Consider each type in more detail:
- The built-in sink in the bathroom, either in the tabletop or in the cabinet, has one feature. The advantage of these designs is that they allow you to completely hide all communications. This washbasin allows you to use the furniture in which it is built. The disadvantage is that the sink with the cabinet takes up quite a lot of space.
- Console models are mounted on the wall using special brackets. The installation process is quite simple. As for shapes and sizes, there are models with a wide variety of variations. The disadvantage, according to many owners, are opencommunications.

- Among models with a pedestal, tulip-type washbasins are the most widespread. Among the features is a decorative element that serves as a support for the thicket. Communications are not visible due to the pedestal.
- The semi-pedestal resembles a "tulip" in design. The basis in these models is not based on the wall, but on the floor. The installation of such equipment is complicated by the need to bring the sewer drain to a certain height.
Acrylic sinks
These models should be mentioned separately. They have recently appeared on the plumbing market. This is an excellent choice for those who aspire to everything unusual and original. In fact, acrylic bathroom sinks are not made entirely of acrylic. What is used as a material? In the course of production, a special plastic mass with a low content of acrylic is used, which is distinguished by a special polymerization kinetics. Due to this, the appearance of pores in the material is excluded, the characteristics are increased - both physical and chemical. These models are also chosen for the fact that there is no styrene in the composition. This is a harmful substance whose vapors can cause serious illness.

Among the characteristics, reviews note low weight with high strength, resistance to various kinds of chemical attack and mechanical damage, and the possibility of repair using thermal effects. These sinks do not absorb odors, have no seams,resistant to high temperatures. The process of installing a sink in a bathroom is no different from installing traditional faience or other models.
Important dimensions
First of all, you need to look at the width and depth of the product. When choosing models with a pedestal, not only the size of the bowl is important, but also the height of the pedestal. As for the width of the shells, manufacturers offer models in a fairly wide range - from 35 to 100 centimeters. When buying a corner washbasin, the width will indicate one of the sides, which is located along the wall. The best option is a 50 cm bathroom sink.
Height is important when choosing models with a cabinet. This parameter is selected taking into account the average height of the inhabitants of an apartment or house. The optimal height is considered to be 94-110 centimeters. The average bowl size is 86-93 centimeters.

Depth is the size of the bathroom sink from the wall to the edge of the product. To use the washbasin was convenient, it is recommended to purchase models with a depth of 48 to 61 centimeters. Comfortable depth can be determined by standing in front of the product and extending your arm. If the back wall ends at finger level, this is the right size.
Dismantling the old element
Installation of the sink in the bathroom begins with dismantling. To do this, first unscrew the nut holding the mixer. Then the latter is disconnected and removed outside. After that, the drain equipment is dismantled - the nuts are unscrewed from the bottom of the washbasin, the siphon is disconnected from the outlet and immediately removedwater from it. If you need to change the siphon, it is also separated from the pipe. After finishing work with the siphon, the hole in the sewer is plugged with a rag or other suitable items. After all operations, you can remove the washbasin from the brackets or supports.
Installation steps for console sinks
Installation should begin with an inspection and evaluation of the wall on which the equipment will be attached. If there is even a slight doubt that the wall will not be able to withstand the weight of the washbasin, then a special load-bearing frame will be needed. Installing a bathroom sink takes a few steps. All of them will be described below.
At this stage, choose a place for fasteners. One of the main factors is the height of the sink. It should be determined in such a way that the washbasin can be used comfortably. The height of the sink in the bathroom is marked using the building level. Draw a line on the wall. If the walls are tiled, then take into account the location of the seams between the tiles - this way it will be possible to install the element without compromising the design.

On the line mark the places of future holes for fasteners. You can take measurements and transfer the results to the wall. Or make marks by placing the sink against the wall.
Drilling holes
Before this operation, the markup should be clarified again. If everything is in order, you can proceed to drilling. You need to use an electric drill or hammer drill. The size of the drill should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the dowel. At designated locationsmake two holes. In order to increase the strength, glue is poured into them. Then dowels are hammered into the holes. Self-tapping screws are better to choose special - for plumbing.
Setting the bowl
How do you install the sink in the bathroom with your own hands? When the holes are drilled, carefully put the sink on the screws. Spacers need to be installed first. It is recommended to twist them very carefully.

You need to wrap the washers until the washbasin stops moving. You shouldn't put in a lot of effort. Otherwise, you can easily damage the bowl, resulting in cracks, or the shell will simply split into two parts. Fasteners are closed with decorative plugs.
Subtleties of installation of washbasins with cabinet
Installing a sink with a cabinet in the bathroom is no more difficult than installing a suspended structure. But there are some features. Before installing the washbasin on the base, you should connect all communications for the water supply directly in the cabinet. If you do this after mounting the bowl, then this will lead to unpleasant problems - the space inside the cabinet is very limited. And connecting anything in such conditions is quite difficult.
The second feature of the built-in sink in the bathroom is the holes for the siphon and hoses in the cabinet - they may not be suitable for specific conditions. In this case, simply cut out a new opening. To do this, you can use a saw-crown with an electric drill.

During installation, you should accurately set the cabinet - it must be strictly horizontal. The process itself is very simple - each pedestal has legs for adjustment. Place an ordinary level on the leveling stand. The legs are then rotated to the ideal position until the installation height of the bathroom sink is the same.
After alignment, you can move on to fasteners. They do it in two ways. So, the first involves the use of sealants, and the second - anchor screws. Professionals advise to stop on the first option. Fasteners do not have to be super-reliable - just fill the space between the bowl and the wall with sealant and wait until it dries completely. Installing a sink with a cabinet in the bathroom on anchor screws is a lot of work. And the result is the same result as with the sealant.
Features of corner washbasins
High versatility and functionality allow these products to be equally successful in any style. Also one of the advantages is compactness. Therefore, corner sinks are installed in the bathroom in case of a lack of space. As for the varieties of models, everything is the same here as with ordinary washbasins. These are the same built-in models, hanging solutions, tulip-type models.
There are products in the form of an isosceles triangle and asymmetric solutions. The first are characterized by uniform angles of contact with the wall. This makes it possible to use the free space in the room more efficiently. The second is a triangle, one side of which is longer. Depending on thethe position of the washbasin relative to the walls, almost all of its large part will be shifted in a certain direction, and the second will be free. The size of the bathroom sink can be different. Now manufacturers offer corner models with sinks from 35 to 65 centimeters. The height of the product is often 70 centimeters.

As for the features of installation, in the case of installation of suspended models, a special holder is required in the kit. What it is? This is an L-shaped metal bar. First, this holder is mounted to the wall, and the washbasin bowl is already installed on it. When installing corner washbasins in other types of bathrooms, the rules for ordinary rectangular washbasins apply.